GoldenGate Free is a starter version of Oracle's best-in-class replication software. With GoldenGate Free, application database administrators (DBAs) can learn basic concepts while creating simple data replication processes in a simplified user interface.
It is the same powerful Oracle GoldenGate that enterprises rely on worldwide, packaged for simple download, ease of use, and a fully-featured experience. The entire application portfolio is delivered in an Oracle Docker container ready to be deployed anywhere – on premises, in OCI, or on other cloud platforms.
The following Oracle Database versions are supported:
*Learn more about the limitations of using GoldenGate Free here.
High-Level Architecture Diagram
Step I: Sign-In to Oracle Container Registry
Sign in using your Oracle account and accept the license agreement before you can pull the GoldenGate Free docker image from the Oracle Container Registry.
Click on the GoldenGate repository. Then, click on GoldenGate-free Repository.
Step II: Provision Docker CLI on AWS EC2
AWS CloudShell requires install of docker cli , as the docker isn’t accessible by default. Instead setting up Docker CLI on AWS EC2 instance is recommended.
sudo amazon-linux-extras install docker
sudo service docker start
sudo usermod -a -G docker ec2-user
Setup III : Pull GoldenGate free Image from Oracle Container Registry
[ec2-user@ip-~]$ docker login
[ec2-user@ip~]$ docker pull
Execute the below command to verify the goldengate-free image
docker images
Optional: Configure the AWS CLI by executing the aws configure command to set credentials used to encrypt the request to the AWS services
Open the private ECR repository created earlier and click on the Push command-tab on the top-right-hand corner
docker tag 4a4228dc200d<repository-name>
docker push<repository-name>
Prerequisites: Complete the steps listed in the link below related to IAM roles & permissions
Step I: Create an ECS Cluster
Step II: Create Task Definitions
For example, two vcpu and 16GB Memory
Step III: Create a Service
Amazon ECS service allows configuring, running, and maintaining a specified number of instances of a task definition simultaneously for an Amazon ECS cluster. If one of your tasks fails or stops, the Amazon ECS service scheduler launches another instance of your task definition to replace it.
Select “Service” as the Application Type
Under Family, Select the task Definition created in the previous step from the dropdown.
Specify a name in the Service Name field
Leave the rest of the fields with Default values
Verify that default VPC and subnets are selected
Also, Public IP is Turned On
Select “Application Load Balancer” as the Application type from the dropdown.
Specify a name for the Load Balancer
Select Create New Target Group and Specify a name for the Target Group
Leave the rest of the fields on the page with default values. Then click Create button.
Step IV: Accessing the GoldenGate Free Console
Once the Cluster and service are successfully created, the service status shows up as Active in the Services tab under Cluster details.
Next, Click on the Tasks tab at the bottom of the screen. Verify that the task created is in Running Status.
On the first startup of the container, a random password will be generated for the Oracle GoldenGate administrative user if not provided by the OGG_ADMIN_PWD environment variable. You can find this password in the container log:
In the GoldenGate free console UI, use the above credentials for login.
Once logged in, you can create connections to the Source/Target database and replication Pipeline.
Alex is Director of Product Management in the GoldenGate group focusing on GoldenGate Core Product, GoldenGate for Oracle, and Goldengate Foundation Suite. Alex has a 20-year extensive background in managing, integrating, and architecting Oracle database solutions to customers worldwide, specializing in process improvement, performance, tunning, and high availability.
Shrinidhi Kulkarni is a Principal Product Manager in the Oracle GoldenGate group focusing on OCI GoldenGate,GoldenGate for Non-Oracle and GoldenGate for Big Data.
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