The cloud often blurs traditional distinctions between infrastructure operations and application development. It is becoming more and more prevalent that developers work not only on application code but also treat cloud infrastructure resources as programmable artifacts. Every major cloud provider, including Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), offers a set of secure web interfaces to control the lifecycle of cloud resources. These APIs are your gateway to the cloud control plane, which is responsible for cloud resource lifecycle management.
As developers, we are mostly interested in designing and running our workloads. Automation is what allows you to fully leverage one of the cloud’s key characteristics, namely the rapid self-provisioning of pooled cloud resources. The ability to quickly launch and delete cloud resources such as compute instances, managed Kubernetes clusters, serverless functions, or various data stores, empowers developers to prototype, build applications, and roll out systems faster and in a more efficient way.
How does automation actually work in practice? In this article, you will look closely at the cloud control plane API for OCI.
Representational State Transfer (REST) architectural style is the most common way for cloud providers to offer their cloud control plane interfaces. Based on that, cloud resources are represented by REST resources. Their lifecycle events can be easily mapped to HTTP methods (GET
, and DELETE
Different groups of OCI services use different REST API endpoints depending on the service type and OCI region. For example, to manage data science services in Montreal, you will rely on the
API endpoint. The management of the MySQL Database service in Dubai will require you to use the
API endpoint. (Those URLs won’t do anything useful if you click on them in a browser.)
Let me guide you through an example.
To create a new Oracle virtual cloud network (VCN), the CreateVcn
API is used. The API belongs to the Core Services API. Assuming you want to create this cloud resource in the Zurich region, the following base API endpoint is used:
To call the CreateVcn
API, your application sends a POST
request to the /20160918/vcns
endpoint. The request payload is formatted as JSON and contains a single element of the CreateVcnDetails
data type. This data type defines the fields ("cidrBlock"
, "dnsLabel"
, and so on) required to properly initialize the newly created VCN. You can see a sample HTTP request in the following code snippet:
POST /20160918/vcns
<authorization and other headers>
"cidrBlock" : "",
"compartmentId" : "ocid1.compartment.oc1..<unique_ID>",
"displayName" : "sdk-demo-vcn",
"dnsLabel": "sdkdemo"
The APIs are intended to deliver the richest set of operations performed on cloud resources. If there is no API resource for a particular operation, such an operation is either not supported at the moment or can be achieved through a sequence of other API calls.
How secure is remote management of cloud resources over these cloud control plane interfaces? Very.
Communication with a cloud control plane interface is secured during transit by Transport Layer Security (TLS), which provides privacy and integrity for all requests and responses from the OCI REST API. From a practical point of view, it means your application will interact with HTTPS endpoints only. Unencrypted HTTP traffic is impossible in nearly all cases.
The cloud control plane authenticates and authorizes each request by looking at the request signature that is supposed to be delivered as a part of the Authorization
header. As a result, your application must be able to create this request signature to successfully interact with the OCI REST API. To generate the signature, you need to build a signing string, which is composed of parts of the request including, but not limited to, a resource target (such as /20160918/vcns
) and a hash of the request payload (when present).
To form the signature, the signing string is first encrypted according to the RSA-SHA256 algorithm and then encoded with the BASE64 algorithm. Inside the request’s Authorization
header, together with the request signature ({request-signature}
), you include a tenancy identifier ({tenancy-ocid}
), a user identifier ({user-ocid}
), and a fingerprint ({key-fingerprint}
) of the public key that corresponds to the private key applied during encryption of the signing string. The public key must be uploaded and assigned to the user in OCI before you send the request. This key is the API signing key.
Authorization: Signature version="1",
algorithm="rsa-sha256", ...,
Thanks to the request signature, the cloud control plane knows all the pieces required to authenticate, and then authorize, every request.
The good news is that as a Java developer, you do not need to code the request signature creation logic on your own because you can rely on the OCI Software Development Kit (SDK) for Java.
The OCI SDK for Java is a set of libraries that allows your programs to interact with the OCI REST API in a convenient and efficient way. It provides a broad range of Java classes that are used to make OCI REST API calls and process their results. Additionally, every time the SDK is about to send a request, it also takes the burden of creating a request signature. In this way, you can keep your code simpler.
Look at the following code snippet, which creates the same sample HTTP request shown earlier:
// ... authentication-related code
// Creating a client instance to interact with /20160918/vcns endpoint
VirtualNetworkClient vnClient = VirtualNetworkClient.builder().build(ociAuthProvider);
// Creating CreateVcnDetails payload object
CreateVcnDetails details = CreateVcnDetails.builder()
// Preparing the request object
CreateVcnRequest request = CreateVcnRequest.builder().createVcnDetails(details).build();
// Calling the CreateVcn REST API
CreateVcnResponse response = vnClient.createVcn(request);
// Print the OCID of the newly created VCN
First, the code creates a new VirtualNetworkClient
object using a nested builder class. The builder class’s build()
method requires, as a parameter, an object providing the information used to authenticate requests. More on this object is discussed just a bit later.
Second, the code prepares a plain old Java object (POJO) that will be eventually serialized into the payload of an API request. In this case, the application will call the CreateVcn
API. Based on that, the code creates a new CreateVcnDetails
object and populates its fields accordingly.
The CreateVcnDetails
class is generated from the corresponding OCI API data type definition. This definition may be useful to choose proper field values.
Third, it creates a new CreateVcnRequest
object, providing its dedicated builder class with the reference to the CreateVcnDetails
Finally, the createVcn
method calls the OCI API.
Figure 1 shows the resulting, newly created VCN cloud resource as seen in the OCI Console.
Figure 1. The VCN cloud resources shown in the OCI Console
At this stage, you may be asking yourself two fundamental questions:
The SDK code is maintained on GitHub’s oci-java-sdk repository, which is also where you can find the latest SDK releases. In that same place, you can browse through existing issues or submit new issues, if needed.
In other words, the most manual way to obtain the official SDK release is to download it from GitHub. The entire file is rather large (around 358 MB for version 1.31.0) because it contains all dependencies, sources, and Javadoc files. Figure 2 shows the contents.
Figure 2. The contents of the oci-java-sdk repository
I believe most developers will rather rely on Maven or Gradle to automate the build of Java software. The OCI SDK artifacts (as JAR files) are available in Maven Central under Group ID. You can find the relevant Maven JAR file using the Maven Central Repository Search. Figure 3 shows how to search for the VirtualNetworkClient
class (clause c:VirtualNetworkClient
) in version 1.31.0 (clause v:1.31.0) within the OCI SDK (clause
Figure 3. Searching in the Maven repository
Based on the results, you now know all the information required to add the right dependency to your pom.xml
You can find the code for a reference implementation in my repository on GitHub. Before running the code, please read the corresponding
file. Note: You have to be logged in to your GitHub account to access my repository’s resources, otherwise you will receive a 404 error.
Now, you need to know where the SDK gets the identity-related information required to compose the request signature for each API call.
Your application must have some kind of identity, which will tell OCI which kind of operations are allowed and on which cloud resources it may perform those operations. The information specific to this identity is used to form a complete request signature. The importance of request signatures was described earlier.
The builder of each SDK client class requires a reference (here, ociAuthProvider
) to an object implementing a subinterface of the AbstractAuthenticationDetailsProvider
VirtualNetworkClient vnClient =
To form the identity, an application can do one of the following:
The privilege to call various OCI APIs is given to IAM groups, not to individual IDCS or IAM users. IAM users belong to groups. IDCS users belong to IDCS groups that are mapped to IAM groups. The OCI APIs that can be successfully called by a particular user depend on the user’s assignment to one or more IAM groups.
IAM groups are entitled to perform particular actions over selected cloud resource types in a given scope, that is, the entire tenancy or an individual compartment, optionally including its subcompartments as well. This is achieved through the use of policy statements.
For example, the following code snippet lists two policy statements that allow users who belong to the group sandbox-publishers
to upload, download, and remove objects in buckets in the Sandbox
allow group sandbox-publishers to read buckets in compartment Sandbox
allow group sandbox-publishers to manage objects in compartment Sandbox
The instance principals mechanism is both recommended for and, at the same time, useable only for applications running inside OCI on a compute instance, in a Kubernetes pod, or as a serverless function.
Instance principals belong to dynamic groups. Matching rules decide on the membership of a cloud resource to a dynamic group. For example, a matching rule can define that all compute instances that are tagged with a specific tag belong to a particular dynamic group. As a consequence, the applications running on these compute instances can successfully call only the OCI APIs that are allowed for this particular dynamic group.
Using instance principals in Java code is pretty straightforward and does not require passing any authentication details on your own.
var ociAuthProvider = InstancePrincipalsAuthenticationDetailsProvider.builder().build();
VirtualNetworkClient vnClient = VirtualNetworkClient.builder().build(ociAuthProvider);
By the way, this article focuses on IAM users. You can find more information on instance principals in the OCI documentation under “Calling services from an instance” or in my book, Practical Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
You can also find information about IDCS users and the mapping of IDCS groups to IAM groups in the OCI documentation under “Managing Oracle Identity Cloud Service users and groups in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.”
An application can act on behalf of a named IAM user. OCI will then let the application use the APIs that are allowed for the IAM group the user belongs to. As a quick recap, OCI authenticates each API request by looking at the request signature that is supposed to be delivered as a part of the Authorization
header. To generate request signatures for each request, an application has to be aware of the following items:
If your user is an IDCS user and not an IAM user, do not worry. Everything should still work smoothly. Just make sure the IDCS groups are properly mapped to IAM groups used by policy statements to grant access to OCI APIs.
One way to provide the authentication details is to do it in the code.
Supplier<InputStream> privateKeySupplier = new SimplePrivateKeySupplier(privateKeyPath); //
var ociAuthProvider = SimpleAuthenticationDetailsProvider.builder()
.passPhrase(privateKeyPassphrase) // if password for private key exists
Alternatively, you can use an external configuration file for your application. If you have ever used the OCI CLI, you stored the same authentication details in the .oci/config
file. The configuration file referenced the private key as well. To create such a configuration file, access the OCI Console, go to the relevant User details
page, click the API Keys
tab, and click Add API Key
. A wizard will appear, as shown in Figure 4. Make sure you select the Generate API Key Pair
option, click Download Private Key
, and then click the Add
Figure 4. Adding the API key
Next, create the $HOME/.oci/config
file and paste there the displayed details, as shown in Figure 5. Do not forget to provide the right path to the newly downloaded private key.
Figure 5. Creating the $HOME/.oci/config file
To let your application use the authentication details from the DEFAULT
profile in the $HOME/.oci/config
file, write code like the following:
var configFile = ConfigFileReader.parseDefault();
var ociAuthProvider = new ConfigFileAuthenticationDetailsProvider(configFile);
As an integration architect, I could not resist the temptation to implement an integration pattern. So, now you’re going to implement the Claim Check integration pattern using
Architecture. The goal is to implement a loosely coupled and event-driven exchange of large files. The idea is sketched in Figure 6.
Figure 6. The architecture of the file exchange application
One application (the producer) uploads a large file to OCI Object Storage and publishes the object’s metadata (namespace, bucket name, object name) inside a lightweight binary message to OCI Streaming. A second application (the consumer) is periodically retrieving from the stream all newly published messages.
In this way, the consumer is able to decode the object’s metadata from the message’s payload and download the large file from OCI Object Storage. OCI Streaming is used here to provide event-driven messaging and let the applications exchange the object’s metadata quickly using lightweight messages.
The applications are loosely coupled: The producer does not need to establish any synchronous connection to the consumer. It simply uploads the large file to the bucket and sends a message to the stream. This single message can be consumed by multiple applications, allowing all interested parties to collect the large file. I’ll call this behavior the publish-subscribe messaging pattern.
Cloud infrastructure. I will assume now that you are using an OCI user (IAM/IDCS) that belongs to an IAM group with administration-level access in some compartment. Please store the Oracle Cloud Identifier (OCID) of this compartment in the COMPARTMENT_OCID
To prepare the required cloud infrastructure, you have to create a new OCI Streaming stream and a new OCI Object Storage bucket.
Hint: If you are using Windows, to successfully execute all shell commands from this article, switch to Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) or launch a Linux-based virtual machine (or compute instance in the cloud).
Choose some names for these resources and store them as variables.
Now, execute the following OCI CLI commands:
STREAM_OCID=$(oci streaming admin stream create --name $STREAM_NAME --partitions 1 --compartment-id $COMPARTMENT_OCID --query="" --raw-output)
BUCKET_OCID=$(oci os bucket create --name $BUCKET_NAME --compartment-id $COMPARTMENT_OCID --query="" --raw-output)
The OCID of the stream is stored now in the STREAM_OCID
variable and the OCID of the bucket is stored in the BUCKET_OCID
variable. OCI Streaming clients need to know the endpoint of the stream. To obtain the relevant endpoint, execute one more OCI CLI command.
STREAM_ENDPOINT=$(oci streaming admin stream get --stream-id $STREAM_OCID --query="data.\"messages-endpoint\"" --raw-output)
You will need all these variables later as the input parameters to the sample application.
The sample application. I have implemented a sample application and published the source on GitHub. You can find the complete codebase here. Here’s what the application looks like.
├── pom.xml
└── src
└── main
└── java
└── io
└── github
└── mtjakobczyk
└── javamagazine
There is a single class called ClaimCheckClient
that can act either as a producer or as a consumer.
As a producer (-producer
), the application
As a consumer (-consumer
), the application polls the OCI Streaming stream for the incoming messages. For each message retrieved from the stream, the consumer
The ClaimCheckClient
uses the DEFAULT
profile in the default OCI configuration file ($HOME/.oci/config
) to sign your OCI API requests and, in this way, authenticate them. Make sure you have this configuration file available to the application or change the code using one of the alternative authentication providers. For more information, see earlier sections in this article.
Consumers. Start two consumers, each in a separate terminal pane or window, using some of the variables set a few moments ago.
java -jar claim-check-client-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar -consumer -g c1 -n receiver-1 -c $COMPARTMENT_OCID -s $STREAM_OCID -e $STREAM_ENDPOINT /tmp/receiver-1-large.pdf
java -jar claim-check-client-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar -consumer -g c2 -n receiver-2 -c $COMPARTMENT_OCID -s $STREAM_OCID -e $STREAM_ENDPOINT /tmp/receiver-2-large.pdf
The first consumer instance (receiver-1
) is a member of the c1
consumer group and saves the downloaded file locally under the following path: /tmp/receiver-1-large.pdf
. The second consumer instance (receiver-2
) is a member of the c2
consumer group and persists the downloaded file as /tmp/receiver-2-large.pdf
. Running the two consumers in different consumer groups (c1
and c2
) will effectively allow both of them to receive the same message.
When the consumers start polling the stream for new messages, you should see something similar to the following in the output:
Starting ClaimCheckClient
Using DEFAULT profile from the default OCI configuration file ($HOME/.oci/config)
Preparing OCI API clients (for Object Storage and Streaming)
Querying for Object Storage namespace
Your object storage namespace: yournamespace
ClaimCheckClient acting as consumer
Producer. To demonstrate the Claim Check pattern in action, you’ll need to create a mock of a large file. In this scenario, the file will have 10 MB and will imitate a PDF file. No, that size is not a joke! From an application messaging perspective, 10 MB is considered a rather large size for a payload. Such a file cannot be processed as a message by OCI Streaming, because it is larger than 1 MB. This is where the Claim Check pattern comes into play: The producer uploads the file to the OCI Object Storage bucket first and subsequently passes the object’s path as a message over OCI Streaming to the consumers.
# Create a mock of a 10MB PDF
head -c $((10*1024*1024)) /dev/urandom > /tmp/large.pdf
# Run a producer
java -jar claim-check-client-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar -producer -n sender-1 -c $COMPARTMENT_OCID -s $STREAM_OCID -e $STREAM_ENDPOINT -b $BUCKET_NAME /tmp/large.pdf
You should see something like the following in the output:
Starting ClaimCheckClient
Using DEFAULT profile from the default OCI configuration file ($HOME/.oci/config)
Preparing OCI API clients (for Object Storage and Streaming)
Querying for Object Storage namespace
Your object storage namespace: yournamespace
ClaimCheckClient acting as producer
Found file: /tmp/large.pdf (10240kB)
Uploading the file as /n/yournamespace/b/large-messages/o/large.pdf
Successfully uploaded the file
Successfully published the message to the stream
Consumers again. In each individual terminal window, where you started both consumers, you will see new log entries.
Consumed message from the stream: /n/jakobczyk/b/large-messages/o/large.pdf
Successfully saved file locally as /tmp/receiver-1-large.pdf
Consumed message from the stream: /n/jakobczyk/b/large-messages/o/large.pdf
Successfully saved file locally as /tmp/receiver-2-large.pdf
Finally, to test whether everything went well, use the good old diff
utility to compare all three files.
diff /tmp/large.pdf /tmp/receiver-1-large.pdf
diff /tmp/large.pdf /tmp/receiver-2-large.pdf
The files should be identical.
Implementation details. The application is based on a single class called ClaimCheckClient
. This class can act either as a producer or as a consumer.
A quick look at the Maven pom.xml
file shows that you compiled the source with Java 15 language features (which also means you need to have at least Java 15 on your build machine) and you rely on the following dependencies:
slf4j-api with slf4j-simple
Now, check the Java code. Open the file in another browser tab.
I have chosen the picocli framework to implement a neat CLI with convenient features such as exclusive argument groups (different parameters for -consumer
and -producer
modes) and a single-line program start.
new CommandLine(new ClaimCheckClient()).execute(args)
The ClaimCheckClient
implements the Callable<Integer>
interface. The core application logic is implemented in the call()
method. Picocli calls this method after parsing and validating the input parameters.
Look at the behavioral Unified Modeling Language (UML) sequence diagram in Figure 7.
Figure 7. The UML sequence diagram for the ClaimCheck application
The diagram shows the sequence of steps, including calls to OCI APIs. As shown in the diagram, the core application logic consists of four stages.
and streamClient
).var configFile = ConfigFileReader.parseDefault();
var ociAuthProvider = new ConfigFileAuthenticationDetailsProvider(configFile);
var osClient = ObjectStorageClient.builder().build(ociAuthProvider);
var streamClient = StreamClient.builder().endpoint(streamEndpoint).build(ociAuthProvider);
var osNamespace = getObjectStorageNamespace(osClient); // OCI API Call
if (clientModeArgs.consumerArgs != null && clientModeArgs.consumerArgs.isConsumerMode) {
if (clientModeArgs.producerArgs != null && clientModeArgs.producerArgs.isProducerMode) {
The getObjectStorageNamespace
method calls the OCI Object Storage API to get the name of the tenant’s OCI Object Storage namespace. Each OCI tenant is assigned a unique and constant OCI Object Storage namespace. Knowing the namespace name is necessary to upload and download files using the OCI Object Storage API. A dedicated builder class takes the OCID of the compartment and builds an instance of the GetNamespaceRequest
The OCI API call is done by the ObjectStorageClient
object (osClient
The getNamespace(GetNamespaceRequest)
method returns the result of the OCI API call in a form of a GetNamespaceResponse
object. This object includes an HTTP status code. You can use the code to find out what really happened in OCI. If the operation was successful (HTTP 200
, in this case), extract the name of the OCI Object Storage namespace and return it to the call()
private String getObjectStorageNamespace(ObjectStorageClient osClient) {"Querying for Object Storage namespace");
// Get Object Storage Namespace
var getNamespaceRequest = GetNamespaceRequest.builder()
var getNamespaceResponse = osClient.getNamespace(getNamespaceRequest);
var getNamespaceResponseCode = getNamespaceResponse.get__httpStatusCode__();
if(getNamespaceResponseCode!=200) {
logger.error("GetNamespace failed - HTTP {}", getNamespaceResponseCode);
var osNamespace = getNamespaceResponse.getValue();"Your object storage namespace: {}", osNamespace);
return osNamespace;
The producer’s logic calls the putObjectToBucket
method to upload the large file to a bucket in OCI Object Storage. The method returns a path to the newly uploaded object (for example, /n/yournamespace/b/large-files/o/large.pdf
). Next, the path is passed to the putMessageToStream
method, which sends the path encapsulated in an OCI Streaming message. Each of the two methods performs a single OCI API call.
if (clientModeArgs.producerArgs != null && clientModeArgs.producerArgs.isProducerMode) {
var filePath = Paths.get(filePathStr);
if (Files.exists(filePath) && Files.isRegularFile(filePath) && Files.isReadable(filePath)) {"Found file: {} ({} kB)", filePathStr, Files.size(filePath) / 1024);
var osPathToObject = putObjectToBucket(osClient, osNamespace, filePath); // OCI API Call
putMessageToStream(streamClient, osPathToObject); // OCI API Call
} else {
logger.error("{} is not a regular file", filePath);
return 1;
The consumer’s logic calls the createConsumerGroupCursor
method, which creates a cursor used to consume the stream. Inside the method code, notice the Type.Latest
cursor type, effectively polling only for new messages and ignoring those that are already present in the stream. Next, the logic enters an infinite loop to poll the OCI Streaming API every few seconds.
In each iteration, the getMessages
method retrieves up to 10 messages and returns them with the next cursor. For each message, the code calls the getObjectSaveAsFile
method to decode the message payload as the path to the object, download the object from OCI Object Storage, and save it locally as a file.
if (clientModeArgs.consumerArgs != null && clientModeArgs.consumerArgs.isConsumerMode) {
String cursor = createConsumerGroupCursor(streamClient).getValue(); // OCI API Call
do {
var getMessagesResponse = getMessages(streamClient, cursor); // OCI API Call
String nextCursor = getMessagesResponse.getOpcNextCursor();
List<Message> messages = getMessagesResponse.getItems();
for (Message msg : messages) {
String osPathToObject = new String(msg.getValue(), UTF16);"Consumed message from the stream: {}", osPathToObject);
getObjectSaveAsFile(osClient, osPathToObject); // OCI API Call
cursor = nextCursor;
Thread.sleep(clientModeArgs.consumerArgs.pollingIntervalSecs * 1000);
} while (true);
Looking closer at the structure of all these methods that use OCI SDK classes inside, notice that the sequence of steps to call the OCI API from Java code is the same.
class) to store OCI API request parameters.osClient.getObject(getObjectRequest)
).The OCI SDK is a set of Java libraries that allows your programs to interact with the OCI REST API in a convenient and efficient way. The SDK code is maintained on GitHub. OCI SDK artifacts (or, simply, JAR files) are available in Maven Central under Group ID
OCI authenticates each API request by looking at the request signature that is supposed to be delivered as a part of the Authorization
header. An application can act on behalf of a named IAM/IDCS user. OCI will then let the application use the APIs that are allowed for the IAM group the user belongs to. Alternatively, an application running inside OCI (on a compute instance, in a Kubernetes pod, or as a serverless function) can rely on the instance principals mechanism.
In this article, I have guided you in taking first steps for the OCI SDK for Java, and I described a complete solution that implements the Claim Check pattern with OCI Object Storage and OCI Streaming.
Michał Jakóbczyk is an integration architect at one of the European insurance groups. He used to work at Oracle Consulting and TIBCO Professional Services. Jakóbczyk is the author of Practical Oracle Cloud Infrastructure published in 2020 by Apress. He holds a bachelor of science in engineering in computer science, and also a master of science in management.