Oracle Autonomous Database is the world’s first self-driving, self-repairing and self-securing database in the cloud. The steps below show - how to easily migrate Oracle Database on AWS RDS to Oracle Autonomous Database running in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) using Data Pump. The migration in this example uses Amazon S3 and an internet connection for transferring data to Oracle Autonomous Database on OCI.
Migration process
Step 1 - Identify the Source ORACLE DATABASE on AWS RDS
Step 2 - Prepare target Autonomous Database on Oracle Cloud
To provision an Oracle Autonomous Database, refer to link below
Provision Autonomous Database (
Step 3 - Before migrating to Autonomous Database we first need to validate compatibility using CPAT (Cloud Premigration Advisory Tool)
CPAT is a Java-based tool to help assess the ease of migration of your database to Oracle Autonomous Database. CPAT will assess your source database instance, checking for potentially problematic content and other factors that could impede a successful migration.The advisor will work against the following source database versions: Oracle Database and higher, including 12c, 18c, and 19c.
./ --gettargetprops -username ADMIN --connectstring 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@targetdb_tpurgent'
Use right-click->Open image in new tab if you are facing difficulties to reading.
./ --connectstring --targetcloud ATPS --username admin --schemas SATYA --analysisprops --reportformat text
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Note: Analyze the report and fix any blockers as well as verify the warning and information. For example, a blocker can be data in the user tablespace. Autonomous Database supports only the DATA tablespace. To fix the blocker we have to map the tablespace
Step 4 - Start the export of the source schema
Step 5 - Create an Amazon S3 bucket to upload the dump file.
Step 6 - Import the dump file from the Amazon S3 bucket to Autonomous Database.
impdp admin/WElcome##12345@targetdb_tpurgent directory=DATA_PUMP_DIR job_name=imp_job credential=OBJ_STORE_CRED dumpfile= parallel=2 encryption_pwd_prompt=yes transform=segment_attributes:n transform=dwcs_cvt_iots:y transform=constraint_use_default_index:y exclude=cluster,indextype,db_link
Use right-click->Open image in new tab if you are facing difficulties to reading.
Cheers!! Migration successfully completed
Please go through the below link for more details on Oracle Autonomous Database and Migration option.