Free Hands-on Lab for GoldenGate

February 4, 2021 | 2 minute read
Thomas Vengal
Director, Product Management
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Oracle has launched a platform for Live Hands-on-Labs. There are more than 4 dozen workshops available!

You can run these workshops using your own OCI account, a new free Trial Account or using the free Live Labs tenancy account.

Click Here is the link to LiveLabs

We have introduced a couple of Livelabs for GoldenGate Products. You can either search under "GoldenGate" or click on the following links to directly access them.

1) GoldenGate 19c Microservices Workshop

In this workshop, you will be able to explore how Oracle GoldenGate 19c Microservices can be used to set up a replication environment using a mix of a web page, shell scripts, and Rest API calls.

Workshop Duration: 4 hours


  • Prerequisites
  • Introduction
  • Generate SSH Key
  • Prepare Setup (Free tier and Paid Accounts only)
  • Environment Setup
  • Initialize Environment
  • Create One-Way Replication
  • HA-DR Replication
  • Transformations

2) GoldenGate for Big Data Workshop

In this workshop, you will be able to replicate changed data from MySQL database to  various big data targets like HDFS, Hive, HBase, Kafka, Cassandra and in various formats like Json and Avro formats 

Workshop Duration: 5 hours


  • Install GoldenGate Binaries for Big Data
  • MySQL --> MySQL unidirectional replication
  • MySQL --> HDFS (delimited text format)
  • MySQL --> Hive (Avro format)
  • MySQL --> HBase
  • MySQL --> Kafka (Json format)
  • MySQL --> Cassandra

3) GoldenGate Stream Analytics Workshop

Stream Analytics is an in-memory technology for real-time analytic computations on streaming data. This workshop includes several labs that will walk you through navigation and exploration of GoldenGate Stream Analytics (GGSA) using a sample IoT scenario. It will then allow the user to create a new pipeline given a Retail use case.

Workshop Duration: 3 hours 


  1. Prerequisites
  2. Introduction
  3. Generate SSH Key
  4. Prepare Setup (Free tier and Paid Accounts only)
  5. Environment Setup
  6. Login and Navigation
  7. Streaming IoT Data
  8. Streaming Retail data
  9. Publishing, Dashboards, Import/Export

Thomas Vengal

Director, Product Management

Thomas Vengal is Director of Product Management at Oracle. Previously, he worked at Informatica as a product manager and development manager at HP Software. He has been working in the application and data management domain for over 15 years. He holds M.Tech in Data Science from BITS Pilani and an MBA from Perth Graduate School of Business.

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