The Java SE 17.0.1, 11.0.13, 8u311, and 7u321 update releases are now available. You can download these latest JDK releases from the Java SE Downloads page.
OpenJDK 17.0.1 is also available on
For information about the new features, changes, and notable bug fixes included in the JDK 17.0.1, 11.0.13 (Long Term Support), 8u311, and 7u321 update releases, see the following release notes:
In addition to the items described in the individual Release Notes, more detailed lists of bug fixes for JDK 17.0.1, 11.0.13 (Long Term Support), 8u311, and 7u321 releases are also available. See the following Bug Fixes pages:
An item of interest in this CPU release is that JDK 8u311 also includes JDK 8u311 for ARM. Information about this update is included in the following pages:
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