JobRunr is a library that lets you schedule background jobs using a Java 8 lambda. You can use any existing method of Spring services to create a job without the need to implement an interface. A job can be a short- or long-running process, and it will be automatically offloaded to a background thread so that the current web request is not blocked.
To do its job, JobRunr analyzes the Java 8 lambda. It serializes the lambda as JSON and stores it in your choice of a relational database or a NoSQL datastore.
If you see that JobRunr is producing too many background jobs and your server cannot cope with the load, you can easily scale horizontally just by adding extra instances of the application. JobRunr will share the load automatically and distribute all jobs over the different instances of your application.
JobRunr also contains an automatic retry feature with an exponential back-off policy for failed jobs. There is also a built-in dashboard that allows you to monitor all jobs. JobRunr is self-maintaining: Successful jobs are automatically deleted after a configurable amount of time, so there is no need to perform manual storage cleanup.
You can find JobRunr on GitHub. I’ve also uploaded the source for the example below on GitHub. The library is free for commercial use.
[Since this article was published, JobRunr has been enhanced. According to Ronald Dehuysser, version 4.0 offers faster job analysis as well as better integration with Spring, Micronaut, and Quarkus. The update also has a new way to schedule jobs using the command handler pattern. There are also a few API changes compared to the version described in this article, mainly to do with the order of parameters. —Ed.]
Maven dependency. You need to have the following Maven dependency declared in your pom.xml
Adding required properties. Because you’re using the jobrunr-spring-boot-starter
dependency, the rest of the setup process is easy. Simply add these properties to
The first property tells JobRunr to start an instance of a BackgroundJobServer
that is responsible for processing jobs. The second property tells JobRunr to start the embedded dashboard. More documentation is available on
By default, the jobrunr-spring-boot-starter
will try to use your existing DataSource
in the case of a relational database to store all the job-related information. However, since you will use an in-memory datastore, you need to provide a StorageProvider
bean. The JobMapper
bean will be provided by the following:
jobrunr-spring-boot-starter):java @Bean public StorageProvider storageProvider(JobMapper jobMapper) { InMemoryStorageProvider storageProvider = new InMemoryStorageProvider(); storageProvider.setJobMapper(jobMapper); return storageProvider; }
Injecting dependencies. To create jobs, inject the jobScheduler and your existing service from which you want to create a job:
```java @Inject private JobScheduler jobScheduler;
@Inject private SampleJobService sampleJobService; ```
Creating fire-and-forget jobs. Now that you have the dependencies injected, you can create fire-and-forget jobs using the enqueue
jobScheduler.enqueue(() -> sampleJobService.executeSampleJob());
Jobs can have parameters, just like any other lambda, for example:
jobScheduler.enqueue(() -> sampleJobService.executeSampleJob("some string"));
What’s going on behind the scenes? JobRunr takes the lambda and analyzes it using the ASM Java bytecode manipulation and analysis framework. It extracts the correct class (in this case, SampleJobService
) and the correct method (executeSampleJob
) and serializes all this information together with the parameters into a small JSON object:
"lambdaType": "",
"className": "",
"methodName": "executeSampleJob",
"jobParameters": [
"className": "java.lang.String",
"object": "some string"
This information, together with some extra information about the job itself, is all serialized via the StorageProvider
to your choice of datastore (such as a SQL or NoSQL database). One or more BackgroundJobServers
monitor the StorageProvider
and take jobs from it.
Since the BackgroundJobServers
use optimistic locking, each job will be processed only once and all the BackgroundJobServers
will share the load. This works out great on Kubernetes, where you can scale horizontally to have all jobs processed faster by just bringing up more instances of your application.
Scheduling jobs in the future. You can schedule future jobs with the schedule
jobScheduler.schedule(() -> sampleJobService.executeSampleJob(),;
Scheduling recurring jobs. If you want recurrent jobs, use the scheduleRecurrently
jobScheduler.scheduleRecurrently(() -> sampleJobService.executeSampleJob(), Cron.hourly());
Annotating with @Job. To control all aspects of a job, annotate the service method with the @Job
annotation, as shown below. This allows you to set the display name in the dashboard and configure the number of retries in case a job fails.
@Job(name = "The sample job with variable %0", retries = 2)
public void executeSampleJob(String variable) {
You can even use variables that are passed to the job in the display name by means of the String.format()
syntax. If you have very specific use cases where it’s necessary to retry a specific job only upon a certain exception, you can write an ElectStateFilter
that has access to the job and full control over how to proceed.
JobRunr comes with a built-in dashboard that allows you to monitor jobs. If you visit http://localhost:8000, you can inspect all the jobs, including recurrent jobs, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. The JobRunr dashboard
Bad things sometimes happen. Maybe an SSL certificate expired or a disk is full. JobRunr, by default, will reschedule the background job with an exponential back-off policy. If the background job continues to fail 10 times, only then will the job go to the Failed state.
You can then decide whether to requeue the failed job from the dashboard when the root cause has been solved. All of this is visible in the dashboard, including each retry with the exact error message and the complete stack trace of why a job failed, as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Details about a job
In this article, I described how to build a basic scheduler using JobRunr with the jobrunr-spring-boot-starter
. The key takeaway from this tutorial is that you can create a job with just one line of code and without any XML-based configuration or the need to implement an interface.
The complete source code for the example is available on GitHub.
Ronald Dehuysser is a software architect and developer in Belgium with experience in designing and realizing innovative and user-friendly web-based enterprise applications. He has more than 15 years of experience in IT as a developer, analyst, and coach. Follow him @rdehuyss.