Rachel Bennett

Recent Blogs

Innovation in financial services: Credit card fraud detection

The financial services industry is facing a unique combination of challenges and opportunities in 2023. It’s critical that IT investments in cloud innovation help banks address credit card fraud, which is on the increase. OCI fuels financial innovation through simplifying risk management and compliance in credit card transaction anomaly detection to protect resources and reputation and improve the customer experience.

Financial services industry for innovation: Loan origination

The financial services industry is facing a unique combination of challenges and opportunities in 2023. It’s critical that IT investments in cloud innovation accelerate their data journey, increase operational efficiencies, and further personalize the customer experience. OCI fuels industry innovation through generating accurate credit decisions and competitive pricing at speed for a wide scope of lending products.

Innovation in financial services: Bank account opening and onboarding

The financial services industry is facing a unique combination of challenges and opportunities in 2023. It’s critical that IT investments in cloud innovation improve digital account opening and onboarding, a top strategic imperative for banks. OCI enables firms to build new cloud native applications and automate account application processes to accelerate completion of new account onboarding.

5 maneras de redefinir la TI en función del cambio

Oracle celebró recientemente un CIO Exchange para debatir 5 formas de redefinir las TI ante el cambio con las siguientes conclusiones clave.

5 maneiras de redefinir a TI diante das mudanças

Recentemente, a Oracle realizou o CIO Exchange para discutir 5 maneiras de redefinir a TI diante das mudanças com as seguintes conclusões.

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