Oracle Database 19c Running @Memory Speed
Intel Optane Persistent Memory is a new memory technology and Oracle has harnessed to deliver the highest possible database performance today. This technical advancement is a fusion of memory with storage capabilities.
Oracle Database has been able to use Persistent Memory since it was first introduced using what is known as Memory Mode, which enables much larger memory configurations than conventional Dynamic Random-Access Memory (DRAM). Starting with Oracle Database version 19.12, Oracle Database can also use what is known as AppDirect Mode. Persistent Memory in AppDirect mode (which we address in this blog) allows, PMEM to be used as a persistent data store for data and related files.
Oracle Database can now reside on Persistent Memory and take advantage of the byte addressable capabilities of PMEM with much lower latency than even the fastest Flash storage can provide. To further improve performance, data sitting on PMEM device is accessed directly by the Oracle Database eliminating the overhead of copying data into the database buffer cache. In this blog, we will go through the process of setting up PMEM devices and creating file systems on top of them. Later we will clone an active source Oracle Database onto these file systems. Oracle Database can also be created from scratch (using CREATE DATABASE command) once the file system is set up. In this blog, we will see how we can use the standard RMAN ACTIVE DUPLICATE command to bring an active database from another server.
What is Persistent Memory
Persistent Memory is a solid-state high-performance byte-addressable memory (like DRAM) that resides on memory bus, giving DRAM-like access to data and DRAM-like speed in the range of nanoseconds. DRAM memory is ephemeral, meaning the contents disappear when a server is rebooted. Storage has traditionally been a distinctly separate tier in the form of disk or Flash drives. For any computer application to work, the application data stored in disk or Flash must be loaded in memory, introducing additional latency in the process. Persistent Memory (in AppDirect Mode) operates both like memory and storage. It is a storage device that sits on the memory bus and is byte-addressable like memory, but also has the ability to persist data across server reboots.
With advancements in infrastructure technology (compute, storage, memory, networking etc.), and fast database systems, there has always been a struggle to optimize database workloads and improve performance. Bringing data from storage into memory is a performance bottleneck. PMEM devices reside directly on the memory bus, which reduces IO latency. In the later part of the blog, we will show how to set up an existing Oracle database on a Persistent Memory store. First, let us talk about the Memory/Storage hierarchy.
Memory Storage Hierarchy
In the below diagram, you can see where Persistent Memory sits in the memory and storage hierarchy and the latency involved in bringing data to the compute.
How does Oracle utilize Persistent Memory?
Persistent Memory with Oracle Databases fits into the system architecture in 2 different ways. Persistent Memory can reside within servers or within storage. Oracle supports both of these systems architectures as follows:
Server-Side Persistent Memory
Storage-Side Persistent Memory
In this blog, we will focus on Oracle Database 19c (19.12 and later) using the OMS (Oracle Memory Speed) file system. The Directly Mapped Buffer Cache feature of Oracle 21c will be covered in a later blog post. Oracle Memory Speed (OMS) file system fully utilizes the potential of persistent memory to reduce storage latencies. So, what is OMS? Let’s find out.
Introduction to OMS (Oracle Memory Speed)
As we have seen in the Memory/Storage hierarchy above, Persistent Memory is a new tier in the hierarchy that fits between DRAM and Flash Storage. PMEM performance is close to the performance of volatile memory (DRAM). However, unlike DRAM, the data residing on PMEM devices is not lost (persists) across system restarts or power failures. PMEM devices are usually deployed with a DAX (Direct Access Filesystem). Since PMEM devices are byte addressable unlike storage devices (HDD, SSD) that are block addressable, there are cases where data stored in DAX enable filesystems may become corrupt in certain scenarios. Oracle Memory Speed (OMS) file system is designed to avoid these corruptions known as “fractured blocks” or “torn writes” while still delivering the full performance potential of Persistent Memory
Avoiding Fractured Blocks (aka torn writes) and Data loss with Persistent Memory
Persistent Memory, like DRAM, operates byte-by-byte (hence byte addressable) rather than in blocks as with conventional disk or Flash storage. With PMEM, data is persisted 8-bytes at a time rather than in terms of 4K O/S pages or storage sectors. If an Oracle Database writes a block of data (8192 bytes = 8K), the data would be persisted into PMEM in 1024 chunks (1024 chunks of 8 bytes each). Any disruption (power failure for example) during the time of this write, can leave data “fractured” or “torn” with inconsistent data in some of those 1024 chunks (old and new data). OMS eliminates this “fractured” block problem by doing an out of place copy into DRAM and the metadata is updated to point to the new block only after the entire block is written.
With a firm understanding of Persistent Memory and how it works, let’s get into details of how to configure Oracle Database with Persistent Memory. We start with system configuration and basic installation, then move to create a backing file to store Oracle data files, redo logs, temporary files etc.
Requirements and guidelines for Oracle Memory Speed:
-bash-4.2$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch
-bash-4.2$ ./opatch lspatches
33192793;Database Release Update : (33192793)
OMS file system is only supported for a single instance Oracle database deployment and is not supported with Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC). Each OMS file store also supports a single Oracle Database. This means, you can have Oracle datafiles from one database on one OMS file store. To deploy multiple databases on a server (or Virtual Machine), we can create multiple OMS file stores on the server.
Let us start setting up:
df -hT
/dev/pmem0p1 xfs 1.5T 1.4T 57G 97% /mnt/pmem12
/dev/pmem1p1 xfs 1.5T 1.4T 57G 97% /mnt/pmem13
# ipmctl show -memoryresources
Capacity=3029.4 GiB
MemoryCapacity=0.0 GiB
AppDirectCapacity=3024.0 GiB
UnconfiguredCapacity=0.0 GiB
InaccessibleCapacity=5.4 GiB
ReservedCapacity=0.0 GiBsources
# ipmctl show -region
SocketID | ISetID | PersistentMemoryType | Capacity | FreeCapacity | HealthState
0x0000 | 0x97407f48df982ccc | AppDirect | 1512.0 GiB | 0.0 GiB | Healthy
0x0001 | 0xfb907f48d59a2ccc | AppDirect | 1512.0 GiB | 0.0 GiB | Healthy
Here, there are two PMEM regions; one per socket. Each PMEM region is 1512 GiB and supports AppDirect mode.
In the below example, two namespaces namespace0.0 and namespace1.0 are now available for NUMA nodes 0 and 1 respectively. the block device path is /dev/pmem0 and /dev/pmem1
# ndctl list -u
"size":"1488.37 GiB (1598.13 GB)",
"size":"1488.37 GiB (1598.13 GB)",
# mkfs.xfs -f -d su=2m,sw=1 /dev/pmem0
data = bsize=4096 blocks=777240064, imaxpct=5
= sunit=512 swidth=512 blks
naming =version 2 bsize=4096 ascii-ci=0 ftype=1
log =internal log bsize=4096 blocks=379511, version=2
= sectsz=4096 sunit=1 blks, lazy-count=1
realtime =none
In this example, the data section of the output has bsize=4096 (=4K blocks). So, the data block size for this file system is 4096 bytes. The sunit=512 and the swidth=512 blks. This implies that the stripe unit is 512*4096 bytes = 2 MB and the stripe width is 512*4096 bytes = 2 MB. A single stripe of this file system is composed of a single stripe unit (512 blocks / 512 blocks per unit).
Huge Pages – Typically for a large Oracle database we configure Hugepages to map SGA memory. This gives a substantial benefit in virtual memory management by reducing page faults (standard page size is 4K, HugePage size is 2MiB) to 512x less.
Similarly, with PMEM devices, we create a hugepage aware filesystem (DAX) that has mmap mapping to be 2MiB and block allocation is 2MiB as well. Partitions created on top of PMEM namespace should be 2MiB aligned. By default, fdisk creates partitions that are 1MiB (1024 sector) aligned. A filesystem built on top of this partition won’t be able to provide DAX with 2MiB aligned block allocations. We need to have our partition begin at 2MiB aligned boundary.
Now we mount the device using the dax option
# mount -o dax /dev/pmem0 /mnt/pmem0
# mount -o dax /dev/pmem1 /mnt/pmem1
Verify if the filesystem is mounted with the dax option
# mount | grep dax
/dev/pmem0p1 on /mnt/pmem12 type xfs (rw,relatime,attr2,dax,inode64,rtdev=/dev/pmem0p2,noquota)
/dev/pmem1p1 on /mnt/pmem13 type xfs (rw,relatime,attr2,dax,inode64,rtdev=/dev/pmem1p2,noquota)
An uber file is like a volume in a traditional kernel-based file system. The uber file stores all the metadata and data for OMS.
# fallocate -l 1400G /mnt/pmem12/omsuberfile.tst19oms
# fallocate -l 1400G /mnt/pmem13/omsuberfile.tst19oms
# chown oracle:dba /mnt/pmem12/omsuberfile.tst19oms
# chown oracle:dba /mnt/pmem13/omsuberfile.tst19oms
# chmod 644 /mnt/pmem12/omsuberfile.tst19oms
# chmod 644 /mnt/pmem13/omsuberfile.tst19oms
In this example above, fallocate creates two 1400 GiB files in each of the DAX-enabled file systems. Ensure that the size of the file is an exact multiple of 2MiB. This aligns the file extents on 2 MiB boundaries and enables access through HugePages virtual memory mappings.
Also note down the string “tst19oms” at the end of the uber file. This means that this uber file can be used by only one database instance “tst19oms”. The suffix tst19oms is tied to an Oracle SID (unique name for Oracle database instance).
$ mkdir /home/oracle/product/oradata/TST19OMS
$ chmod -wx /home/oracle/product/oradata/TST19OMS
$ mkdir /home/oracle/product/redo/TST19OMS
$ chmod -wx /home/oracle/product/redo/TST19OMS
cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib
make -f oms_on
chmod +x oms_daemon
chmod +x omsfscmds
(IMPORTANT: ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_BASE and ORACLE_SID must be setup in the shell before attempting daemon startup)
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
$ ./oms_daemon
OMS daemon process with the name (oms_tst19oms – oms followed by SID_NAME) will be created with trace file located in $ORACLE_BASE/diag/oms/
$ ps -ef | grep oms
oracle 10303 1 0 Feb16 ? 00:00:00 oms_tst19oms
OMS> mkfs /mnt/pmem12/omsuberfile.tst19oms
OMS:mkfs:No blocksize specified, using 4K
OMS:mkfs: Device /mnt/pmem12/omsuberfile.tst19oms formatted with blocksize 4096
OMS> mount /mnt/pmem12/omsuberfile.tst19oms /home/oracle/product/oradata/TST19OMS
OMS:mount: Mounted /mnt/pmem12/omsuberfile.tst19oms at /home/oracle/product/oradata/TST19OMS
OMS> mkfs /mnt/pmem13/omsuberfile.tst19oms
OMS:mkfs:No blocksize specified, using 4K
OMS:mkfs: Device /mnt/pmem13/omsuberfile.tst19oms formatted with blocksize 4096
OMS> mount /mnt/pmem13/omsuberfile.tst19oms /home/oracle/product/redo/TST19OMS
OMS:mount: Mounted /mnt/pmem13/omsuberfile.tst19oms at /home/oracle/product/redo/TST19OMS
Let us now validate the mount status
OMS> lsmount
fsindex : 0
Mountpt : /home/oracle/product/oradata/TST19OMS
Deviceid: /mnt/pmem12/omsuberfile.tst19oms
fsindex : 1
Mountpt : /home/oracle/product/redo/TST19OMS
Deviceid: /mnt/pmem13/omsuberfile.tst19oms
Sample initialization file (inittst19oms.ora). From the init file, we can see that we are creating control files on a PMEM device. I am also using db_file_name_convert and log_file_name_convert parameters to convert directory paths for the files that we will be bringing from a source active database. The destination strings are on PMEM device.
*.db_file_name_convert='/u01/app/oracle/oradata/TST19DB/TST19DB/datafile', '/home/oracle/product/oradata/TST19OMS', '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/TST19DB/TST19DB/D82AA715ADA54DD1E053A15F1F0A8DE5/datafile', '/home/oracle/product/oradata/TST19OMS'
*.log_file_name_convert='/u01/app/oracle/oradata/onlinelog/TST19DB/TST19DB/onlinelog', '/home/oracle/product/fast_recovery_area/TST19OMS/onlinelog','/u01/app/oracle/oradata/fast_recovery_area/TST19DB/TST19DB/onlinelog', '/home/oracle/product/fast_recovery_area/TST19OMS/onlinelog'
*.dispatchers='(PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=tst1dbXDB)'
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs
sqlplus / as sysdba
startup nomount pfile=’inittst19oms.ora’
when the instance is started, you should watch out for these messages in alert log to confirm Oracle Memory Speed (OMS) is used
Oracle instance running with ODM: OMS (Oracle memory speed) ODM Library, Version: 2.0 without DataGuard.
We have a script that we will use to run for the DUPLICATE command. tst19db is the source database running on a different host. Tst19oms is the target database that will be a PMEM database.
connect target sys/<password>@tst19db;
connect auxiliary sys/<password>@tst19oms;
To validate datafiles are located on the right mount point, query the name and size of the datafiles.
Resources and Further Reading
Deploying Oracle Memory Speed File System
Persistent Memory Primer – By Chris Craft
In this blog, we have seen how we can clone an Oracle database running on a different server to a PMEM enabled file system. From the memory-storage hierarchy diagram earlier in the blog, we can see that PMEM devices are about ~3000x faster than Flash SSDs. We have significantly reduced the IO latency when our database run on an PMEM device. With OMS, the files are accessed in similar fashion to a traditional database where data is copied to buffer cache in DRAM (memory) and written back to OMS on PMEM. You may wonder about the capability of key features of Oracle database - Scalability and Availability. PMEM databases can scale horizontally using Oracle database Sharding capability. Availability of databases can be achieved by using local Data Guard or remote site Data Guard set up. In the next blog, we will explore the Directly Mapped Buffer Cache feature in Oracle database 21.3 and later releases, where Oracle Database accesses data directly from PMEM file store, bypassing the I/O layer entirely. Persistent Memory storage and buffer cache become one in Oracle21c. Stay tuned….
Maruti Sharma is a Senior Principal product manager for mission critical database systems at Oracle with over 25 years of software experience focused on relational databases, Big Data, NoSQL data stores, server programming, microservices. Prior to joining Oracle, Maruti was a Chief Architect and Associate Technical Fellow at The Boeing Company where he was responsible for managing everything data related.
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