Beating resume barriers: Tips for military spouses

May 10, 2024 | 4 minute read
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About the author: Mindy Jaffar is Inclusion Program Manager, Military Talent

Mindy Jaffar, Global Inclusive Recruiting Programs Manager, Military Talent
Mindy Jaffar, Global Inclusive Recruiting Programs
Manager, Military Talent

Finding and maintaining your dream job can be a challenge for military spouses. After retiring from a twenty-year Navy career, I transitioned directly into the role of a military spouse. Equipped with bachelor's and master's degrees, I committed myself to ongoing professional development. However, securing the right job at the right company was difficult despite my qualifications.

We were relocating for my husband's next assignment, and remote opportunities were scarce. My lack of corporate experience left me uncertain about where I belonged in the workforce as each year passed without a new career. I wanted to be part of something significant that aligned with my values and aspirations. I needed an organization that recognized and valued my sacrifices and offered opportunities to accommodate my unique lifestyle.

As a result, I understand firsthand the challenges that stand in the way of securing meaningful employment and how to communicate them on your resume. Here are my five tips to help you overcome resume barriers and achieve success in your career journey:

1. Talking about relocations
Frequent relocations are the norm for military families. These are typically due to shifts in duty assignments or temporary relocations during deployments to be close to your support network. Employers should appreciate the valuable skills and experiences acquired through these transitions rather than viewing them as obstacles. Stick to your work experience and leave location information off your resume to keep the focus on you and your skills.

2. Seek remote and flexible opportunities
If your spouse is on active duty, chances are high that you may relocate at some point. This makes committing to a location-specific role impractical. Prioritize remote or flexible positions, allowing you to pursue your career aspirations without committing to a single location. However, if you’re set on a particular role and company, apply anyway and ask if they’re open to making the role remote.

3. Explain frequent job changes
Frequent job changes can be misinterpreted as "job hopping" and could raise concerns for employers. Military-ready organizations like Oracle know that military spouses frequently take on the role of household leader with responsibility for childcare and finances while their spouse serves. This may lead you to opt for roles that require less experience or commitment and more flexibility to meet the demands of military life. LinkedIn is a great space to address frequent job changes. Use the "About" section in your profile to give context and highlight your skills and experiences.

4. Enhance industry-specific employment opportunities
A lack of industry-specific employment is common among military spouses. You must maintain adaptability and embrace a flexible approach, accepting positions wherever and whenever necessary. This equips you with a unique skill set and the ability to thrive in many roles. To enhance your career prospects, consider furthering your education, obtaining certifications, or developing a specialized trade in your field.

5. Communicate employment gaps
You might have temporary interruptions to your career path due to relocations, deployments, and extra family responsibilities. This shouldn’t undermine your expertise and skills! Recruiters prioritize clarity and communicating an employment gap is better than leaving a blank space and a lot of questions. Take stock of your engagements during that time and include them on your resume to provide a comprehensive overview of your experiences and capabilities.

You can also spotlight your experience in other ways outside of your resume:

  • Highlight your status and transferable skills by emphasizing the skills you've gained such as adaptability, leadership, problem-solving, and teamwork. Show potential employers how these skills are applicable in any work environment, regardless of location or industry.
  • Network by taking advantage of military spouse networks, attend industry-specific events and engage in professional development opportunities. Building connections and staying updated on industry trends can open many new career opportunities.
  • Utilize military-friendly resources like the Military Spouse Employment Partnership (MSEP) and Hiring Our Heroes (HOH). These organizations offer job search assistance, resume writing help, and networking opportunities tailored to military spouses.
  • Embrace lifelong learning by acquiring new certifications, attending workshops, or pursuing additional education during the transition. Showing a commitment to lifelong learning enhances your skills and makes you more attractive to potential employers.

While finding your dream career as a military spouse may be challenging, it’s not impossible! By highlighting your diverse experience, addressing gaps in employment, leveraging military-friendly resources, tailoring your resume, and networking effectively, you can overcome barriers and achieve success in your career journey.

Remember, your unique experiences and skills as a military spouse are assets that set you apart in the job market. Embrace them, and never underestimate the value you bring to any organization.

Do you want to work somewhere that recognizes and honors the contributions military spouses make? Learn more about getting hired at Oracle.

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