Zhen Hua Liu


The leading architect for semi-structured data management and multi-model data management for Oracle Converged Database Server and Autonomous Database Cloud Servcie. The originator of SQL/JSON standard for DBMS industry. Principal architect for Oracle database server support of SQL/JSON, SQL/XML. Original designer and developer of Oracle optimized binary JSON format, aka, OSON, SQL/JSON path OSON processor engine, JSON, full text, spatial in memory database processing, JSON  sharding support, , JSON/XML search index, JSON DOM API design. One of the Oracle standard representatives to standardize SQL/JSON, SQL/XML, W3C XQuery, SQL/PGQ (Property Graph Query Language). Prior to Oracle, he had done research and development of Object Relational DBMS with integration of Postgres/Illustra into Informix  RDBMS and had done  development of ANSI SQL 89/92 standard compliance feature for Sybase RDBMS.

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Recent Blogs

Search indexes for JSON

The JSON search index is a flexible index which indexes all the content of a JSON document collection. It's ideally suited where you don't know the schema, or layout, of your documents in advance, or you need full-text search capability over JSON content.

JSON DataType Support in Oracle 21c

JSON Type, Multi-value index, JSON_Transform, JDBC and SODA in Oracle Database Release 21c.

Autonomous JSON Database under the covers: OSON format

One of the secrets behind Autonomous JSON Database is a new optimized native binary storage format for JSON, called OSON. All JSON documents in Autonomous JSON Database are automatically stored in OSON format. This delivers big performance benefits to your JSON applications, including faster query p...

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