[This article was adapted from Functional Programming in Java: Harnessing the Power of Java 8 Lambda Expressions with kind permission from the publisher, The Pragmatic Bookshelf. —Ed.]
Lambdas create more-expressive and concise code with less mutability and fewer errors. In the first article in this two-part series, I demonstrated how lambda expressions harness the power of the functional style of programming in Java. In this final part, I explore this further and consider a cautionary warning. (I suggest you read Functional programming in Java, Part 1: Lists, lambdas, and method references, if you haven’t already.)
As you’ll see, lambda expressions are deceivingly concise, and it’s easy to carelessly duplicate them in code. Duplicate code leads to poor-quality code that’s hard to maintain; if you needed to make a change, you’d have to find and touch the relevant code in several places.
Avoiding duplication can also help improve performance. By keeping the code related to a piece of knowledge concentrated in one place, you can easily study its performance profile and make changes in one place to get better performance.
I’ll demonstrate how easy it is to fall into the duplication trap when using lambda expressions and suggest ways to avoid that trap. Suppose you have a few collections of names: friends
, editors
, and comrades
final List<String> friends =
Arrays.asList("Brian", "Nate", "Neal", "Raju", "Sara", "Scott");
final List<String> editors =
Arrays.asList("Brian", "Jackie", "John", "Mike");
final List<String> comrades =
Arrays.asList("Kate", "Ken", "Nick", "Paula", "Zach");
The goal is to filter out names that start with a certain letter. First, here is a naive approach to this task using the filter()
final long countFriendsStartN =
.filter(name -> name.startsWith("N"))
final long countEditorsStartN =
.filter(name -> name.startsWith("N"))
final long countFriendsStartN =
.filter(name -> name.startsWith("N"))
The lambda expressions made the code concise, but they quietly led to duplicate code. In the previous example, one change to the lambda expression requires changes in more than one place—that’s a no-no. Fortunately, you can assign lambda expressions to variables and reuse them, as you would with objects.
The filter()
method, the receiver of the lambda expression in the previous example, takes a reference to a java.util.function.Predicate
functional interface. Here, the Java compiler works its magic to synthesize an implementation of the Predicate
’s test()
method from the given lambda expression. Rather than asking Java to synthesize the method at the argument-definition location, you can be more explicit. In this example, it’s possible to store the lambda expression in an explicit reference of type Predicate
and then pass it to the function. This is an easy way to remove the duplication.
Here’s how to refactor the previous code to make it adhere to the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) best practice.
final Predicate<String> startsWithN =
name -> name.startsWith("N");
final long countFriendsStartN =
final long countEditorsStartN =
final long countComradesStartN =
Rather than duplicate the lambda expression several times, you created it once and stored it in a reference named startsWithN
of type Predicate
. In the three calls to the filter()
method, the Java compiler happily took the lambda expression stored in the variable under the guise of the Predicate
The new variable gently removed the duplication that sneaked in. Unfortunately, the duplication is about to sneak back in with a vengeance, as you’ll see next, and you need something a bit more powerful to thwart it.
Some developers believe that using lambda expressions might introduce duplication and lower code quality. Contrary to that belief, even when the code gets more complicated, you still don’t need to compromise code quality to enjoy the conciseness given by lambda expressions.
You managed to reuse the lambda expression in the previous example; however, duplication will sneak in quickly when you bring in a second letter to match. Let’s explore the problem further and then solve it using lexical scoping and closures.
Duplication in lambda expressions. Let’s pick the names that start with N or B from the friends
collection of names. Continuing with the previous example, you might be tempted to write something like the following:
final Predicate<String> startsWithN =
name -> name.startsWith("N");
final Predicate<String> startsWithB =
name -> name.startsWith("B");
final long countFriendsStartN =
final long countFriendsStartB =
The first predicate tests whether the name starts with an N and the second tests for a B. You pass these two instances to the two calls to the filter()
method, respectively. That seems reasonable, but the two predicates are duplicates, with only the letter they use being different. The goal is to eliminate this duplication.
Removing duplication using lexical scoping. As a first option, you could extract the letter as a parameter to a function and pass the function as an argument to the filter()
method. That’s a reasonable idea, but filter()
will not accept any arbitrary function; it insists on receiving a function that accepts one parameter representing the context element in the collection, and it returns a Boolean
result. It’s expecting a Predicate
For comparison purposes, you need a variable that will cache the letter for later use and hold onto it until the parameter, name
, in this example, is received. Here’s how to create a function for that.
public static Predicate<String>
checkIfStartsWith(final String letter) {
return name -> name.startsWith(letter);
This defined checkIfStartsWith()
as a static
function that takes a letter
of type String
as a parameter. It then returns a Predicate
that can be passed to the filter()
method for later evaluation; checkIfStartsWith()
returns a function as a result.
The Predicate
that checkIfStartsWith()
returned is different from the lambda expressions you’ve seen so far. In return name -> name.startsWith(letter)
, it is clear what name
is: It’s the parameter passed to this lambda expression.
But what’s the variable letter
bound to? Because that’s not in the scope of this anonymous function, Java reaches over to the scope of the definition of this lambda expression and finds the variable letter
in that scope. This is called lexical scoping. Lexical scoping is a powerful technique that lets you cache values provided in one context for use later in another context. Since this lambda expression closes over the scope of its definition, it’s also referred to as a closure.
It’s worth noting here that there are a few restrictions to lexical scoping. For one thing, from within a lambda expression, you can access only local variables that are final
or effectively final
in the enclosing scope. A lambda expression may be invoked right away, or it may be invoked lazily or from multiple threads.
To avoid race conditions, the local variables you access in the enclosing scope are not allowed to change once they are initialized. Any attempt to change them will result in a compilation error. Variables marked final
directly fit this bill, but Java does not insist that you mark them as such. Instead, Java looks for the following two things:
even if they are not marked as such.When you use lambda expressions that capture local state, you should also be aware that stateless lambda expressions are runtime constants, but those that capture local state have an additional evaluation cost.
With these restrictions in mind, let’s see how to use the lambda expression returned by checkIfStartsWith()
in the calls to the filter()
final long countFriendsStartN =
final long countFriendsStartB =
In the calls to the filter()
method, you first invoke the checkIfStartsWith()
method, passing in a desired letter. This call immediately returns a lambda expression that is then passed on to the filter()
By creating a higher-order function, checkIfStartsWith()
, in this example, and by using lexical scoping, you managed to remove the duplication in code. You did not have to repeat the comparison to check whether the name starts with different letters.
Refactoring to narrow the scope. In the preceding example, you used a static
method, but you don’t want to pollute the class with static
methods to cache each variable in the future. It would be nice to narrow the function’s scope to where it’s needed. You can accomplish that by using a Function
final Function<String, Predicate<String>>
startsWithLetter = (String letter) -> {
Predicate<String> checkStarts =
(String name) -> name.startsWith(letter);
return checkStarts;
This lambda expression replaces the static
method checkIfStartsWith()
and can appear within a function, right before it’s needed. The checkIfStartsWith
variable refers to a Function
that takes in a String
and returns a Predicate
This version is verbose compared to the static
method you saw earlier, but you’ll refactor it soon to make it concise. For all practical purposes, this function is equivalent to the static
method; it takes a String
and returns a Predicate
. Instead of explicitly creating the instance of the Predicate
and returning it, you can replace it with a lambda expression.
final Function<String, Predicate<String>>
startsWithLetter =
letter -> name -> name.startsWith(letter);
You’ve come full circle with higher-order functions in this section. The examples illustrate how to pass functions to functions, create functions within functions, and return functions from within functions. They also demonstrate the conciseness and reusability that lambda expressions facilitate.
You made good use of both Function
and Predicate
in this section, but let’s discuss how they’re different.
takes in one parameter of type T
and returns a Boolean
result to indicate a decision for whatever check it represents. You can use it anytime you want to make a go or no-go decision for a candidate you pass to the Predicate
. Methods such as filter()
that evaluate candidate elements take in a Predicate
as their parameter.Function <T, R>
represents a function that takes a parameter of type T
and returns a result of type R
. This is more general than a Predicate
that always returns a boolean. You can employ a Function
anywhere you want to transform an input to another value, so it’s quite logical that the map()
method uses Function
as its parameter.Selecting all the matching elements from a collection was easy. Next, I’ll show you how to pick a single element out of a collection.
It’s reasonable to expect that picking one element from a collection would be simpler than picking multiple elements, but that’s not always true. I’ll start by exploring the complexity introduced by the habitual approach and then bring in lambda expressions to reduce that complexity.
Let’s create a method that looks for an element that starts with a given letter and prints it.
public static void pickName(
final List<String> names,
final String startingLetter) {
String foundName = null;
for(String name : names) {
if(name.startsWith(startingLetter)) {
foundName = name;
"A name starting with %s: ",
if(foundName != null) {
} else {
System.out.println("No name found");
This method’s smell can easily compete with passing garbage trucks. You first created a foundName
variable and initialized it to null
—that’s the source of the first bad smell. This will force a null
check, and if you forget to deal with that check, the result could be a NullPointerException
or some other unpleasant response.
You then used an external iterator to loop through the elements but had to break out of the loop if you found an element—here are other sources of rancid smells: primitive obsession, imperative style, and mutability. Once out of the loop, you had to check the response and print the appropriate result. That’s quite a bit of code for a simple task.
Let’s rethink the problem. You simply want to pick the first matching element and safely deal with the absence of such an element. Let’s rewrite the pickName()
method using lambda expressions.
public static void pickName(
final List<String> names,
final String startingLetter) {
final Optional<String> foundName =
.filter(name -> name.startsWith(startingLetter))
String.format( "A name starting with %s: %s",
startingLetter, foundName.orElse("No name found")));
Some powerful features in the JDK library came together to help achieve this conciseness. First, the filter()
method grabbed all the elements matching the desired pattern. Then the findFirst()
method of the Stream
class helped pick the first value from that collection. This method returns a special Optional
object, which is the state-appointed null
deodorizer in Java.
The Optional
class is useful whenever the result may be absent. It protects you from getting a NullPointerException
by accident and makes it quite explicit to the reader that “no result found” is a possible outcome.
You can inquire whether an object is present by using the isPresent()
method, and you can obtain the current value using its get()
method. Alternatively, you could suggest a substitute value for the missing instance, using the method (with the vaguely threatening name) orElse()
, as in the previous code. Let’s exercise the pickName()
function with the sample friends
collection you’ve used in the examples so far.
pickName(friends, "N");
pickName(friends, "Z");
The code picks out the first matching element, if one is found, and prints an appropriate message otherwise.
A name starting with N: Nate
A name starting with Z: No name found
The combination of the findFirst()
method and the Optional
class reduced the code and its smell quite a bit. You’re not limited to the preceding options when working with Optional
, however. For example, rather than providing an alternate value for the absent instance, you can ask Optional
to run a block of code or a lambda expression only if a value is present, as follows:
foundName.ifPresent( name ->
System.out.println("Hello " + name));
Compared to using the imperative version to pick the first matching name, the nice, flowing functional style looks better. But are you doing more work in the fluent version than you did in the imperative version? The answer is no—these methods have the smarts to perform only as much work as necessary.
The search for the first matching element demonstrated a few more neat capabilities in the JDK. Next, I’ll show you how lambda expressions help compute a single result from a collection.
I’ve gone over quite a few techniques to manipulate collections so far: picking matching elements, selecting a particular element, and transforming a collection. All these operations have one thing in common: They all worked independently on individual elements in the collection. None required comparing elements against each other or carrying over computations from one element to the next.
In this section, I will compare elements and carry over a computational state across a collection. This will begin with some basic operations and then build up to something a bit more sophisticated. As the first example, you are going to read over the values in the friends
collection of names and determine the total number of characters.
"Total number of characters in all names: " +
.mapToInt(name -> name.length())
To find the total of the characters, you need the length of each name, which can be found using the mapToInt()
method. Once you transform the names to their lengths, the final step is to add them, which is performed using the built-in sum()
method. Here’s the output for this operation.
Total number of characters in all names: 26
This code leveraged the mapToInt()
method, a variation of the map()
operation (variations such as mapToInt()
and mapToDouble()
create type-specialized streams such as IntStream
and DoubleStream
), and then reduced the resulting length to the sum
Instead of using the sum()
method, of course, the code could use a variety of methods, such as max()
to find the longest length, min()
to find the shortest length, average()
to find the average lengths, and so on.
The hidden charm in the preceding example is the increasingly popular MapReduce pattern, with the map()
method being the spread operation and the sum()
method being the special case of the more general reduce operation. In fact, the implementation of the sum()
method in the JDK uses a reduce()
method. Here’s a look at the more general form of the reduce operation.
As an example, the task is to read through the given collection of names and display the longest one. If there is more than one name with the same longest length, you’ll display the first one you find. One way you could do that is to figure out the longest length and then pick the first element of that length. But that would require going through the list twice, which is not efficient. This is where a reduce()
method comes into play.
You can use the reduce()
method to compare two elements against each other and pass along the result for further comparison with the remaining elements in the collection. Much like the other higher-order functions on collections you’ve seen so far, the reduce()
method iterates over the collection. In addition, reduce()
carries forward the result of the computation that the lambda expression returns. An example will help clarify this.
final Optional<String> aLongName =
.reduce((name1, name2) ->
name1.length() >= name2.length() ? name1 : name2);
aLongName.ifPresent(name ->
String.format("A longest name: %s", name)));
The lambda expression you are passing to the reduce()
method takes two parameters, name1
and name2
, and returns one of them based on the length. The reduce()
method, of course, has no clue about the application logic’s specific intent. That concern is separated from this method into the lambda expression that you pass to it—this is a lightweight application of the Strategy pattern.
This lambda expression conforms to the interface of an apply()
method of a JDK functional interface named BinaryOperator
. This is the type of the parameter the reduce()
method receives. Let’s see if the reduce()
method picks the first of the two longest names from the friends
A longest name: Brian
As the reduce()
method iterated through the collection, it called the lambda expression first, with the first two elements in the list. The result from the lambda expression is used for the subsequent call. In the second call, name1
is bound to the result from the previous call to the lambda expression, and name2
is bound to the third element in the collection. The calls to the lambda expression continue for the rest of the elements in the collection. The result from the final call is returned as the result of the reduce()
method call.
The result of the reduce()
method is an Optional
because the list on which reduce()
is called might be empty, and in that case, there would be no longest name. If the list had only one element, reduce()
would return that element and the lambda expression would not be invoked.
From the example, you can infer that the reduce()
method’s result is at most one element from the collection. If you want to set a default or a base value, you can pass that value as an extra parameter to an overloaded variation of the reduce()
method. For example, if the default shortest name you want to pick is “Steve,” you can pass that to the reduce()
method, as follows:
final String steveOrLonger =
.reduce("Steve", (name1, name2) ->
name1.length() >= name2.length() ? name1 : name2);
If any name is longer than the given base, it is picked up; otherwise, the function returns the base value, which is “Steve” in this example. This version of reduce()
does not return an Optional
because if the collection is empty, the default of “Steve” will be returned; there is no concern about an absent or nonexistent value.
Before I wrap up, let’s visit a fundamental, yet seemingly difficult, operation on collections: joining elements.
You’ve explored how to select elements, iterate, and transform collections. Yet in a trivial operation—concatenating a collection—you could lose all the gains you made from concise and elegant code if not for the join()
function, introduced in JDK 8. This simple method is so useful that it’s poised to become one of the most used functions in the JDK. Let’s see how to use it to print the values in a comma-separated list.
Going back to the friends
list: What does it take to print the list of names, separated by commas, without using join()
? You have to iterate through the list and print each element. Because the enhanced Java 5 for
construct is better than the archaic for
loop, let’s start with that.
for(String name : friends) {
System.out.print(name + ", ");
That simple code yields the following:
Brian, Nate, Neal, Raju, Sara, Scott,
Uh oh! There’s a stinking comma at the end (can that be blamed on Scott?). How do you tell Java not to place a comma there? Unfortunately, the loop will run its course and there’s no easy way to tell the last element apart from the rest. To fix this, you can fall back on the habitual loop.
for(int i = 0; i < friends.size() - 1; i++) {
System.out.print(friends.get(i) + ", ");
if(friends.size() > 0)
System.out.println(friends.get(friends.size() - 1));
Let’s see if the output of this version is decent.
Brian, Nate, Neal, Raju, Sara, Scott
The output looks good, but the code to produce the output does not. Beam me up, modern Java.
Good news: The StringJoiner
class added in Java 8 cleans up that mess. The String
class has an added convenience method, join()
, to turn that smelly code into a simple one-liner.
System.out.println(String.join(", ", friends));
The following verifies that the output is as charming as the code that produced it:
Brian, Nate, Neal, Raju, Sara, Scott
Under the hood, the String.join()
method calls upon the StringJoiner
to concatenate the values in the second argument, a varargs
, into a larger string separated by the first argument. You’re not limited to concatenating only with a comma using this feature. You could, for example, take a bunch of paths and concatenate them to form a classpath easily, thanks to the new methods and classes.
You can also transform the elements before joining them. You already know how to transform elements using the map()
method. You can also be selective about which elements you want to keep by using methods such as filter()
. The final step of joining the elements, separated by commas or something else, is simply a reduce
You could use the reduce()
method to concatenate elements into a string, but that would require more effort than is necessary. The JDK has a convenience method named collect()
, which is another form of reduce
that can collect values into a target destination.
The collect()
method does the reduction but delegates the actual implementation or target to a collector. You could drop the transformed elements into an ArrayList
, for instance. Or, to continue with the current example, you could collect the transformed elements into a string concatenated with commas.
.collect(joining(", ")));
This code invoked the collect()
method on the transformed list and provided it a collector returned by the joining()
method, which is a static
method on a Collectors
utility class. A collector acts as a sink object to receive elements passed by the collect()
method and stores them in a desired format, such as ArrayList
or String
Here are the names, now in uppercase and neatly separated by commas.
The StringJoiner
gives a lot more control over the format of concatenation; you can specify a prefix, a suffix, and infix character sequences, if you desire.
As you’ve seen in this two-part series, lambda expressions and other classes and methods make programming in Java so much easier and more fun, too.
Collections are common in programming and, thanks to lambda expressions, using them is now much easier and simpler in Java. You can trade the long-winded old methods for elegant, concise code to perform common operations on collections. Internal iterators make it convenient to traverse collections, transform collections without enduring mutability, and select elements from collections without much effort. Using these functions means less code to write. That can lead to more maintainable code, more code that does useful domain- or application-related logic, and less code to handle the basics of coding.
Venkat Subramaniam is an award-winning author, founder of Agile Developer, Inc., and an adjunct faculty at the University of Houston. Subramaniam is author and co-author of multiple books, including the 2007 Jolt Productivity award winning book Practices of an Agile Developer. Subramaniam has trained and mentored thousands of software developers in the US, Canada, Europe, and Asia, and is a regularly-invited speaker at several international conferences. His latest book is Pragmatic Scala: Create Expressive, Concise, and Scalable Applications.