Oracle GoldenGate for Big Data uses Kafka Handler, allows you to capture and stream database changes from various databases supported by GoldenGate into Apache Kafka topics.The GoldenGate Kafka Handler defines how data is processed, transformed and delivered to Kafka topics. You can find the configuration properties for Kafka Handler here.
The following diagram illustrates how GoldenGate parameter files contains all the parameters regarding table mappings and references to Kafka Handler.The Kafka handler will include all key properties and the reference to the Kafka configuration file to interact and produce messages to Kafka.
Please follow the below steps to replicate the data to Apache Kafka.
1. Create a Kafka producer configuration file.
a) Creating a producer configuration file for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Streaming.
b) Creating a producer configuration file for Apache Kafka.
2. Create a Kafka Handler properties file.
3. Create a Replicat parameter file.
4. Start the GoldenGate Replicat.
5. Validate the GoldenGate Replicat.
In this blog, we are using Replicat name as "REPKAFKA",Kafka Handler files as " and Producer file as "". We assume you already created a extract for capture the data from source database and a distribution path to push the trail files to Big Data deployment
Update the Kafka broker host and port in the configuration file to match your environment. Refer this link for more information about the Kafka Producer Configuration File. If you wish to push the data to OCI Streaming ,execute "step 1.a)" commad or to Apache kafka ,execute "Step 1.b) command"
Sample Kafka producer configuration file for OCI Streaming.
curl --location --request POST 'http://<Admin-Server IP/Hostname>:<Admin-Server-Port>/services/v2/config/files/' \
--user 'username':PASSWORD \
--header 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
--data '{
"lines": [
" required username="paasdevgg/oracleidentitycloudservice/" password="YOUR-AUTH-TOKEN";"
}'| python -mjson.tool
Note : you can safely ignore the error message ""title": "Parameter file failed validity check." in the cURL output.
Output of the Step 1.a:
GoldenGate web console output for Step 1.b:
curl --location --request POST 'http://<Admin-Server IP/Hostname>:<Admin-Server-Port>/services/v2/config/files/' \
--user 'username':PASSWORD \
--header 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
--data '{
"lines": [
"acks = 1",
"compression.type = gzip",
" = 1000",
"value.serializer = org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArraySerializer",
"key.serializer = org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArraySerializer",
"# 100KB per partition",
"batch.size = 102400",
" = 10000",
"max.request.size = 5024000 ",
"send.buffer.bytes = 50240000"
}'| python -mjson.tool
Note : you can safely ignore the error message ""title": "Parameter file failed validity check." in the cURL output.
You can validate the above command on GoldenGate web console also. Click the hamburger menu( )in the upper right corner,Browse to Configuration and click the Parameter files.
The following is a sample configuration for the Kafka Handler. Update the highlighted configuration.
curl --location 'http://<Admin-Server-IP/Hostname>:<Admin-Server-Port>/services/v2/config/files/' \
--user <strong>'</strong>username':PASSWORD \
--header 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
--data '{
"lines": [
"# Properties file for Replicat REPKAFKA",
"#Kafka Handler Template",
"#TODO: Set the name of the Kafka producer properties file.",
"#TODO: Set the template for resolving the topic name.",
"gg.handler.kafkahandler.topicMappingTemplate= ${tableName}",
"#TODO: Set the location of the Kafka client libraries.",
"jvm.bootoptions=-Xmx512m -Xms32m"
}'| python -mjson.tool
Note : you can safely ignore the error message ""title": "Parameter file failed validity check." in the cURL output.
Output of the Step 2:
curl --location 'http://<Admin-Server-IP/Hostname>:<Admin-Server-Port>/services/v2/replicats/REPKAFKA' \
--user 'username':PASSWORD \
--header 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
--data '{
"intent": "Unidirectional",
"status": "stopped",
"begin": {
"sequence": 0,
"offset": 0
"managedProcessSettings": "Default",
"mode": {
"type": "nonintegrated"
"source": {
"name": "<Trail Name>"
"config": [
"MAP *.*, TARGET *.*;"
}| python -mjson.tool
curl --location --request POST http://<Admin-Server-IP/Hostname>:<Admin-Server-Port>/services/v2/commands/execute\
-d '{
}'| python -mjson.tool
curl --silent --location --request POST 'http://<Admin-Server-IP/Hostname>:<Admin-Server-Port>/services/v2/replicats/REPKAFKA/command' \
--data '{
}'|python -mjson.tool
Appendix :
Kindly replace the below parameter according to your environment.
As a GoldenGate specialist, I have spent years mastering the intricacies of Oracle GoldenGate and honing my expertise in real-time data integration and replication. I possess an in-depth understanding of the architecture, components, and capabilities of GoldenGate, allowing me to design and implement robust and efficient data integration solutions.
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