How to connect to GoldenGate with IDCS Federation using adminclient

August 27, 2024 | 3 minute read
Adriano Tanaka
Senior Cloud Engineer
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Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS) offers a comprehensive suite of identity and access management (IAM) capabilities that can significantly enhance the security and efficiency of the organization's operations like Authentication & Authorization, SSO, Centralized Identity Management, Integration capabilities with all non-oracle and oracle applications, scalability & Flexibility and many more.

In this post, I will guide you on how to log in to the adminclient using the TOKEN parameter with OCI GoldenGate 23ai. I assume you already have your OCI GoldenGate deployment set up with IAM authentication.


1. Locate the Application:

   - Navigate to Identity > Domains > YOUR DOMAIN > Oracle Cloud Services.

   - Search for the first part of your deployment Console URL to find the application.


2. Assign the User:

   - In the application, assign the user to it.


3. Log in to OCI:

   - Log in to OCI with the user that will be used in adminclient.

   - Go to My Profile under the user icon in the top right corner.


4. Generate the Access Token:

   - Since the user is added to the GoldenGate application, they can see the application in My Access Token > Invoke other APIs.

   - Select the application name, specify the token lifetime, and download your token.


5. Copy the Token:

   - Open the downloaded .tok file and copy the content (it should be a very long string).


6. Connect Using adminclient:

   - In adminclient, use the following syntax:

connect https://deployment_url TOKEN !

   - Paste your token.


Adriano Tanaka

Senior Cloud Engineer

Adriano is a Senior Cloud Engineer in Brazil, he works with Oracle DB, Exadata, GoldenGate and IaaS, Oracle ACE Alumn with a strong community presence.


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