Look out, Duke! Part 1: Build a Java game with JavaFX and FXGL

June 25, 2021 | 8 minute read
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You’ll be amazed at how little code is needed to create a 2D arcade game.

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Look out, Duke! Don’t run into a cloud!

FXGL, the JavaFX Game Development Framework, is exactly what you need to extend your Java skills to become a game developer. FXGL is a dependency you add to your Java and JavaFX project; it doesn’t need any additional installation or setup. It works out of the box on all platforms.

Thanks to the simple and clean FXGL API, you can build 2D games with minimal code and deliver them as a single executable .jar file or native image. Almas Baimagambetov, senior lecturer in game development at the University of Brighton, is the creator of FXGL, and the project is fully open source and has a clear description about how you can contribute to it.

You can see basic examples of using the FXGL library in the main GitHub project. More-complex games are provided in a separate project, FXGLGames. You can also use FXGL to build business applications with complex UI controls; there are also 3D interface controls in the library, but those are still experimental.

In this article, you will see all the code needed to build a fun game where Duke shoots at a circle while moving around—while avoiding floating cloud servers. Before proceeding, you might want to watch a one-minute video that shows how the game is played.

Oracle Java MagazineFXGL from Frank Delporte on Vimeo

In a follow-up article, you’ll see how to control the game with a joystick on a Raspberry Pi device. For now, though, the goal is to create the game itself.

Source code and image assets

The finished project, called JavaMagazineFXGL, is available on GitHub. This is a Maven project you can build with mvn package. In the pom.xml file there is only one dependency, because FXGL itself depends on JavaFX.

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The full code for the game consists of only a few classes, which include the EntityFactory, CloudComponent, and PlayerComponent, as well as the Main class and FXGL application overrides.

By default, FXGL loads images from the src > main > resources > assets > textures directory, which has the few images, such as Duke, that are used in the game. (See Figure 1, Figure 2, and Figure 3.)

The Duke character: duke.png

Figure 1. The Duke character: duke.png

The cloud obstacles: cloud-network.png

Figure 2. The cloud obstacles: cloud-network.png

Duke’s bullet: sprite_bullet.png

Figure 3. Duke’s bullet: sprite_bullet.png

The EntityFactory

All the game objects in an FXGL application are of type Entity and need to be defined in an EntityFactory. In this sample game, they are in a class called GameFactory.java.

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public enum EntityType {

By defining an enum with the types, it becomes easier to reference them later, such as in collision detection. For each entity type, a @Spawns annotated method defines the layout and behavior of the object. Both the background and centered circle have a fixed size, which is defined in SpawnData. FXGL offers many components to control the entities, and in this case, the application uses the IrremovableComponent because these entities should never be removed.

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public Entity spawnBackground(SpawnData data) {
    return entityBuilder(data)
            .view(new Rectangle(data.<Integer>get("width"), 
                data.<Integer>get("height"), Color.YELLOWGREEN))
            .with(new IrremovableComponent())

public Entity spawnCenter(SpawnData data) {
    return entityBuilder(data)
            .viewWithBBox(new Circle(data.<Integer>get("x"), 
                 data.<Integer>get("y"), data.<Integer>get("radius"), Color.DARKRED))
            .with(new IrremovableComponent())

For the Duke character and clouds, I gave the images a viewWithBBox for collision detection. I used the FXGL AutoRotationComponent and custom PlayerComponent and CloudComponent because the game needs to add specific controls to these entities.

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public Entity newDuke(SpawnData data) {
    return entityBuilder(data)
            .viewWithBBox(texture("duke.png", 50, 50))
            .with((new AutoRotationComponent()).withSmoothing())
            .with(new PlayerComponent())

public Entity newCloud(SpawnData data) {
    return entityBuilder(data)
            .viewWithBBox(texture("cloud-network.png", 50, 50))
            .with((new AutoRotationComponent()).withSmoothing())
            .with(new CloudComponent())

The bullet doesn’t need a custom component, because FXGL’s ProjectileComponent and OffscreenCleanComponent have all the needed functionality.

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public Entity newBullet(SpawnData data) {
    return entityBuilder(data)
            .viewWithBBox(texture("sprite_bullet.png", 22, 11))
            .with(new ProjectileComponent(data.get("direction"), 350), new OffscreenCleanComponent())

The CloudComponent

The CloudComponent class illustrates the flexibility that’s provided by an FXGL component. OnUpdate is called at each engine tick, allowing the game to fully control the behavior of the entity to which the component is attached.

In this case, the game moves the cloud in the direction that was randomly calculated upon initialization of the component. The game checks whether the cloud hits the border of the game and removes it from the game world if it does.

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public class CloudComponent extends Component {
    private final Point2D direction = new Point2D(
       FXGLMath.random(-1D, 1D), 
       FXGLMath.random(-1D, 1D)

    public void onUpdate(double tpf) {

    private void checkForBounds() {
        if (entity.getX() < 0) {
        if (entity.getX() >= getAppWidth()) {
        if (entity.getY() < 0) {
        if (entity.getY() >= getAppHeight()) {

    public void remove() {

The PlayerComponent

The PlayerComponent uses a Point2D object to define Duke’s direction. Initially, Duke moves to the bottom right. The up, down, left, and right methods change the direction gradually defined by the ROTATION_CHANGE value. As with the CloudComponent, there is a check for the borders of the screen, but in this case, the code calls the die method when Duke hits the border.

The die method decreases the “number of lives” value and resets the direction and position to get back to the starting position. When the player doesn’t have any lives left, the game shows a “Game Over” message box.

The shoot method spawns a new bullet at Duke’s current position, giving the bullet the same direction that Duke is traveling in.

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public class PlayerComponent extends Component {
    private static final double ROTATION_CHANGE = 0.01;
    private Point2D direction = new Point2D(1, 1);

    public void onUpdate(double tpf) {

    private void checkForBounds() {
        if (entity.getX() < 0) {
        if (entity.getX() >= getAppWidth()) {
        if (entity.getY() < 0) {
        if (entity.getY() >= getAppHeight()) {

    public void shoot() {
        spawn("bullet", new SpawnData(
                getEntity().getPosition().getX() + 20,
                getEntity().getPosition().getY() - 5)
                .put("direction", direction));

    public void die() {
        inc("lives", -1);

        if (geti("lives") <= 0) {
            getDialogService().showMessageBox("Game Over",
                    () -> getGameController().startNewGame());

        entity.setPosition(0, 0);
        direction = new Point2D(1, 1);

    public void up() {
        if (direction.getY() > -1) {
            direction = new Point2D(direction.getX(), direction.getY() - ROTATION_CHANGE);

    public void down() {
        if (direction.getY() < 1) {
            direction = new Point2D(direction.getX(), direction.getY() + ROTATION_CHANGE);

    public void left() {
        if (direction.getX() > -1) {
            direction = new Point2D(direction.getX() - ROTATION_CHANGE, direction.getY());

    public void right() {
        if (direction.getX() < 1) {
            direction = new Point2D(direction.getX() + ROTATION_CHANGE, direction.getY());

Main class and FXGL application overrides

With the three previous classes, everything is prepared to create the game. All that’s left is the main class. The main class combines everything and extends from FXGL GameApplication, which provides multiple override methods to configure your game. These methods are called during initialization in the following order:

  1. Instance fields of your subclass of GameApplication
  2. InitSettings(), which initialize the app settings
  3. Services configuration, after which you can safely call any FXGL.* methods
  4. The following, which are executed on a JavaFX UI thread
    • initInput(), which initializes inputs, such as key presses and mouse buttons
    • onPreInit(), which is called once per application lifetime, before initGame()
  5. The following, which are not executed on the JavaFX UI thread
    • initGameVars(), which can be overridden to provide global variables
    • initGame(), which initializes each game’s objects
    • initPhysics(), which initializes collision handlers and physics properties
    • initUI(), which starts the main game loop execution on the JavaFX UI thread

Because the game should run full-screen with the right dimensions, the application reads these values in the main method. The game also uses the GameFactory, created earlier, and requires an Entity for the player to contain the Duke entity.

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private final GameFactory gameFactory = new GameFactory();
private Entity player;

private static int screenWidth;
private static int screenHeight;

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
    screenWidth = (int) screenSize.getWidth();
    screenHeight = (int) screenSize.getHeight();

FXGL overrides.  GameSettings contains a long list of methods to configure your game. This example uses only those necessary to make the game full-screen and give it a title.

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    protected void initSettings(GameSettings settings) {
        settings.setTitle("Oracle Java Magazine - FXGL");

Override initInput configures the input events that control the game. Because Duke should rotate while the player presses one of the arrow keys, the onKey method is used. Firing a bullet should happen only once each time the space bar is pressed, so this uses the onKeyDown method. onPreInit is not used in this example application.

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    protected void initInput() {
        onKey(KeyCode.LEFT, "left", () -> this.player.getComponent(PlayerComponent.class).left());
        onKey(KeyCode.RIGHT, "right", () -> this.player.getComponent(PlayerComponent.class).right());
        onKey(KeyCode.UP, "up", () -> this.player.getComponent(PlayerComponent.class).up());
        onKey(KeyCode.DOWN, "down", () -> this.player.getComponent(PlayerComponent.class).down());
        onKeyDown(KeyCode.SPACE, "Bullet", () -> this.player.getComponent(PlayerComponent.class).shoot());

The game needs a value for the number of lives that are left and a value for the score. Both are defined in initGameVars and used in initUI.

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    protected void initGameVars(Map<String, Object> vars) {
        vars.put("score", 0);
        vars.put("lives", 5);

Let’s add some stuff to the game world! First, add the entity factory that generates the game entities. Then, it’s time to add the spawns: first a full-screen background, then a circle in the middle of the screen and, finally, Duke as the player entity.

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    protected void initGame() {

        // Background color
        spawn("background", new SpawnData(0, 0).put("width", getAppWidth())
                .put("height", getAppHeight()));

        // Circle in the middle of the screen
        int circleRadius = 80;
        spawn("center", new SpawnData(
           (getAppWidth() / 2) - (circleRadius / 2), 
           (getAppHeight() / 2) - (circleRadius / 2))
                .put("x", (circleRadius / 2))
                .put("y", (circleRadius / 2))
                .put("radius", circleRadius));

        // Add the player
        this.player = spawn("duke", 0, 0);

Next, define the collision handlers as follows:

  • Whenever Duke hits a cloud or the centered circle, the player loses a life.
  • Whenever a bullet hits a cloud, the player’s score increases; both entities must be removed from the game.

Use lambdas to define the type of entities that need to be handled and the actions to be taken.

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    protected void initPhysics() {
        onCollisionBegin(EntityType.DUKE, EntityType.CENTER, (duke, center) ->

        onCollisionBegin(EntityType.DUKE, EntityType.CLOUD, (enemy, cloud) -> 

        onCollisionBegin(EntityType.BULLET, EntityType.CLOUD, (bullet, cloud) -> {
            inc("score", 1);

The player needs to see the score and lives-remaining variables defined in initGameVars, and this is done with initUI. By binding the textProperty to these values, the onscreen data will always be up to date.

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    protected void initUI() {
        Text scoreLabel = getUIFactoryService().newText("Score", Color.BLACK, 22);
        Text scoreValue = getUIFactoryService().newText("", Color.BLACK, 22);
        Text livesLabel = getUIFactoryService().newText("Lives", Color.BLACK, 22);
        Text livesValue = getUIFactoryService().newText("", Color.BLACK, 22);



        livesLabel.setTranslateX(getAppWidth() - 100);

        livesValue.setTranslateX(getAppWidth() - 30);


        getGameScene().addUINodes(scoreLabel, scoreValue, livesLabel, livesValue);

Those were all the overrides called during the initialization needed for the game. There is one final initialization, but this is called every frame when the game is in play state: The game shall always have 10 clouds on the screen. By adding one cloud per frame, if needed, the clouds will appear one by one at the start of the game.

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    protected void onUpdate(double tpf) {
        if (getGameWorld().getEntitiesByType(EntityType.CLOUD).size() < 10) {
            spawn("cloud", getAppWidth() / 2, getAppHeight() / 2);


That’s it! That’s all the code you need to have a fully functional game in JavaFX. Thanks to the clever helper methods provided by FXGL, such as FXGLMath.random, you don’t need to write a lot of code or include extra dependencies to achieve very nice results. This example is a nice starting point if you are new to game development. Have fun with the source code, use it as an inspiration, and please share what you created.

A follow-up article will take this game to the Raspberry Pi single-board computer and show how to add physical buttons and a joystick to create a true arcade-like experience.

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Frank Delporte

Frank Delporte is the author of Getting Started with Java on Raspberry Pi and works at Azul Systems. He is also lead coach of CoderDojo Belgium in Ieper.

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