I recently worked on an end-to-end IoT project where Micronaut was chosen as the microservice framework for the cloud-side implementation. Micronaut has built-in support for Kafka, RabbitMQ, and two HTML5 messaging paradigms: server-sent events (SSE) and WebSocket. Using them in a meaningful way, such as for publish/subscribe or queue-based messaging, takes a little effort. This article examines a simple, reliable messaging system built around Micronaut’s SSE support.
As described on the project’s website, Micronaut is a modern, JVM-based, full-stack framework for building modular, easily testable microservice and serverless applications. Based on dependency injection, aspect-oriented programming, and ahead-of-time compilation, Micronaut boasts very fast start times, good throughput, and low memory overhead. This makes Micronaut a good choice for cloud-based microservices where instances are spun up and down quickly.
For an introduction to Micronaut, check out Jonas Havers’ article, “Building Microservices with Micronaut,” and then peruse the well-indexed user guide.
For this article, download a full set of source code here. The file includes the three main projects:
and Topic Controller
classes, leveraging Micronaut’s built-in SSE supportThe download file also includes my SSELibrary and two sample clients, QueueSender and QueueReceiver.
Now, let’s dive into SSE messaging support.
HTML5 SSE is a server push technology that enables a browser (or any implementing application) to receive updates from a server over HTTP or HTTPS. SSE works outside the browser as well, between applications written in any language. SSE doesn’t require a separate server; it works over HTTP and HTTPS, it is firewall-friendly, and it’s simple.
HTML5 SSE messaging is based on two main components: the text/event-stream MIME type, where text-based messages are sent according to a simple protocol, and the EventSource
interface with event listeners to receive messages.
For more information on SSE, check out the W3C’s HTML5 specification. You can also read my article, “HTML5 Server-Sent Events and Examples,” for a sample implementation.
To begin with SSE, create a Micronaut Controller
class (essentially an HTTP listener) using the Micronaut @Controller
attribute. In my project, I created two of them: one for queue-based messaging and one for topic-based (or publish/subscribe) messaging:
public class QueueController extends Messenger {
public class TopicController extends Messenger {
The Micronaut-based implementation sits between the sender and receiver applications, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Micronaut’s location between the sender and receiver apps
Each Controller
specifies a URI path of /messageserver/api
, which is combined with the base URI for your Micronaut server. I’ll describe the Messenger
base class a little later. For now, let’s focus on the small amount of code it takes to send and receive events. Listing 1 shows the code for receiving events and setting up an @Get
REST endpoint that specifies the name of your endpoint—Queue
or Topic
in this case—along with a name for the queue to listen on.
Listing 1. The REST endpoint to receive queued SSE messages
public Publisher<Event<String>> index(Optional<String> name) {
// Determine queue to listen to
Queue dest = getQueue( name.get() );
return Flowable.generate(() -> 0, (i, emitter) -> {
// Get the message first...
Message msg = dest.getNextMessage();
String data = new String( msg.getData() );
// Then deliver it…
// Finally delete it after delivery...
dest.deleteMessage( msg.getId() );
The @Get
annotation indicates that this is an HTTP Get call handler, with queue
and a queue name as part of the URL. When the endpoint is invoked, getQueue
looks up the Queue
destination object within a HashMap
using the supplied name. If it’s not there, it creates a new Queue
object and inserts it into the HashMap
using the supplied name.
Next, a Reactive Streams Publisher, which generates Event objects using a Flowable emitter, sends messages as they become available. With the queue paradigm, messages are saved until they are delivered to at most one receiver. As a result, after each message is delivered, the emitter deletes the queued message.
Sending messages to a destination from an application involves an HTTP Post (see Listing 2). The Micronaut Post handler (indicated with the @Post
annotation) starts by looking up the destination by name.
Listing 2. The HTTP Post method that sends messages to a queue destination for delivery
// Content-Type: text/event-stream
public HttpResponse queue( Session session,
HttpRequest<?> request,
@Body String data ) {
try {
HttpParameters params = request.getParameters();
String queueName = params.getFirst("name").orElse(null);
Queue dest = getQueue(queueName);
return processSend(dest, data);
catch ( Exception e ) {
return HttpResponse.status(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED,
"Not authenticated");
The @Consumes
annotation indicates that the Post
expects a text/event-stream
HTTP MIME type in the Content-Type
HTTP header field. It’s expected that the destination name is passed as an HTTP parameter. Once the destination object is retrieved, the message is routed to a live receiver or persisted if none exist.
To send HTML5 server-sent events in your application, you can use the SSEDataPublisher
helper class (part of the sselibrary
package you downloaded). This class works equally well with either queue- or topic-based messages and contains only one real method: sendMessage
. It takes the URL of the message server that handles persisting and delivering messages, the message payload, and an authentication code for optional security.
According to the HTML5 SSE specification, the message payload needs to be formatted as a text string that contains three fields:
event: message
retry: 30000
data: "actual data here..."
The text of each field must be terminated with a newline character, \n
, and sent as part of the HTTP Post message, as shown in Listing 3 (some code left out for brevity) with an extra newline added to the end of the data field.
Listing 3. The sendMessage method sends an HTTP Post according to the HTML5 SSE specification.
String event = "event: message\n";
String retry = "retry: 300000\n";
data = "data: " + data + "\n\n";
URL url = new URL( uri.toASCIIString() );
HttpURLConnection urlConn =
event.length() + retry.length() + data.length());
urlConn.addRequestProperty("Content-Type", "text/event-stream");
urlConn.addRequestProperty("Authorization-Info", authCode);
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter( urlConn.getOutputStream() );
Of particular importance is HttpURLConnection.setFixedLengthStreamingMode
, which enables the streaming of the HTTP request body without internal buffering. This must be set to the total message payload length, including the newline characters. Next, the HTTP Content-Type
and optional Authorization-Info
header fields are set. Finally, the data is written into the body of the Post. The message will be received and processed by the message server (described later).
Receiving HTML5 server-sent events in your application is straightforward with the SSEDataSubscriber
helper class as part of the sselibrary
package. To use it, first implement the SSECallback
interface, which defines a single method, onMessage
, through which messages are delivered (see Listing 4). Next, create an instance of the SSEDataSubscriber
class, providing the URL of the message server, whether it’s a Topic
or Queue
, and an optional authentication string in the constructor.
Listing 4. Using the helper classes to receive SSE messages in your application
SSEDataSubscriber sse = new SSEDataSubscriber(
serverURL, SSEDataSubscriber.DestinationType.QUEUE, auth);
sse.subscribe(destinationName, this);
// ...
public void onMessage(String queue, String data) {
// ...
This is all it takes to implement a listener in your application. Let’s take a deeper look at the SSEDataSubscriber
helper class now.
Inside the SSEDataSubscriber class. The SSEDataSubscriber
class abstracts and hides the HTTP mechanics to listen for SSE messages. Depending upon the destination type—Queue
or Topic
—the constructor (shown in Listing 5) appends the proper API path to the message server’s REST endpoint URL.
Listing 5. The constructor forms the proper REST endpoint URL.
public SSEDataSubscriber( String serverURI,
DestinationType type,
String authCode ) {
this.authCode = authCode;
if ( type == DestinationType.QUEUE ) {
this.serverURL = serverURI + "/api/queue/";
else {
this.serverURL = serverURI + "/api/topic/";
Next, when the client application calls subscribe
, the supplied destination name and callback are stored, and the Thread
is started. Execution moves to the Thread.run
method, as shown in Listing 6.
Listing 6. The SSEDataSubscriber extended Thread.run method implementation
URL url = new URL(serverURL);
URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
BufferedReader rd =
new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader( conn.getInputStream() ) );
String line;
while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null) {
if ( line != null && line.length() > 0 ) {
// Did we get a heartbeat or useful data?
if ( line.startsWith(":") ) {
// heartbeat message...
else if ( line.startsWith("data:") ) {
// Received data, send to the client's callback
if ( callback != null ) {
callback.onMessage(destination, line);
A connection to the message server is created within this thread specifically to handle messages for the given destination. Once an HTTP message is received, it’s determined to be either a heartbeat (indicated by an empty message) or one that contains actual data (indicated by the presence of the text data:
). Data is delivered to the client asynchronously via the onMessage
method on its supplied callback.
Now, let’s go back and examine how the message server microservice (implemented with Micronaut.io) handles and delivers messages.
Returning our attention to the QueueController
and TopicController
classes, note that both inherit from the base class, Messenger
. It’s here that the processSend
method (as referenced earlier in Listing 2) is implemented for both Topic
and Queue
destination types (see Listing 7). First, the data is split by newline characters (remember those were added when the SSE message was sent, per the specification).
Listing 7. The Messenger.processSend method within the message server microservice
public HttpResponse processSend(Destination dest, String data) {
String[] lines = data.split(System.getProperty("line.separator"));
try {
for ( String line: lines) {
if ( line.contains("event:")) { }
else if ( line.contains("id:") ) { }
else if ( line.contains("data:") ) {
int start = line.indexOf("data:")+"data:".length();
data = line.substring(start).trim();
return HttpResponse.ok(dest.getName());
catch ( Exception e ) {
return HttpResponse.serverError(e.toString());
The message data:
fields are pulled from the message text, and the destination’s addMessage
method is called with the message data. This method is defined in the Destination
abstract base class but differs in implementation in both of its extending classes, Queue
and Topic
. Let’s take a look at these now.
Inside the Topic class. The workings of a Topic
destination are simple: Each message sent is delivered to every active listener, a one-to-many relationship (see Figure 2).
Figure 2. With topic-based publish/subscribe messaging, each message is delivered to every active subscriber.
When a message is sent, the addMessage
method creates a Message
object to encapsulate the message payload (text), stores the Message
in the Topic
object’s lastMessage
member variable, and signals all threads waiting on the Topic
’s monitor object, as shown in Listing 8.
Listing 8. Handling an incoming topic message
public boolean addMessage(String msgData) {
Long messageId = System.currentTimeMillis();
Message msg = new Message(messageId, msgData);
lastMessage = msg;
// Notify ALL listeners of the message
synchronized (topicMonitor ) {
return true;
Every client that calls the message server’s REST endpoint to receive topic messages ends up calling getNextMessage
on the Topic
class, where it waits on a monitor until it’s signaled (see Listing 9) when a message is available.
Listing 9. The Topic.getNextMessage method waits until a message arrives for the destination.
public Message getNextMessage() throws InterruptedException {
synchronized ( topicMonitor ) {
return lastMessage;
That’s it for topics; the Queue
class, however, is more involved.
Inside the Queue class. The biggest differences between a Topic
and Queue
are that with a Queue
Figure 3. With a queue, each message sent is delivered to exactly one listener.
is invoked when a client calls the message server’s REST endpoint (shown earlier in Listing 1). The messages themselves are never kept in memory; only message IDs are (see Listing 10). Because queued messages can stay in a queue indefinitely—until a listener finally shows interest in the associated queue—storing them all in memory could potentially consume all of it. The message data is persisted instead.
Listing 10. The caller is blocked while waiting for the next queued message ID on the destination.
public Message getNextMessage() throws InterruptedException {
// Blocking call
Long messageId = messageIds.take();
// Load the message data using the ID
Message message = persistance.getMessage(getName(), messageId);
return message;
The messageIds
object is implemented as a java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue
. The call to take
is blocked until a queued entry is available, at which time the code removes and returns the head of the queue to only one blocked caller. With the message ID in hand, the message payload is retrieved from the persistent store (part of the reliability of queue-based messaging). Finally, once the message is delivered, its message ID is deleted along with the persisted message body.
The interface MessagePersistence
is defined to hide the details of how messages are actually persisted. The Queue
object uses the Factory pattern to obtain an instance of a persistence implementation (see Listing 11).
Listing 11. The Queue object uses the Factory pattern to get the persistence implementation.
public class Queue extends Destination {
final protected MessagePersistance persistance =
The Factory pattern can be configured (via dependency injection, a configuration file, an environment variable, and so on) to load any persistence implementation, so long as it implements the MessagePersistence
interface. Let’s examine one as an example.
Using a NoSQL database for persistence. The MessageNoSQL
class (in the download package) implements the MessagePersistence
interface and uses Oracle NoSQL Database to store and retrieve messages by message ID. Because the QueueController
class uses the Factory pattern and depends only on this interface, you can easily swap out implementations, such as a cloud-based NoSQL database.
Messages are stored using name-value pairs, where the key (the name) is the destination name and message ID combination. The value is the message payload, encoded as a byte array (see Listing 12).
Listing 12. Saving messages to the NoSQL datastore
public boolean saveMessage( String destinationName,
Long messageId,
String message) throws Exception {
String idStr = messageId.toString();
store.put( Key.createKey(destinationName, idStr),
Value.createValue(message.getBytes()) );
return true;
Retrieving a message is just as straightforward (see Listing 13). First, the key is assembled and used to retrieve the Value
object. This object, if found, is used to retrieve the stored byte array representing the message payload. The result is transformed back into a Message
object and returned.
Listing 13. Retrieving the message payload from the key (destination name and message ID)
public Message getMessage(String destinationName, Long messageId) {
String idStr = messageId.toString();
Key key = Key.createKey(destinationName, idStr);
ValueVersion value = store.get(key);
if ( value == null || value.getValue() == null ) {
return null;
Value val = value.getValue();
String data = new String( val.getValue() );
return new Message( messageId, data);
When the message server is first started, it uses the NoSQL database to load all stored message IDs back into memory. To do this, first QueueController
iterates all of the destination’s names associated with persisted messages (see Listing 14). The call to getQueue
then creates Queue
objects for each destination name (only queues are persisted, so this is safe).
private void loadSavedMessages() {
ArrayList<String> queueNames = messageDB.getStoredDestinations();
for ( String queueName: queueNames ) {
// Get the queue (loads all queued messages)
Queue dest = getQueue(queueName);
The getQueue
method (implemented in the base class, Messenger
) constructs a Queue
object with the given destination name, which loads all message IDs for that queue from the database in the constructor (see Listing 15).
Listing 15. Loading all message IDs for the queue from the database
public Queue(String name) {
// load message IDs
ArrayList<Long> ids = persistance.getMessageIds(name);
if ( ids != null ) {
this.messageIds.addAll( ids );
In this sample implementation, the database is assumed to be running locally ( on port 5000, with the name kvstore
. You can override this via a configuration file.
Running Oracle NoSQL Database. To run the SSE message server code for this article, download and install the Oracle NoSQL Database Community Edition. After installing the database, modify the config.xml
file to set hostname
for your computer and set registryPort
to 5000. To run the database, I use the following command:
> java -jar lib/kvstore.jar kvlite -secure-config disable
The last parameter disables security to make it easier to run in this example implementation, but it should not be used in a production environment. Once the database is started, you’ll see output similar to the following:
Opened existing kvlite store with config:
-root ./kvroot -store kvstore -host Dolce -port 5000 -secure-config disable -restore-from-snapshot null
You can now move on to running the SSE message server, as shown in the next section.
An End-to-End Demonstration
You can start the SSE message server with Micronaut via the following command (remember to start the NoSQL database first):
> java -jar target/MessageServer-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
If the command is successful, you should see log output ending with a line similar to this:
12:53:28.857 [main] INFO io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut - Startup completed in 701ms. Server Running: http://localhost:8080
To implement a queue receiver, use the helper class SSEDataSubscriber
, which takes the Micronaut server URI, the destination type (Queue
or Topic
), and an optional authentication code as parameters in its constructor. Once it is created, listen on a queue by calling the subscribe
method (see Listing 16).
Listing 16. Subscribing to a queue
SSEDataSubscriber sse = new SSEDataSubscriber(
serverUrl, SSEDataSubscriber.DestinationType.QUEUE, authCode);
sse.subscribe( queueName, this );
In this case, the calling class implements the SSECallback
interface and passes a reference to itself in the call to subscribe
. As messages arrive on the queue, the object’s onMessage
method will be called with the payload. To see how this is achieved, review Listing 6 earlier in this article.
To send messages to a queue, use the SSEDataPublisher
class (covered earlier in Listing 3), as shown in Listing 17.
Listing 17. Sending messages to a queue
String url = serverURI + "/api/queue/publish?name=" + queueName;
SSEDataPublisher.sendMessage(url, data, authCode);
That’s all it takes! Because the same helper classes work to send and receive messages to queues and topics, the Java code for both types of applications is very similar. Let’s take a look at how to create a JavaScript listener to display dynamically updating data inside a web application.
Implementing a JavaScript SSE listener. This final sample uses a topic to send simulated temperature updates, updated dynamically on a web page using SSE. The Java temperature sender is similar to the queue sender explored in the previous section. The listener, however, is JavaScript code embedded within a simple HTML-based web page.
First, create the EventSource
instance, as shown in Listing 18.
Listing 18. Creating an EventSource instance
var source = new EventSource(uri+"/messageserver/api/topic/temp1");
Next, set up an error handler to help debug and reset the connection, as shown in Listing 19.
Listing 19. Setting up error handling
source.onerror = function(event) {
console.log("SSE onerror " + event);
// Wait 1 second and reconnect
setTimeout(function() { setupEventSource(); }, 1000);
Finally, implement the message listener function (where the payload is delivered), as shown in Listing 20.
Listing 20. Implementing the message listener function
source.onmessage = function(event) {
var tempGauge = document.getElementById('temperature');
tempGauge.innerHTML = event.data;
In this example, tempGauge
is an HTML div
element used to display the updating temperature value. When the SSE message server is running, with a sender publishing data to the temp1 topic, the web page will look similar to Figure 4.
Figure 4. A web application with simple JavaScript to update the temperature reading
Note that due to cross-site scripting security, browsers such as Chrome will block data from URLs other than the one serving the web page. There are ways to deal with this, but the easy way for development purposes is to start Chrome from the command line with the following parameters:
google-chrome --disable-web-security --user-data-dir=<user home="" dir="">
On Windows, replace google-chrome
with chrome.exe
As an even simpler example, you can open your browser normally and then enter the proper URL for a valid SSE destination, such as http://localhost:8080/messageserver/api/topic/topic1
. As a result, the browser will append each data update to the page, although you’ll eventually need to scroll to see the latest updates.
In this article, I demonstrated how to build a simple, reliable messaging system that is built around Micronaut’s SSE support and supports queue-based messaging as well as topic-based (or publish/subscribe) messaging. Because Micronaut provides very fast start times, good throughput, and low memory overhead, it is a good choice for cloud-based microservices where instances are spun up and down quickly.
Eric J. Bruno
Eric J. Bruno is in the advanced research group at Dell focused on Edge and 5G. He has almost 30 years experience in the information technology community as an enterprise architect, developer, and analyst with expertise in large-scale distributed software design, real-time systems, and edge/IoT. Follow him on Twitter at @ericjbruno.
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