Somnath Lahiri

Product Lead, Streaming & Messaging

Recent Blogs

Announcing preference management for OCI tenancy administrator email ...

A recent enhancement we launched for OCI Announcements where tenancy administrators can manage fine-grained preferences for Email Announcements. In addition, we are providing an overview and the Announcement Service and what other enhancements we are making in near future.

Oracle Streaming Becomes Kafka Compatible

Today, we are announcing the general availability for compatibility with Apache Kafka - the leading message bus platform for building event-driven applications and real-time big data infrastructure for analytics.

Extending Oracle Streaming with Kafka Compatibility

This blog post announces the upcoming General Availability of Kafka compatibility for Oracle Streaming.

Push Time-Sensitive Notifications to Many Distributed Applications

As enterprises transform and build modern cloud native applications, they need a foundational, easy-to-use, cloud-scale, publish-subscribe messaging service to help application development teams in the following ways: Simplify development of event-driven applications Enable 24x7 DevOps for applicati...

Ingest and Process High-Volume, Continuous Data in Real Time with ...

The Streaming service provides a fully managed, scalable, and durable storage solution for ingesting continuous, high-volume streams of data that you can consume in real time.

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