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[This series covers new features added to the Java language since Java 8. It is adapted from material added to the second edition of On Java 8, published in December 2021. The source code for these articles, and for the entire book, is available from GitHub, together with detailed installation instructions. This, the last installment in the series, covers features not previously discussed. —Ed.]
Before JDK 9, a Java program required the entire Java library. This meant that the simplest program carried an enormous amount of library code that was never used. If you used component A
, there was no language support to tell the compiler what other components A
depended upon. Without that information, the only thing the compiler could do is include the entire Java library.
There’s a second and more important problem. Although package access appears to effectively hide a class from use outside that package, it can be circumvented using reflection. For many years, some Java programmers have accessed low-level Java library components that were never meant for direct use, thus tying their code to those hidden components. This meant the Java library designers were unable to modify those components without breaking user code, which greatly hindered improvements to the Java library.
To solve this second problem, library components need the option to be completely unavailable to outside programmers.
JDK 9 finalized the introduction of modules, which solve both these problems. Using this system, Java library designers can now cleanly divide code into modules that programmatically specify every module they depend on, and they can define which components are exported and which components are completely unavailable.
JDK 9’s Project Jigsaw split the JDK library into about a hundred platform modules. Nowadays, when you use a library component, you only get that component’s module and its dependencies—and you won’t get modules you don’t use.
To continue using hidden library components, you must explicitly enable an escape hatch, which makes it clear that you are violating the intended design of the library by doing so, and you are thus responsible for any breakage that might occur in the future due to any updates to that hidden component (or even due to it being removed entirely).
Exploring modules. You can explore the new module system using some new command-line flags. To display all available modules, run the following at the command prompt:
java --list-modules
That command produces output like the following:
The @11
is for information only and indicates the version of the JDK being used. It is not included when you refer to the module. To see the contents of a module, for example, the base
module, run this at the command prompt.
java --describe-module java.base
You’ll see the following:
exports java.lang
exports java.lang.annotation
exports java.lang.invoke
exports java.lang.module
exports java.lang.ref
exports java.lang.reflect
exports java.math
exports java.nio
uses java.text.spi.DateFormatSymbolsProvider
uses sun.util.locale.provider.LocaleDataMetaInfo
uses java.time.chrono.Chronology
uses java.nio.channels.spi.AsynchronousChannelProvider
uses sun.text.spi.JavaTimeDateTimePatternProvider
provides java.nio.file.spi.FileSystemProvider with
qualified exports to jdk.jartool
qualified exports to jdk.jartool
qualified exports to jdk.jfr
qualified exports to java.naming
qualified exports to jdk.jartool
contains sun.text
contains sun.text.bidi
contains sun.text.normalizer
contains sun.text.resources
contains sun.text.resources.cldr
contains sun.text.spi
contains sun.util
contains sun.util.calendar
contains sun.util.locale
contains sun.util.resources.cldr
contains sun.util.spi
This gives you an idea of the kind of component structure that modules enable for the Java library.
Should you use modules for your own application? It is certainly possible to use the module system for your own applications, but it seems that for most projects the benefits do not outweigh the effort. You can continue to write applications without using modules and simply benefit from the modular standard Java library.
If you are writing a large and complex library, however, you may want to invest effort to learn how to implement your library using the module system. For anything except large libraries, however, building without defining and using your own modules should be perfectly adequate.
With JEP 378, JDK 15 finalized the addition of text blocks, which allow you to easily create multiline text. Triple double quotes denote a block of text including newlines.
// strings/
// {NewFeature} Since JDK 15
// Poem: Antigonish by Hughes Mearns
public class TextBlocks {
public static final String OLD =
"Yesterday, upon the stair,\n" +
"I met a man who wasn't there\n" +
"He wasn't there again today\n" +
"I wish, I wish he'd go away...\n" +
"\n" +
"When I came home last night at three\n" +
"The man was waiting there for me\n" +
"But when I looked around the hall\n" +
"I couldn't see him there at all!\n";
public static final String NEW = """
Yesterday, upon the stair,
I met a man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
I wish, I wish he'd go away...
When I came home last night at three
The man was waiting there for me
But when I looked around the hall
I couldn't see him there at all!
public static void main(String[] args) {
/* Output:
(The {NewFeature}
comment tag excludes this example from the Gradle build that uses JDK 8.)
shows the traditional way of handling multiple lines, with lots of \n
newline characters and +
signs. NEW
eliminates these with text blocks to produce much nicer and more readable syntax.
Notice that the newline after the opening triple double quote ("""
) is automatically removed, and the common indentation in the block is stripped off, so the result of NEW
has no indentation. If you want to preserve indentation, move the final """
to the left to produce the desired indent, as follows:
// strings/
// {NewFeature} Since JDK 15
public class Indentation {
public static final String NONE = """
"""; // No indentation
public static final String TWO = """
"""; // Produces indent of 2
public static final String EIGHT = """
"""; // Produces indent of 8
public static void main(String[] args) {
/* Output:
To support text blocks, a new formatted()
method was added to the String
// strings/
// {NewFeature} Since JDK 15: formatted()
// Since JDK 16: record
record DataPoint(String location, Double temperature) {
@Override public String toString() {
return """
Location: %s
Temperature: %.2f
""".formatted(location, temperature);
public static void main(String[] args) {
var hill = new DataPoint("Hill", 45.2);
var dale = new DataPoint("Dale", 65.2);
/* Output:
Location: Hill
Temperature: 45.20
Location: Dale
Temperature: 65.20
Note that formatted()
is a method and not a separate static
function like String.format()
. This makes it nicer and cleaner to use for any String
, because you can just add it to the end of that String
. The result of a text block is a regular String
, so you can do anything with it that you can do with any other String
One frustrating issue with NullPointerException
errors used to be the lack of information produced. The messages were made more informative in JDK 14 with JEP 358, but the helpful messages weren’t enabled by default. In JDK 15, JDK-8233014 turned on those helpful messages as the default.
In the following example, nulls are inserted into a chain of objects, causing the error:
// exceptions/
// {NewFeature} Since JDK 15
// Since JDK 16: record
record A(String s) {}
record B(A a) {}
record C(B b) {}
public class BetterNullPointerReports {
public static void main(String[] args) {
C[] ca = {
new C(new B(new A(null))),
new C(new B(null)),
new C(null),
for(C c: ca) {
try {
} catch(NullPointerException npe) {
Before this improvement, similar code (replacing the record
references with their more verbose class
counterparts) produces very little information.
However, if you use JDK 15 and beyond, you see the following:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "A.s()" because the return value of "B.a()" is null
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "B.a()" because the return value of "C.b()" is null
This change makes it significantly easier to understand and resolve NullPointerException
The original try-with-resources requires that all managed variables be defined within the resource specification header (the parenthesized list after try
). For some reason, this was considered by the Java team to be, at times, somewhat awkward. JDK 9 added the ability to define these variables before the try
, if those variables are either explicitly or effectively final
. Here’s a comparison of the old try-with-resources syntax to the (optional) JDK 9 syntax.
// exceptions/
// {NewFeature} Since JDK 9
public class EffectivelyFinalTWR {
static void old() {
try (
InputStream r1 = new FileInputStream(
new File(""));
InputStream r2 = new FileInputStream(
new File(""));
) {;;
} catch(IOException e) {
// Handle exceptions
static void jdk9() throws IOException {
final InputStream r1 = new FileInputStream(
new File(""));
// Effectively final:
InputStream r2 = new FileInputStream(
new File(""));
try (r1; r2) {;;
// r1 and r2 are still in scope. Accessing
// either one throws an exception:;;
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
} catch(IOException e) {
/* Output: Stream Closed
The jdk9()
passes exceptions out by specifying throws IOException
. This is because the definitions of r1
and r2
are no longer inside a try
since they are in old()
. The inability to catch exceptions is one reason the feature needed improvement.
It’s also possible to reference variables after they have been released by try-with-resources, as you can see at the end of jdk9()
. The compiler allows this, but you will get an exception when you access r1
or r2
outside the try
Bruce Eckel (@BruceEckel) has published 10 books, numerous blog posts, over 150 articles, and he has given hundreds of presentations throughout the world. He was a founding member of the ANSI/ISO C++ committee and was for many years the chair of both the C++ and Java tracks at the Software Development Conference. He periodically holds developer retreats, such as the Summer Tech Forum and Winter Tech Forum, and provides public and private training and consulting in programming languages and software system design. His latest books are Atomic Kotlin and On Java 8.