Zhen Hua Liu
The leading architect for semi-structured data management and multi-model data management for Oracle Converged Database Server and Autonomous Database Cloud Servcie. The originator of SQL/JSON standard for DBMS industry. Principal architect for Oracle database server support of SQL/JSON, SQL/XML. Original designer and developer of Oracle optimized binary JSON format, aka, OSON, SQL/JSON path OSON processor engine, JSON, full text, spatial in memory database processing, JSON sharding support, , JSON/XML search index, JSON DOM API design. One of the Oracle standard representatives to standardize SQL/JSON, SQL/XML, W3C XQuery, SQL/PGQ (Property Graph Query Language). Prior to Oracle, he had done research and development of Object Relational DBMS with integration of Postgres/Illustra into Informix RDBMS and had done development of ANSI SQL 89/92 standard compliance feature for Sybase RDBMS.