Abishek Murali Mohan

Consulting Member of Technical Staff, OCI Console Team

Abishek Murali Mohan is a Senior Principal Software Engineer at Oracle, with over 12 years of experience. He plays a key role in OCI Console, leading efforts in frontend, backend, and platform engineering. His current focus is on designing next-generation frontend architecture and frameworks that enable Console to scale massively. 

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Recent Blogs

Behind the Scenes: Building OCI’s next-generation UX with atomic design

We capture how the Oracle Cloud Console Ops team built a next-generation console that unites hundreds of OCI service functionalities for advanced and nimble UI

Behind the scenes: Scaling UI for hundreds of services

So often user interfaces (UI) don't respond to customer needs. In this Oracle blog post, we explain how OCI's Console brings scalability and flexibility to cloud users.

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