Pattern Matching for instanceof in Java 14

May 19, 2020 | 5 minute read
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Use pattern matching for instanceof to simplify the use of the instanceof operator in Java, thereby making your code safer and easier to write.

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Many Java developers use the instanceof operator to compare a reference variable to a type. If the result is true, the next obvious step is to explicitly cast it to the type they compared it with, to access its members. These steps have a repetition: compareToTypeifTruecastToType.

Here’s an example of code that can be commonly found in codebases:

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1. void outputValueInUppercase(Object obj) {
2.     if (obj instanceof String) {               
3.       String str = (String) obj;            
4.       System.out.println(str.toUpperCase());  
5.     }
6. }

In the preceding code, the code in line 2 compares the reference variable obj to the type String. If the result is true, the code in line 3 defines a local variable str, explicitly casts obj to the type String, and assigns it to the variable str. The code in line 4 can access members of the String value referred to by str.

The following code shows how pattern matching for instanceof removes this redundant code by introducing a pattern variable str with the instanceof operator (right after the type String):

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1. void outputValueInUppercase(Object obj) {
2.     if (obj instanceof String str) {
3.         System.out.println(str.toUpperCase());
4.     }
5. }

In the preceding code, if the instanceof condition is true, the pattern variable str binds to the instance referred to by the variable obj. This saves you from having to either define a new variable or explicitly cast it to String before you call the method toUpperCase() on it.

Pattern Variables

Pattern variables are final local variables that are declared and initialized at the same place. With other final local variables, it is possible to declare them and defer their assignment. Also, you cannot assign another value to a pattern variable since it is implicitly final.

The scope of the pattern variable is limited. If you try to access it in an else block, you’ll receive an error.

This might seem confusing. In the following code, if the class PatternMatching defines an instance or static variable with the same name as the pattern variable (s), the code will compile. In this case, s in the else block would not refer to the pattern variable introduced in the if block:

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public class PatternMatching {
    private String s = "initial value";
    void outputValueInUppercase(Object obj) {
        if (obj instanceof String s) {
            System.out.println(s.toUpperCase()); // refers to pattern var
        } else {
            System.out.println(s.toLowerCase()); // refers to field s

Simplifying the equals() Method

The simplicity of pattern matching can be deceptive. Here is an example of how developers usually override the equals() method in a class. In the following code, the class Monitor defines two fields—model (a String value) and price (a double value):

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public class Monitor {
   String model;
   double price;
   public boolean equals(Object o) {
       if (o instanceof Monitor) {
           Monitor other = (Monitor) o;
           if (model.equals(other.model) && price == other.price) {
               return true;
       return false;

The following code shows how the preceding equals() method could be simplified by using pattern matching for instanceof and the further simplification of if statements:

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public class Monitor {
    String model;
    double price;

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        return o instanceof Monitor other &&  
            model.equals(other.model) && 
            price == other.price;

Concise and Readable Code

Pattern matching with instanceof can be used at multiple places to simplify your code. Look at the method isFeasible in the following code:

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class Project {
    Lang lang;
    Emp projManager;

    private boolean isFeasible(Project project, Location location) {
        if (project.getLang() != Lang.PASCAL) {
            return false;
        if (!(project.getProjManager() instanceof CEO ceo)) {
            return false;
        return ceo.availableAt(location);

    public Emp getProjManager() {
        return projManager;
    public void setProjManager(Emp projManager) {
        this.projManager = projManager;
    public Lang getLang() {
        return lang;
    public void setLang(Lang lang) {
        this.lang = lang;
Replace from here to the end of the code listing with

enum Lang {JAVA, PASCAL}
class Emp { }
class Location { }
class CEO extends Emp {
    Location loc;

    boolean availableAt(Location location) {
        return loc.equals(location);

The following code shows how you can simplify the method isFeasible by using pattern matching with instanceof, which removes redundant casting and then simplifies its if statements:

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1.    private boolean isFeasible(Project project, Location location) {
2.        return project.getLang() == Lang.PASCAL &&
3.            project.getProjManager() instanceof CEO ceo &&
4.            ceo.availableAt(location);
5.    }

In the preceding code, pattern matching with instanceof is used in line 3.

Using Pattern Matching for instanceof with the Stream API

Introduction of the pattern variable opens up various possibilities for improvements. Here is the definition of a method named process:

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void process(Font font, int size) {
    final ArrayList<Node> list = modules.getChildren();
    for (Iterator<Node> i = list.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        final Object o =;
        if (o instanceof LetterNode) {
            final LetterNode letterNode = (LetterNode) o;
            if (letterNode.isLatin()) {
                if (!isLetterTrueFont(letterNode.getNodeValue(), font, size)) {

The following code shows how you can reduce the preceding code by passing code that uses pattern matching for instanceof with the Stream API:

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void process(Font font, int size) {
    modules.getChildren().removeIf(o -> o instanceof LetterNode letterNode
                               && letterNode.isLatin()
                               && !isLetterTrueFont(letterNode.nodeValue, 
                font, size));

Generics and Multiple Uses of instanceof in a Code Block

Pattern matching for instanceof works with generics too.

To look for places where you can use pattern matching for instanceof, search for uses of the instanceof operator and explicit casting of variables. For instance, the following code has multiple occurrences of the instanceof operator with explicit casting:

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void processChildNode(Tree tree) {
    if (tree.getChildNodes() instanceof Map) {
        Map<?, Node> childNodes = (Map<?, Node>) tree.getChildNodes();
        if (childNodes.size() == 1) {
            Node = childNodes.get("root");
            if (node instanceof LetterNode) {
                LetterNode = (LetterNode) node;

The preceding code block can be simplified to the following:

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void processChildNode(Tree tree) {
    if (tree.getChildNodes() instanceof Map<?, Node> childNodes
                 && childNodes.size() == 1
                 && childNodes.get("root") instanceof LetterNode letterNode) {

If you are wondering about the unchecked cast in the preceding example, I'd like to share that method getChildNodes() returns a value of type Map<String, Node>. It is okay to cast from Map<String, Node> to Map<?, Node> in the preceding example since it is an upcast.

Pattern Matching with instanceof Is a Preview Language Feature

Pattern matching with instanceof has been released as a preview language feature in Java 14 under JEP 305. Being a preview feature essentially means that this feature is ready to be used by developers, although its finer details could change in a future Java release depending on developer feedback.

With Java’s new release cadence of six months, new language features are released as preview features. They are complete but not permanent. Unlike an API, language features cannot be deprecated in the future. So, if you have any feedback on pattern matching with instanceof, share it on the JDK mailing list.

To use preview language features, you must enable them when you compile and execute code that uses them. This ensures you do not use these features by mistake.

To compile a source file with pattern matching for instanceof, you must use the options -enable-preview and -release 14. Here is an example to compile a source file called using the command line:

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javac --enable-preview --release 14

To reinforce that preview features are subject to change, you will get compiler warnings such as the one shown in Figure 1 when you execute the preceding command:

Compiler warning for code that uses preview language features

Figure 1. Compiler warning for code that uses preview language features

To execute the class Java14, you must use the option –enable-preview:

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java --enable-preview Java14


A preview language feature in Java 14, pattern matching for instanceof,can simplify how you read and write your code every day. By adding a pattern variable to the instanceof operator, this feature makes your code concise and easier to read and write. In a future Java version, you might see its use extended to switch constructs and other statements.

Mala Gupta

Mala Gupta (@eMalaGupta) is a Java Champion and developer advocate at JetBrains. She is also the founder at and an author of popular certification books. She co-leads the Delhi Java User Group and is a director of the Delhi chapter of Women Who Code.

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