The New Java Magazine

August 27, 2019 | 2 minute read
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Hello, world! from our new, more readable, higher-frequency home.

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Today we unveil the long-promised web-based Java Magazine. This migration has been in the works for a while and brings with it several benefits I hope you’ll enjoy.

The most conspicuous improvement is that articles are now presented in responsive HTML. You can read each article online without waiting for the hosted PDF to load. The new format also plays well with mobile devices of any form factor. Moreover, the articles are presented in a single, scrollable page, rather than in a format that requires you to click in order to move forward or backwards through multiple pages.

The magazine will no longer be available as a downloadable PDF file. By moving to responsive HTML, we have intentionally walked away from the downloadable PDF format. As more readers engage with us on mobile devices, PDF documents have become increasingly cumbersome, especially for long articles with lots of code where you need to page back and forth to follow an explanation. And so, we have abandoned PDFs entirely. However, if you want to download the previous PDF issues, you’ll find those of the last two years freely available for download on our “back issues” tab.

We’ve also moved to a monthly schedule. Our previous cadence of two months made it too difficult to provide timely content. With this new schedule, you should receive updates and useful information faster. I have slightly misrepresented things by describing it this way. In actual fact, we’ll be publishing articles—typically united by a theme—all month long and then send you a notice with links to the articles, the theme that unites them, and any non-theme features we’ve posted.

That’s it! More content, better presented.

As is so frequently the case with projects like this, we’re very dependent on your feedback and we will continue tweaking details in response to your thoughtful comments and critiques. (Kudos are welcome too!)

Please send them to me at If you’ve written to me in the past, you know that I read and reply to all comments.

Thank you for your forbearance during this transition and welcome to the new Java Magazine!

Also in This Issue

Know for Sure with Property-Based Testing
Arquillian: Easy Jakarta EE Testing
Unit Test Your Architecture with ArchUnit
For the Fun of It: Writing Your Own Text Editor, Part 1
Quiz Yourself: Using Collectors (Advanced)
Quiz Yourself: Comparing Loop Constructs (Intermediate)
Quiz Yourself: Threads and Executors (Advanced)
Quiz Yourself: Wrapper Classes (Intermediate)
Book Review: Core Java, 11th Ed. Volumes 1 and 2

Andrew Binstock

Andrew Binstock (@platypusguy) is the lead developer on the Jacobin JVM project—a JVM written entirely in Go. He was formerly the editor in chief of Java Magazine, and before that he was the editor of Dr. Dobb’s Journal. Earlier, he cofounded the company behind the open source iText PDF library. He lives in Northern California with his wife, and when he’s not coding, he studies piano.

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Core Java, 11th Ed. Volumes 1 and 2

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