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The Java ecosystem makes it easy to implement REST services. Using Java EE, Jakarta EE, JAX-RS, and JSON-B, the source code of a REST service looks like a plain Java program, enhanced with a few easy-to-understand annotations.
public OutputBean process(InputBean input) {
// process input, create & return output - nothing fancy here
With the MicroProfile REST client, the same has become true for implementing the invoking side.
// create the MicroProfile REST client using an interface for the service;
// can also be injected using @RestClient
IService service = RestClientBuilder.newBuilder()
.baseUri(/* service URI, preferably from config */)
.register(/* your preferred provider for JSON mapping, such as Jackson */)
OutputBean output = service.process(input);
You don’t have to manually translate between the Java domain objects and their on-the-wire representation, since this is done automatically by JSON-B (as opposed to JSON-P).
However, there are several common use cases that still require additional boilerplate code if you want to remain on this level of abstraction. Jareto is a small Java library that provides useful features in an easy-to-use way, for both server- and client-side development.
Depending on your requirements, you can use the server-side part of Jareto, or the client-side part, or both.
Jareto, created by my company, SVC, is available on GitHub under the Apache License Version 2.0 License. There, you can also find a demo project with a sample web application and JUnit tests.
To use the features provided by Jareto, add the following Maven dependencies to your project:
<!-- for using server-side features -->
<!-- for using client-side features -->
Jareto’s features are implemented using JAX-RS providers. To prevent accidental activation of certain providers that you don’t need or want (with future extensions in mind), Jareto politely abstains from autoregistration of providers. Instead, you must explicitly return the Jareto provider classes from the getClasses
method of the server-side Application class, as follows:
public class BeanServiceConfig extends Application {
public Set<Class<?>> getClasses() {
Set<Class<?>> classes = new HashSet<>();
// add the Jareto providers for server-side use:
// add your service's resource classes
// ...
return classes;
Likewise, if you want to use Jareto in a REST client, you must register the Jareto provider classes during client construction.
RestClientBuilder builder = RestClientBuilder.newBuilder();
Without additional measures, throwing a runtime or checked exception from your service usually results in a stack trace being returned to the invoker. Apart from the security implications, this prevents clients from identifying and handling exceptional cases in an automated way, so this is usually not what you want.
JAX-RS specifies an unchecked WebApplicationException that allows you to customize both the HTTP response status and the returned payload. However, you would still have to
(by means of a global exception handler)Jareto provides both a checked AppException
and an unchecked AppRuntimeException
that accept the following data during construction:
In the simplest possible case, an exception such as
throw new AppException("some-error-code", "some error text");
will be automatically translated to the JSON HTTP response body as follows
"code": "some-error-code",
"text": "some error text"
Note that certain JSON-B implementations might also include the optional detailCode
property with a null
Other types of RuntimeException
are mapped using the following default values:
"text": "An unexpected error has occurred."
Jareto exposes a hook that is invoked during exception mapping, which lets you customize the default JSON attributes to be returned for RuntimeException
and the logging behavior (no logging for Jareto exceptions; level ERROR for RuntimeException
WebApplicationExceptionFactory.registerCustomizer(new IServiceExceptionCustomizer() {
// customize behavior by overriding the appropriate callback methods
You can also return additional JSON attributes by extending AppExceptionData
and passing it to the exception’s constructor.
@JsonbPropertyOrder({ "code", "detailCode", "text", "bonus" })
public class CustomizedExceptionData extends AppExceptionData {
// this bonus String shall also be transported to the invoker
private String bonus;
throw new AppException(new CustomizedExceptionData("some-error-code", "some error text", "bonus attribute"));
In theory, transporting exception data would also be possible via HTTP headers (instead of JSON inside the HTTP response body). Even though this alternative might seem appealing at first glance, it does not scale to advanced use cases where exceptions will contain more-complex, structured data. In this respect, Jareto’s exception handling resembles that of GraphQL, which is also capable of returning arbitrary error data inside the response payload.
By contrast, a MicroProfile REST client equipped with Jareto can catch and handle these exceptions, since they are automatically created from the incoming JSON representation.
try {
catch (AppException e) {
System.out.println("error code: " + e.getData().getCode());
System.out.println("error text: " + e.getData().getText());
System.out.println("HTTP response status: " + e.getStatus());
System.out.println((CustomizedExceptionData) e.getData().getBonus());
For security reasons (to prevent Java deserialization attacks), customized exception data types must be explicitly registered by the client, as follows:
To summarize the exception mapping features, Jareto provides you with exception types that your service can throw and your client can catch, and that contain extensible, commonly used exception data—without the need for any additional boilerplate code. This is especially useful when creating new Java-based microservices that communicate with each other via REST. From the developer’s perspective, throwing and catching exceptions feels the same as it is with plain, local invocations.
Although a MicroProfile REST client greatly simplifies invocations by (re-)using the service’s Java interface, it does not offer any direct access to HTTP request headers or to HTTP response status and headers. To gain access to these, you would have to write additional ResponseExceptionMapper
and ClientRequestFilter
code. With Jareto, you can simply do the following on the client side:
// read HTTP response status
// read HTTP response header
// add HTTP request header
ClientRequestHeaders.addHeader("custom-header-name", "custom-header-value");
The client-side API is deliberately designed to be usable also in standalone Java environments without Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI). This way, running Java-based system tests against your REST service is quick and easy, as it does not require any CDI setup.
On the server side, simple access to the HTTP headers does not require anything other than HttpServletRequest
and HttpServletResponse
from Jakarta EE.
private HttpServletRequest request;
private HttpServletResponse response;
public void process() {
// read HTTP request header
// add HTTP response header
response.addHeader("response-header-name", "response-header-value");
Alternatively, reading HTTP request headers is also possible by using the JAX-RS annotation HeaderParam
In case you would like to add a static HTTP header to your responses, you can do so by using Jareto’s @Header
annotation at the class or method level of your REST service interface or implementation.
@Header(name = "class-response-header-name", value = "class-response-header-value")
public interface IService {
@Header(name = "method-response-header-name", value = "method-response-header-value")
public String process();
Having already injected the HttpServletResponse
for accessing the headers on the server, it might appear that setting the response status requires only one more line.
private HttpServletResponse response;
public void process() {
// trying to set the HTTP status: does it work?
However, at least with WildFly 22 and Payara 5.2020.7, this line is not effective on its own. In addition, it requires an explicit flush, which lacks optical appeal and prevents later operations (such as response filters) from adding other headers.
private HttpServletResponse response;
public void process() {
try {
catch (IOException e) {
For this reason, Jareto allows you to set the HTTP status in the following way:
private ServiceResponseBuilder responseBuilder;
When developing REST services and clients, transporting exceptions is a fundamental use case, but it still requires a certain amount of boilerplate code. Likewise, access to HTTP metadata (status code and headers) is not as convenient as it should be. Jareto addresses these issues by making just a few basic assumptions about how exceptions should be serialized to wire data and reducing the developer’s part in the equation to the absolute minimum. In doing so, Jareto is
The features described in this article are based on the solid foundations provided by Jakarta EE and MicroProfile. On the shoulders of these giants, Jareto further improves the developer experience for creating new REST microservices.
Nenad Jovanovic is a Java developer, software architect, and enterprise architect at SVC, an Austrian company that develops e-health solutions in the public sector. SVC is the creator of the Jareto project. In his spare time, Jovanovic writes Java- and IT-related blog articles.