JUnit 5 is a powerful and flexible update to the JUnit framework, and it provides a variety of improvements and new features to organize and describe test cases, as well as help in understanding test results. Updating to JUnit 5 is quick and easy: Just update your project dependencies and start using the new features.
If you’ve been using JUnit 4 for a while, migrating tests may seem like a daunting task. The good news is that you probably don’t need to convert any tests; JUnit 5 can run JUnit 4 tests using the Vintage
That said, here are four solid reasons to start writing new tests in JUnit 5:
Switching from JUnit 4 to JUnit 5 is quite simple, even if you have existing JUnit 4 tests. Most organizations don’t need to convert old JUnit tests to JUnit 5 unless new features are needed. When that’s the case, use these steps:
JUnit 5 tests look mostly the same as JUnit 4 tests, but there are a few differences you should be aware of.
Imports. JUnit 5 uses the new org.junit.jupiter
package for its annotations and classes. For example, org.junit.Test
becomes org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
Annotations. The @Test
annotation no longer has parameters; each of the parameters has been moved to a function. For example, here’s how to indicate that a test is expected to throw an exception in JUnit 4:
@Test(expected = Exception.class)
public void testThrowsException() throws Exception {
// ...
In JUnit 5, this has changed to the following:
void testThrowsException() throws Exception {
Assertions.assertThrows(Exception.class, () -> {
Similarly, timeouts have changed. Here’s an example in JUnit 4:
@Test(timeout = 10)
public void testFailWithTimeout() throws InterruptedException {
In JUnit 5, it changes to the following:
void testFailWithTimeout() throws InterruptedException {
Assertions.assertTimeout(Duration.ofMillis(10), () -> Thread.sleep(100));
Here are other annotations that have changed:
has become @BeforeEach
has become @AfterEach
has become @BeforeAll
has become @AfterAll
has become @Disabled
has become @Tag
and @ClassRule
are gone; use @ExtendWith
and @RegisterExtension
instead.Assertions. JUnit 5 assertions are now in org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions
. Most of the common assertions, such as assertEquals()
and assertNotNull()
, look the same as before, but there are a few differences:
assertEquals("my message", 1, 2)
is now assertEquals(1, 2, "my message")
and assertTimeoutPreemptively()
have replaced the @Timeout
annotation (there is an @Timeout
annotation in JUnit 5, but it works differently than in JUnit 4).Note that you can continue to use assertions from JUnit 4 in a JUnit 5 test if you prefer.
Assumptions. Assumptions have been moved toorg.junit.jupiter.api.Assumptions
The same assumptions exist, but they now support BooleanSupplier
as well as Hamcrest matchers to match conditions. Lambdas (of type Executable
) can be used to execute code when the condition is met.
For example, here’s an example in JUnit 4:
public void testNothingInParticular() throws Exception {
Assume.assumeThat("foo", is("bar"));
In JUnit 5, it becomes this:
void testNothingInParticular() throws Exception {
Assumptions.assumingThat("foo".equals(" bar"), () -> {
In JUnit 4, customizing the framework generally meant using an @RunWith
annotation to specify a custom runner. Using multiple runners was problematic and usually required chaining or using an @Rule
. This has been simplified and improved in JUnit 5 using extensions.
For example, building tests with the Spring framework looked like this in JUnit 4:
public class MyControllerTest {
// ...
With JUnit 5, you include the Spring extension instead:
class MyControllerTest {
// ...
The @ExtendWith
annotation is repeatable, meaning that multiple extensions can be combined easily.
You can also define your own custom extensions easily by creating a class that implements one or more interfaces from org.junit.jupiter.api.extension
and then adding it to your test with @ExtendWith
To convert an existing JUnit 4 test to JUnit 5, use the following steps, which should work for most tests:
annotation, and update both the package and class name for assertions (from Asserts
to Assertions
). Don’t worry yet if there are compilation errors, because completing the following steps should resolve them.@Before
with @BeforeEach
and all Asserts
with Assertions
, @Rule
, or @ClassRule
with the appropriate @ExtendWith
annotations. You may need to find updated documentation online for the extensions you’re using for examples.Note that migrating parameterized tests will require a little more refactoring, especially if you have been using JUnit 4 Parameterized
(the format of JUnit 5 parameterized tests is much closer to JUnitParams
So far, I’ve discussed only existing functionality and how it has changed. But JUnit 5 offers plenty of new features to make your tests more descriptive and maintainable.
Display names. With JUnit 5, you can add the @DisplayName
annotation to classes and methods. The name is used when generating reports, which makes it easier to describe the purpose of tests and track down failures, for example:
@DisplayName("Test MyClass")
class MyClassTest {
@DisplayName("Verify MyClass.myMethod returns true")
void testMyMethod() throws Exception {
// ...
You can also use a display name generator to process your test class or method to generate test names in any format you like. See the JUnit document for specifics and examples.
Assertions. JUnit 5 introduced some new assertions, such as the following:
performs a deep verification of two iterables using equals()
verifies that two lists of strings match; it accepts regular expressions in the expected
groups multiple assertions together. The added benefit is that all assertions are performed, even if individual assertions fail.assertThrows()
and assertDoesNotThrow()
have replaced the expected
property in the @Test
annotation.Nested tests. Test suites in JUnit 4 were useful, but nested tests in JUnit 5 are easier to set up and maintain, and they better describe the relationships between test groups, for example:
@DisplayName("Verify MyClass")
class MyClassTest {
MyClass underTest;
@DisplayName("can be instantiated")
public void testConstructor() throws Exception {
new MyClass();
@DisplayName("with initialization")
class WithInitialization {
void setup() {
underTest = new MyClass();
@DisplayName("myMethod returns true")
void testMyMethod() {
In the example above, you can see that I use a single class for all tests related to MyClass
. I can verify that the class is instantiable in the outer test class, and I use a nested inner class for all tests where MyClass
is instantiated and initialized. The @BeforeEach
method applies only to tests in the nested class.
The @DisplayNames
annotations for the tests and classes indicate both the purpose and organization of tests. This helps you to understand the test report, because you can see the conditions under which the test is performed (Verify MyClass
with initialization) and what the test is verifying (myMethod
returns true). This is a good test design pattern for JUnit 5.
Parameterized tests. Test parameterization existed in JUnit 4, with built-in libraries such as JUnit4Parameterized
or third-party libraries such as JUnitParams
. In JUnit 5, parameterized tests are completely built in and adopt some of the best features from JUnit4Parameterized
and JUnitParams
, for example:
@ValueSource(strings = {"foo", "bar"})
void myParameterizedTest(String arg) {
The format looks like JUnitParams
, where parameters are passed to the test method directly. Note that the values to test with can come from several different sources. Here, I just have a single parameter so it’s easy to use an @ValueSource
. @EmptySource
and @NullSource
indicate that you want to add an empty string and a null, respectively, to the list of values to run with (and you can combine them, as shown above, if you are using both). There are multiple other value sources, such as @EnumSource
and @ArgumentsSource
(a custom value provider). If you need more than one parameter, you can also use @MethodSource
or @CsvSource
Another test type added in JUnit 5 is @RepeatedTest
, where a single test is repeated a specified number of times.
Conditional test execution. JUnit 5 provides the ExecutionCondition
extension API to enable or disable a test or container (test class) conditionally. This is like using @Disabled
on a test but it can define custom conditions. There are multiple built-in conditions, such as these:
and @DisabledOnOs
: Enables or disables a test only on specified operating systems@EnabledOnJre
and @DisabledOnJre
: Specifies the test should be enabled or disabled for particular versions of Java@EnabledIfSystemProperty
: Enables a test based on the value of a JVM system property@EnabledIf
: Uses scripted logic to enable a test if scripted conditions are metTest templates. Test templates are not regular tests; they define a set of steps to perform, which can then be executed elsewhere using a specific invocation context. This means that you can define a test template once, and then build a list of invocation contexts at runtime to run that test with. For details and examples, see the documentation.
Dynamic tests. Dynamic tests are like test templates; the tests to run are generated at runtime. However, while test templates are defined with a specific set of steps and run multiple times, dynamic tests use the same invocation context but can execute different logic. One use for dynamic tests would be to stream a list of abstract objects and perform a separate set of assertions for each based on their concrete types. There are good examples in the documentation.
Although you probably won’t need to convert your old JUnit 4 tests to JUnit 5 unless you want to use new JUnit 5 features, there are compelling reasons to switch to JUnit 5. For example, JUnit 5 tests are more powerful and easier to maintain. In addition, JUnit 5 provides many useful new features, only the features you use are imported, and you can use more than one extension and even create your own custom extensions. Together, these changes and new features provide a powerful and flexible update to the JUnit framework.
Brian McGlauflin is a software engineer at Parasoft with experience in full stack development using Spring and Android, API testing, and service virtualization. He is currently focused on automated software testing for Java applications with Parasoft Jtest.