Reactive streams programming is gaining popularity as a way to handle asynchronous stream processing, and more and more APIs are adopting a reactive approach. With a reactive approach, everything has to be asynchronous and nonblocking—and the implementation needs a mechanism for feedback to regulate data flow, so subscribers won’t be drowned by faster publishers.
However, the best solution, I believe, is to employ the Reactive Streams API. With this API and bidirectional communication in the streams, an application can signal the publishers how much stuff it can work with—in other words, it can apply the necessary backpressure to start and stop the stream as needed or desired. See Figure 1.
This need for bidirectional asynchronous communication can constrain the developer’s options for streaming data remotely over the network. There are heavy-duty messaging systems that can address this problem, of course, and they can tame large amounts of asynchronous traffic flowing over the network. However, those are usually big guns requiring considerable heavy infrastructure. But what about simple use cases of server-to-client reactive connections, which aren’t sending huge amounts of data and where the client signals the server how much data to send?
Figure 1. The publish/subscribe model for the Reactive Streams API
There are existing solutions for connecting publishers to subscribers via the network, such as RSocket, Reactive gRPC, and ServiceTalk. Those are specification-compliant and ready to use.
But if you are already working with a bidirectional network protocol such as WebSocket with the Helidon SE microservices library for Java, how hard would it be to simply use WebSocket directly for connecting client subscribers to remote publishers? That’s what I’ll explore in this article.
To be clear, implementing Reactive Streams for JVM API by yourself can be tricky and is usually discouraged because this seemingly simple API has a complicated specification. But as a reward, you can have total control over the serialization of the stream items and more versatility to recover from network issues.
The WebSocket protocol is actually well suited for such a task, and I’ll show you the benefits and drawbacks of using WebSocket with Helidon SE. I’ll create a WebSocket server with Helidon SE for publishing to remote reactive subscribers, define custom reactive signals, serialize them to JSON, and connect to the server (via the stream) from Java and from JavaScript-based subscribers.
And all of that is end-to-end reactive.
You can find all the examples for this article on GitHub.
Before continuing, be aware that Helidon supports two programming models for writing microservices:
To connect reactive streams over a network, an application needs an intermediate reactive subscriber on the server side and a publisher on the client side. This may seem a little confusing since the server side is actually the one doing the publishing—but you should consider the WebSocket network bridge as a processor in the middle of the stream. Thus, the server side has to act as a subscriber for its upstream, while the client side acts a publisher for its downstream. See Figure 2.
Figure 2. The upstream and downstream of the WebSocket network bridge
The WebSocket API is always connecting client endpoints to the server endpoint. The biggest difference between those two kinds of endpoints is that the server endpoint is instantiated, by default, by the WebSocket implementation for every client connection. Thus, to use the server endpoint as a subscriber, I must access the instance and subscribe it to the reactive stream after the connection is made.
First, I will use a StreamFactory
class to publishers for this example application to supply a publisher every time the client is connected. The factory will return a simple new stream of the 10 string items emitted at half-second intervals.
public class StreamFactory {
private final ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutorService = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(4);
public Multi<String> createStream() {
return Multi.interval(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, scheduledExecutorService)
.map(aLong -> "Message number: " + aLong);
Now I’ll create a simple custom wrapper to differentiate signals sent over WebSocket. For this example, let’s assume it’s a stream of strings. To make things simple, I’m not propagating subscribe or onSubscribe
signals in this example. The impact of that simplification is that the application must wait for the WebSocket connection to be ready before sending a request signal, so the abstraction is not really perfect.
public class ReactiveSignal {
public Type type;
public long requested;
public String item;
public Throwable error;
public enum Type {
public static ReactiveSignal request(long n) {
ReactiveSignal signal = new ReactiveSignal();
signal.type = Type.REQUEST;
signal.requested = n;
return signal;
public static ReactiveSignal cancel() {
ReactiveSignal signal = new ReactiveSignal();
signal.type = Type.CANCEL;
return signal;
public static ReactiveSignal next(String item) {
ReactiveSignal signal = new ReactiveSignal();
signal.type = Type.ON_NEXT;
signal.item = item;
return signal;
public static ReactiveSignal error(Throwable t) {
ReactiveSignal signal = new ReactiveSignal();
signal.type = Type.ON_ERROR;
signal.error = t;
return signal;
public static ReactiveSignal complete() {
ReactiveSignal signal = new ReactiveSignal();
signal.type = Type.ON_COMPLETE;
return signal;
For this example, it’s best to encode the WebSocket messages with JSON-B. This will pay off later, when I connect to the server from JavaScript.
public class ReactiveSignalEncoderDecoder
implements Encoder.TextStream<ReactiveSignal>, Decoder.TextStream<ReactiveSignal> {
private static final Jsonb jsonb = JsonbBuilder.create(new JsonbConfig().withAdapters(new ThrowableAdapter()));
public ReactiveSignal decode(final Reader reader) {
return jsonb.fromJson(reader, ReactiveSignal.class);
public void encode(final ReactiveSignal object, final Writer writer) throws IOException {
public void init(final EndpointConfig config) {
public void destroy() {
Next I will prepare a WebSocket endpoint, which also will be a Flow.Subscriber
, which means it can directly subscribe to the publisher created by StreamFactory
. In this code, I’ll assume the subscription needs to be realized before the endpoint can intercept a WebSocket message.
public class WebSocketServerEndpoint extends Endpoint implements Flow.Subscriber<String> {
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WebSocketServerEndpoint.class.getName());
private Session session;
private Flow.Subscription subscription;
public void onOpen(Session session, EndpointConfig endpointConfig) {
this.session = session;
System.out.println("Session " + session.getId());
session.addMessageHandler(new MessageHandler.Whole<ReactiveSignal>() {
public void onMessage(ReactiveSignal signal) {
System.out.println("Message " + signal);
switch (signal.type) {
case CANCEL:
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected signal " + signal.type + " from upstream!");
public void onError(final Session session, final Throwable thr) {
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, thr, () -> "WebSocket error.");
super.onError(session, thr);
public void onClose(final Session session, final CloseReason closeReason) {
super.onClose(session, closeReason);
public void onSubscribe(final Flow.Subscription subscription) {
this.subscription = subscription;
public void onNext(final String item) {
public void onError(final Throwable throwable) {
try {
session.close(new CloseReason(CloseReason.CloseCodes.UNEXPECTED_CONDITION, throwable.getMessage()));
} catch (IOException e) {
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, e, () -> "Error when closing web socket.");
public void onComplete() {
try {
session.close(new CloseReason(CloseReason.CloseCodes.NORMAL_CLOSURE, "Completed"));
} catch (IOException e) {
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, e, () -> "Error when closing web socket.");
private void sendSignal(ReactiveSignal signal) {
Notice that I am using WebSocket’s AsyncRemote to send messages asynchronously. This is necessary because it’s forbidden to block threads in reactive pipelines.
The only thing missing now is starting Helidon SE as a WebSocket server. Once that’s done, every created endpoint/subscriber is subscribed to the new publisher supplied by the StreamFactory
when a client connection is created. That way, the upstream subscription is ready when the first request signal from the downstream client arrives over WebSocket.
StreamFactory streamFactory = new StreamFactory();
TyrusSupport tyrusSupport = TyrusSupport.builder()
WebSocketServerEndpoint.class, "/messages")
.configurator(new ServerEndpointConfig.Configurator() {
public <T> T getEndpointInstance(final Class<T> endpointClass)
throws InstantiationException {
T endpointInstance = super.getEndpointInstance(endpointClass);
if (endpointInstance instanceof WebSocketServerEndpoint) {
WebSocketServerEndpoint endpoint =
(WebSocketServerEndpoint) endpointInstance;
//Endpoint is instantiated for every connection; lets subscribe it to the upstream
return endpointInstance;
Routing routing = Routing.builder()
.register("/ws", tyrusSupport)
That’s it for the server side!
The next step is to use Flow.Publisher
for the client side, so the application has something to subscribe to. There are many specification rules for the publisher to comply with, but the most pressing issues are to signal subscriber methods serially (rule 1.3 of using the Reactive Streams spec for the JVM) and to not block signals from downstream (rules 3.4 and 3.5). I will leverage Helidon SE’s SequentialSubscriber class as a wrapper for the actual subscriber, to defend it from wildly asynchronous signals coming over a WebSocket. To ensure the request/cancel signals are nonblocking and nonobstructing, I will simply use WebSocket’s AsyncRemote to send the signals upstream, as was done on the server side.
public class WebSocketClientEndpoint extends Endpoint implements Flow.Publisher<String>, Flow.Subscription {
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WebSocketClientEndpoint.class.getName());
private Session session;
private Flow.Subscriber<? super String> subscriber;
public void onOpen(final Session session, final EndpointConfig endpointConfig) {
this.session = session;
session.addMessageHandler(new MessageHandler.Whole<ReactiveSignal>() {
public void onMessage(ReactiveSignal signal) {
switch (signal.type) {
case ON_NEXT:
case ON_ERROR:
subscriber.onError(new IllegalStateException("Unexpected signal " + signal.type + " from upstream!"));
public void onError(final Session session, final Throwable thr) {
Optional.ofNullable(subscriber).ifPresent(s -> s.onError(thr));
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, thr, () -> "Connection error");
super.onError(session, thr);
public void onClose(final Session session, final CloseReason closeReason) {
super.onClose(session, closeReason);
public void subscribe(final Flow.Subscriber<? super String> subscriber) {
Objects.requireNonNull(subscriber, "subscriber is null");
// Notice usage of Helidon's SequentialSubscriber as a wrapper
// to get around difficulties with specification rules 1.3, 1.7
this.subscriber = SequentialSubscriber.create(subscriber);
public void request(final long n) {
public void cancel() {
private void sendAsyncSignal(ReactiveSignal signal) {
try {
//reactive means no blocking
} catch (Exception e) {
Now I just have to connect and request something, reusing the same encoder for serializing messages. This time the test application is creating only one connection, so I can instantiate the client endpoint myself.
public class Client {
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(Client.class.getName());
public static void main(String[] args)
throws URISyntaxException, DeploymentException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
ClientManager client = ClientManager.createClient();
WebSocketClientEndpoint endpoint = new WebSocketClientEndpoint();
Future<Session> sessionFuture = client.asyncConnectToServer(endpoint,
new URI("ws://localhost:8080/ws/messages"));
//Wait for the connection
//Subscribe to the publisher and wait for the stream to end
.onError(throwable -> LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, throwable, () -> "Error from upstream!"))
.onComplete(() -> LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Complete signal received!"))
.forEach(s -> System.out.println("Received item> " + s))
The output should look like this, with 10 items coming in half-second intervals followed by the complete signal:
Received item> Message number: 0
Received item> Message number: 1
Received item> Message number: 2
Received item> Message number: 3
Received item> Message number: 4
Received item> Message number: 5
Received item> Message number: 6
Received item> Message number: 7
Received item> Message number: 8
Received item> Message number: 9
Jul 30, 2020 5:34:22 PM io.helidon.fs.reactive.Client lambda$main$2
INFO: Complete signal received!
As you can see, I have subscribed to the WebSocket publisher with forEach
, which requests Long.MAX_VALUE
and means the subscriber is confident it is able to consume any number of items. Luckily, the upstream sends only 10 items and then finishes.
Handling error signals with Java
What if something goes wrong? Let’s find out. First, let’s make sure the client code is logging error signals and reports a problem.
.onError(throwable -> LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, throwable, () -> "Error from upstream!"))
.onComplete(() -> LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Complete signal received!"))
.forEach(s -> System.out.println("Received item> " + s))
And now, to introduce a fault, I’ll tell the StreamFactory
to produce an error signal as the fourth item.
public class StreamFactory {
public Multi<String> createStream() {
return Multi.concat(Multi.just(1, 2, 3), Single.error(new Throwable("BOOM!")))
.map(aLong -> "Message number: " + aLong);
Running the code shows the following results. I can thank the JSON-B adapter for providing a stack trace:
Received item> Message number: 1
Received item> Message number: 2
Received item> Message number: 3
Jul 31, 2020 4:30:11 PM io.helidon.fs.reactive.Client lambda$main$1
SEVERE: Error from upstream!
java.lang.Throwable: BOOM!
at app//io.helidon.fs.reactive.StreamFactory.createStream(
at app//io.helidon.fs.reactive.Server$1.getEndpointInstance(
at app//org.glassfish.tyrus.core.TyrusEndpointWrapper$1.getEndpointInstance(
That concludes the Java-to-Java solution with reactive streams. How about getting a little polyglot?
Full-stack reactive coding with JavaScript
When there’s a reactive WebSocket endpoint on the back end, why not try to connect it to the reactive pipeline on the front end?
Let’s connect the application to a Reactive Extensions for JavaScript (RxJS) stream. To stay end-to-end reactive, I’ll use reactive operators to map custom signals to the RxJS stream. The snippet below leverages the takeWhile
operator for detecting the complete signal; when the ON_COMPLETE
type arrives, the RxJS stream is completed.
For mapping the error signal, RxJS’s flatMap
equivalent, called mergeMap
, is the most suitable. I’ll use it for mapping any items of ON_ERROR
type to stream errors and flatten errors into the main stream. In case the error is ON_NEXT
, I’ll just unwrap the item with flattening using of(msg.item)
const { Observable, of, from, throwError} = rxjs;
const { map, takeWhile, mergeMap } = rxjs.operators;
const { WebSocketSubject } = rxjs.webSocket;
const subject = new WebSocketSubject('ws://');
// Now I have to map the custom signals to RxJS
// Map the custom ON_COMPLETE to RxJS complete signal
takeWhile(msg => msg.type !== 'ON_COMPLETE'),
// Map the custom ON_ERROR to RxJS error signal or unwrap next item
mergeMap(msg => msg.type === 'ON_ERROR' ? throwError(msg.error) : of(msg.item))
// invoked for every item
msg => onNext(msg),
// invoked when error signal is intercepted
err => console.log(JSON.stringify(err, null, 2)),
// invoked when complete signal is intercepted
() => console.log('complete')
When I connect this up, nothing happens. That’s because the back end expects requests for a number of items, since it is backpressure-aware. So, I’ll add a button to send a custom request signal:
const input = $("#input");
const submit = $("#submit");
submit.on("click", onSubmit);
function onSubmit() {{"requested":input.val(),"type":"REQUEST"});
You can use the entire working example, which is available from GitHub, to try to request any number of items and see the results visually. Since the stream is initialized for every new connection, after you deplete your 10 items and the stream is completed, simply reload the page to start again. Figure 3 shows the user interface.

Figure 3. The user interface for the JavaScript front end
Handling error signals with JavaScript
Let’s change StreamFactory
again to produce an error signal as the fourth item:
public class StreamFactory {
public Multi<String> createStream() {
return Multi.concat(Multi.just(1, 2, 3), Single.error(new Throwable("BOOM!")))
.map(aLong -> "Message number: " + aLong);
The custom error signal gets encoded to JSON. Figure 4 shows the front end where it gets printed to the console:

Figure 4. Reactive stream error handling with JavaScript and JSON-B
As you can see, the application has a whole exception with a Java stack trace, thanks to the fact that JSON-B is used for encoding the custom signals.
WebSockets are powerful enough to support reactive streams communications. That’s good for relatively small or constrained application use cases. For streams that are expected to be long and that might have millions of items flowing through them, heavier tooling is required.
If you are interested in the topic, I can recommend MicroProfile Reactive Messaging, which is available in Helidon MP. You can also see the non-CDI API, which has been in Helidon SE since version 2.0.0.
Dig deeper
- “Helidon Takes Flight"
- “Microservices From Dev To Deploy, Part 1: Getting Started With Helidon”
- Project Helidon
- Overview of reactive programming
- “Reactive Programming with JAX-RS”
- “Reactive Programming with JDK 9 Flow API”
- “Going Reactive with Eclipse Vert.x and RxJava”
- The WebSocket API
- Helidon Full Stack Reactive on GitHub
Daniel Kec
Daniel Kec is a Java developer working for Oracle in Prague, where he focuses on the Helidon Project.
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