Cyber-attacks have become more advanced and often take advantage of a new or known vulnerabilities that the DBA has not had the time or opportunity to deal with. Securing Oracle databases is much like securing any other system to protect sensitive data against these attacks.
Oracle Enterprise Manager (EM) compliance solution provides out-of-the-box tools to secure your database assets based on your security best practices by leveraging industry and regulatory standards like the Center for Internet Security (CIS) and Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG). You can also customize security controls based on your own policies to attain the desired level of security posture.
The EM compliance solution now expands to support out-of-the-box standards for Database Security Assessment Tool (DBSAT) v2.2.2, amalgamating threat detection and security posture management. At the fleet level, the DBSAT compliance standard enables concurrent assessment of numerous databases for vulnerabilities. DBSAT helps identify areas where database configuration, operation, or implementation introduces risks and recommends changes and controls to mitigate those risks.
Reduce operational cost by using automatic assessment of security status in the Oracle Database at scale
Automate corrective actions to remediate violations, and improve the security posture of your Oracle Databases
The following EM DBSAT compliance standard categories can be used to assess database vulnerabilities and potential risks to safeguard and continuously monitor the database environment. This aids in creating a security strategy and knowledge base on sensitive data, configuration, and user privileges.
The Compliance dashboard provides an enterprise view of how compliant or at-risk an organization or business area is. The dashboard contains charts representing the compliance score for your EM DBSAT standard, showing the least compliant database targets.
Both the native DBSAT report and EM compliance evaluation report provide an overview of security posture which can be easily viewed by DBAs, IT management, CISO office, or auditors.
Starting with EM 13.5 release update 5, you can use the out-of-the-box DBSAT standard to associate all managed databases for concurrent security assessment of each database instance. EM generates a native DBSAT report besides its compliance evaluation report. You can use either of the reports to mainly identify high-risk areas and remediate them to increase the security posture of each database instance as well as at scale.
Manage Compliance in Enterprise Manager