A Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up GoldenGate DAA 23ai for MongoDB and Oracle JSON Database Integration

September 15, 2024 | 6 minute read
Carmelo Millan Rosales
EMEA Data Integration Specialist - GoldenGate
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This blog could be consider the “on-premises” version of this previous blog “No Downtime Migration from MongoDB to Autonomous JSON Database” written by Deniz Sendil, a Senior Principle Product Manager in Oracle GoldenGate.

The use case is to migrate MongoDB documents to Oracle JSON Database on-premises.

What You’ll Need

Before we jump in, make sure you have the following:

  1. MongoDB set up as a replica set.
  2. Oracle GoldenGate 23ai for Distributed Applications and Analytics.
  3. Oracle Database 21c or higher, with Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS)

This blog offers a detailed step by step to configure:

  • GoldenGate 23ai DAA to capture transactions from MongoDB.
  • GoldenGate 23ai DAA to deliver transactions to Oracle DB using Oracle Database API, configured with ORDS.

The main difficulty here is that to use the Oracle Database API for MongoDB.

To setup this feature, ORDS must be configured with SSL. We provide a step-by-step guide to configuring ORDS with SSL using a self-signed certificate.

The final Oracle Database API for MongoDB URI connection, allow the GoldenGate DAA configured as a MongoDB TARGET, deliver the documents in Oracle JSON Database.

GoldenGate Architecture Replication












Configure OGG 23ai DAA for capture transactions in MongoDB

You should follow this documentation

This is an EXTRACT parameter file example, to capture from MongoDB replica set:


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JVMOPTIONS CLASSPATH /u01/app/product/goldengate/bigdata/ggjava/ggjava.jar:/u01/app/product/goldengate/bigdata/opt/DependencyDownloader/dependencies/mongodb_capture_4.11.0/*
TABLE "demodata"."testData";

In the properties file, the MongoDB URI replica set:

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Configure the Oracle Database API for MongoDB in the Oracle JSON Database 21c or higher.

We will configure a MongoDB REPLICAT, reading the trailfile from the MongoDB Capture, and deliver the transactions to a Oracle JSON Database using the Oracle Database API for MongoDB.


  • ORDS configure with SSL to use the Oracle Database API. To secure ORDS, we should configure ORDS with SSL a Self-Signed Certificate

Before you start, ensure administrative access to the server where ORDS is installed, and that the OpenSSL utility is installed to create the certificates.

Create a Self-Signed SSL Certificate

Create and Navigate to a New Directory:

Make sure the directory does not already exist before creating it.

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mkdir -p ~/selfsigned-certs-ok
cd ~/selfsigned-certs-ok

Generate the CA's Private Key:

Remember the password used here, as it will be needed to sign other certificates.

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openssl genrsa -aes256 -out ca-key.pem 4096

Create the CA's Public Certificate:

This self-signed certificate acts as your Certificate Authority.

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openssl req -new -x509 -sha256 -days 365 -key ca-key.pem -out ca.pem

View the CA Certificate’s Details:

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openssl x509 -in ca.pem -text

Generate and Sign the Client Certificate

Generate the Client's Private Key:

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openssl genrsa -out client-key.pem 4096

Create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR):

Ensure the Common Name (CN) matches the hostname where the certificate will be used.

In my environment:

Hosts file:   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4   oraclelinux8.livelabs.oraclevcn.com   oraclelinux8


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openssl req -new -sha256 -subj "/CN= oraclelinux8" -key client-key.pem -out client.csr


Generate the Client Certificate Using the CA:

Ensure IP addresses and DNS names in extfile.conf match your current needs. Check for consistency in IP addresses.

Hosts file:   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4   oraclelinux8.livelabs.oraclevcn.com   oraclelinux8


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echo "subjectAltName=DNS:*.oraclevcn.com,DNS:oraclelinux8.livelabs.oraclevcn.com,IP:" >> extfile.cnf
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openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 365 -in client.csr -CA ca.pem -CAkey ca-key.pem -out client.pem -extfile extfile.cnf -CAcreateserial

Verify the Client Certificate:

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openssl verify -CAfile ca.pem -verbose client.pem

Convert the Certificate and Key to DER Format:

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cat client.pem > fullchain.pem
cat ca.pem >> fullchain.pem


Configure ORDS to Use Your SSL Certificate

Convert the Certificate and Key to DER Format:

Some systems require certificates in DER format instead of PEM.

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openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform DER -in client-key.pem -out client-key.der -nocrypt
openssl x509 -inform PEM -outform DER -in client.pem -out client.der

Check all *.der files generated

ls *.der

client.der client-key.der

Install ORDS in HTTPS Mode

There are a lot of steps by step blogs in Oracle.com:


Download ORDS software:


Ensure the file paths are correct and match your ORDS configuration directory.


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export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/latest
export ORDS_HOME=/home/oracle/ords
export ORDS_CONFIG=/home/oracle/ordsconfigonprem
export PATH=${ORDS_HOME}/bin:${PATH}
export _JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xms1126M -Xmx1126M"


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ords install


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PORT 8443


Configure ORDS using the client Certificate and key in “der” format:

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ords config set standalone.https.cert /home/oracle/selfsigned-certs-ok/client.der
ords config set standalone.https.cert.key /home/oracle/selfsigned-certs-ok/client-key.der


Enable Oracle Database Mongo API

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ords config set mongo.enabled true
ords config set mongo.port 27040

Start ORDS

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ords --config /home/oracle/ordsconfig serve

(From log in the ords serve start)

#Check URI

2024-05-15T23:50:20.786Z INFO        The Oracle API for MongoDB connection string is:



Testing and Verification

Test the SSL Connection:

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openssl s_client -showcerts -connect


Test and Verify Everything is Working

Create user in bbdd Oracle for Mongo API with SODA.

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sqlplus sys/xxxxxx@localhost:1521/orcl as sysdba
create user appuser identified by "Welcome#123";    
grant soda_app, create session, create table, create view, create sequence, create procedure, create job, unlimited tablespace to appuser;    
connect appuser/Welcome#123    
exec ords.enable_schema;


Test connection without certificates

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mongosh  --tlsAllowInvalidCertificates 'mongodb://appuser:Welcome#123@$external&tls=true&retryWrites=false&loadBalanced=true'


[orcl:oracle@oraclelinux8:~]$ mongosh  --tlsAllowInvalidCertificates 'mongodb://appuser:Welcome#123@$external&tls=true&retryWrites=false&loadBalanced=true'

Current Mongosh Log ID:    66454cdb8593e216742202d7
Connecting to:             mongodb://<credentials>@
Using MongoDB:             4.2.14
Using Mongosh:             2.2.5
For mongosh info see: https://docs.mongodb.com/mongodb-shell/
Warning: Found ~/.mongorc.js, but not ~/.mongoshrc.js. ~/.mongorc.js will not be loaded.
  You may want to copy or rename ~/.mongorc.js to ~/.mongoshrc.js.


(That is the Oracle Database)


Secure connection chain to Mongo API using the public CA certificate

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mongosh --tls --tlsCAFile /home/oracle/selfsigned-certs-ok/ca.pem 'mongodb://appuser:Welcome#123@$external&ssl=true&retryWrites=false&loadBalanced=true'



[orcl:oracle@oraclelinux8:~]$ mongosh --tls --tlsCAFile /home/oracle/selfsigned-certs-ok/ca.pem 'mongodb://appuser:Welcome#123@$external&ssl=true&retryWrites=false&loadBalanced=true'
Current Mongosh Log ID:    66454faf68dedd56752202d7
Connecting to:             mongodb://<credentials>@
Using MongoDB:             4.2.14
Using Mongosh:             2.2.5
For mongosh info see: https://docs.mongodb.com/mongodb-shell/
Warning: Found ~/.mongorc.js, but not ~/.mongoshrc.js. ~/.mongorc.js will not be loaded.
  You may want to copy or rename ~/.mongorc.js to ~/.mongoshrc.js.



Configure OGG 23ai DAA to use this cert and this URI

  • Certificate “ca.pem” MUST BE added to Keystore (JAVA DEPLOYMENT)
  • OGG_HOME=/u01/app/product/goldengate/bigdata
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cd /u01/app/product/goldengate/bigdata

./keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore /u01/app/product/goldengate/bigdata/jdk/jre/lib/security/cacerts -storepass changeit -alias MiCA -file /home/oracle/selfsigned-certs-ok/ca.pem -noprompt


[orcl:oracle@oraclelinux8:/u01/app/product/goldengate/bigdata/jdk/bin]$ ./keytool  -import -trustcacerts -keystore /u01/app/product/goldengate/bigdata/jdk/jre/lib/security/cacerts -storepass changeit -alias MiCA -file /home/oracle/selfsigned-certs-ok/ca.pem -noprompt

Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Xms1126M -Xmx1126M

Certificate was added to keystore


Config REPLICAT in OGG DAA MongoDB using Mongo API URI to Oracle DB

Follow this documentation.

For this blog, we will use these parameter files in OGG:


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MAP *.*, TARGET appuser.*;


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# Properties file for Replicat MONGOAPI
# MongoDB Handler Template




jvm.bootoptions=-Xmx512m -Xms32m


This is the clientURI you should use to connect to the Oracle JSON Database in OGG DAA 23ai configuration for MongoDB Replicat using Oracle Database MongoDB API:

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Wrapping Up

That’s it! You’ve now set up Oracle GoldenGate 23ai to replicate data from MongoDB to OracleDB, complete with SSL security. This process ensures that your data is transferred safely and efficiently. If you ran into any issues or have questions, feel free to reach out, and I’ll be happy to help.

Carmelo Millan Rosales

EMEA Data Integration Specialist - GoldenGate

I have more than 20 years of experience in Data Management, real-time data replication, bulk data movement and transformation, data quality, and metadata management in Cloud and On-prem environments.
Passionate GoldenGate evangelist.

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