GoldenGate for Distributed Applications and Analytics 21.13

February 15, 2024 | 2 minute read
Deniz Sendil
Senior Principal Product Manager
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Oracle GoldenGate product team is pleased to announce the general availability of GoldenGate for Distributed Applications and Analytics 21.13.

What's New?

  1. MongoDB bi-directional replication: Bi-directional MongoDB replication can be configured between different MongoDB databases. Loop detection functionality prevents bi-directional replication going into loops.

  2. Using Google APIs for private endpoint access: GoldenGate for Big Data Google Cloud Storage, GCP Big Query (using streaming api) and GCP Big Query Stage and Merge handlers can be used with Google APIs sending the requests to the internal address of an endpoint.

  3. Oracle NoSQL JSON Type: GoldenGate for Big Data now supports JSON column mapping to target Oracle NoSQL tables. Please note that only existing JSON columns are supported for mapping.

What's fixed?

Following security vulnerabilities have been fixed for OCI GoldenGate Big Data deployment. These fixes will be available with OCI GoldenGate deployment version 21.13.

  • 36179042 (80) - CVE-2023-42503 in commons-compress
  • 36179230 (80) - CVE-2023-35116 in jackson-databind
  • 36029140 (80) - GGS Packaged Elasticsearch 8.7.0 client contains CVE-2023-31417
  • 36034071 (80) - CVEs in NoSQL client 5.3.7

Patches for GoldenGate for Distributed Application and Analytics 21.13 are available in Please search for patches 36179145 (classic architecture) and 36179144 (microservices architecture).

Please note that GoldenGate for Big Data has been renamed into GoldenGate for Distributed Applications and Analytics. You will see the release name as the same in support portal.


For more information on GoldenGate for Distributed Application and Analytics:

Deniz Sendil

Senior Principal Product Manager

Deniz Sendil is a Senior Principle Product Manager in Oracle GoldenGate product group with a focus on GoldenGate for Big Data. Deniz has over 17 years of experience in data management, analytics and data integration domains. 

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