PL/SQL is one of the core technologies at Oracle and is essential to leveraging the full potential of Oracle Database. PL/SQL combines the relational data access capabilities of the Structured Query Language with a flexible embedded procedural language, and it executes complex queries and programmatic logic run inside the database engine itself. This enhances the agility, efficiency, and performance of database-driven applications.
Steven Feuerstein, one of the industry’s best-respected and most prolific experts in PL/SQL, wrote a 12-part tutorial series on the language. Those articles, first published in 2011, have been among the most popular ever published on the Oracle website and continue to find new readers and enthusiasts in the database community. Beginning with the first installment, the entire series is being updated and republished; please enjoy!
If you’re reading this article, there’s a really good chance that you or your colleagues write PL/SQL code. Lots of it. Which means that you also will at least occasionally need to analyze that code, answering questions such as
You can, of course, always use the search feature of your editor or integrated development environment to look through multiple database objects and files to find specific chunks of text. But those techniques won’t be enough to answer all of the above questions and many more challenges you will encounter.
Don’t despair! One of the most lovely aspects of writing PL/SQL code and compiling that code into the database is that Oracle Database offers a set of views—known collectively as the data dictionary—that enable you to use the SQL and PL/SQL languages to get answers to just about any question you have about your code. Table 1 offers a high-level overview of the data dictionary views most often used to manage PL/SQL code.
USER_ARGUMENTS | The arguments (parameters) in all the procedures and functions in your schema. |
USER_DEPENDENCIES | The dependencies to and from objects you own. This view is used mostly by Oracle Database to invalidate the status of database objects when an object on which they depend changes. |
USER_ERRORS | The current set of compilation errors for all stored objects (including triggers) you own. This view is accessed by the SHOW ERRORS SQL*Plus command. You can, however, write your own queries against it as well. |
USER_IDENTIFIERS | Introduced in Oracle Database 11g and populated by the PL/Scope compiler utility. Once populated, this view provides you with information about all the identifiers—program names, variables, and so on—in your codebase. |
USER_OBJECT_SIZE | The size of the objects you own. Actually, this view shows you the source, parsed, and compile sizes for your code. Although it is used mainly by the compiler and runtime engine, you can use it to identify the large programs in your environment. |
USER_OBJECTS | The objects you own. You can, for instance, use this view to see if an object is marked INVALID, find all the packages that have EMP in their names, and so on. |
USER_PLSQL_OBJECT_SETTINGS | Information about the characteristics—such as the optimization level and debug settings—of a PL/SQL object that can be modified through the ALTER and SET DDL commands. |
USER_PROCEDURES | Information about stored programs, such as the AUTHID setting, whether the program was defined as DETERMINISTIC, and so on. |
USER_SOURCE | The text source code for all objects you own (in Oracle9i Database and above, including database triggers and Java source). This is a very handy view, because you can run all sorts of analyses of the source code against it with SQL and, in particular, Oracle Text. |
USER_STORED_SETTINGS | PL/SQL compiler flags. Use this view to discover which programs have been compiled via native compilation. |
USER_TRIGGERS and USER_TRIGGER_COLS | The database triggers you own (including the source code and a description of the triggering event) and any columns identified with the triggers, respectively. You can write programs against USER_TRIGGERS to enable or disable triggers for a particular table. |
Table 1: Useful views for PL/SQL programmers
This article explores many of the views mentioned in Table 1, describing the most useful columns in the views and offering examples of how you can put those views to use.
The data dictionary consists of many tables and views created by the database instance. User schemas generally have no privileges on these tables; Oracle Database grants only SELECT access on the views.
Most data dictionary views come in three versions:
Let’s look at an example. Suppose I want to obtain a list of the objects—tables, views, packages, and so on—defined in the database.
The following query returns all the objects defined in my schema:
SELECT * FROM user_objects
The following query returns all the objects that are defined in my schema or for which I have been granted the privilege to use those objects in some way:
SELECT * FROM all_objects
Finally, the following query returns a list of all the objects defined in the database instance—if I have the authority to select from the view:
SELECT * FROM dba_objects
Usually the only difference between the USER view and the ALL view is that the latter contains one extra column, OWNER, that shows which schema owns the object.
The remainder of this article provides examples based on the USER view.
The USER_OBJECTS view contains a row for every database object owned by your schema. The most commonly used columns are
Here are some examples of queries against USER_OBJECTS.
SELECT object_name
FROM user_objects
WHERE object_type = 'TABLE'
ORDER BY object_name
SELECT object_type, object_name
FROM user_objects
WHERE status = 'INVALID'
ORDER BY object_type, object_name
SELECT object_type, object_name,
FROM user_objects
WHERE last_ddl_time >= TRUNC (SYSDATE)
ORDER BY object_type, object_name
All the program unit source code you’ve compiled into the database is accessible through the USER_SOURCE view, whose columns are
You can write queries against USER_SOURCE to
Here is an example: I need to change the parameter list and code of a procedure named CALC_TOTALS in the SALES_MGR package. I’d like to find out where this procedure is called, outside of the SALES_MGR package itself.
SELECT name, line, text
FROM user_source
ORDER BY name, line
Of course, this query will also find comments that contain this string, and there could be invocations of CALC_TOTALS that are not found, such as
Assuming, however, that you don’t write or format your code to break up subprogram calls like that, the query will do a pretty good job of identifying the places in your code you need to review.
And for an Oracle Database 11g instance, you could use the PL/Scope feature. See more about that later in this article.
The USER_PLSQL_OBJECT_SETTINGS view provides information about compiler settings of stored PL/SQL objects. Key columns are
Here are some examples of queries against USER_PLSQL_OBJECT_SETTINGS.
FROM user_plsql_object_settings
WHERE plsql_optimize_level < 2
An optimization level of 0 means no optimization at all. An optimization level of 1 means a minimal amount of optimization. Neither of these levels should be seen in a production environment.
SELECT name, plsql_warnings
FROM user_plsql_object_settings
WHERE plsql_warnings LIKE '%DISABLE%';
The USER_PROCEDURES view provides information about all functions and procedures, both schema-level and those defined within packages, in your schema. Columns of this view are
Here are some examples of queries against USER_PROCEDURES.
SELECT object_name
, procedure_name
FROM user_procedures
ORDER BY object_name, procedure_name
SELECT object_name
, procedure_name
FROM user_procedures
WHERE deterministic = 'YES'
ORDER BY object_name, procedure_name
If you work with database triggers, USER_TRIGGERS, which contains a row for each trigger defined in your schema, will come in handy. Key columns are
Here are some examples of queries against USER_TRIGGERS.
FROM user_triggers
FROM user_triggers
WHERE table_name = 'EMPLOYEES'
AND trigger_type LIKE '%EACH ROW'
FROM user_triggers
WHERE triggering_event LIKE '%UPDATE%'
One limitation in the USER_TRIGGERS view is that the TRIGGER_BODY column type is LONG, which means that it cannot be used in a SQL comparison.
Suppose, for example, that I want to find all the triggers whose trigger body contains the string “emp”. The following query, unfortunately, fails and produces an ORA-00932 error:
FROM user_triggers
WHERE trigger_body LIKE '%emp%'
So if you do want to search the contents of trigger bodies, you will need to use PL/SQL, in a block like this:
FROM user_triggers)
IF rec.trigger_body LIKE '%emp%'
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (
'Found in ' || rec.trigger_name);
Note that the USER_TRIGGER_COLS view keeps track of the columns that are referenced inside a trigger body.
The USER_DEPENDENCIES view describes the dependencies between the procedures, packages, functions, package bodies, and triggers accessible to the current user. You can use it to perform impact analysis on your code, as in the following: How many programs will need to be changed if I change this table?
Key columns in this view are
Here are some examples of queries against USER_DEPENDENCIES.
SELECT type, name
FROM user_dependencies
WHERE referenced_name = 'EMPLOYEES'
ORDER BY type, name
SELECT referenced_type
, referenced_name
FROM user_dependencies
AND referenced_owner = USER
ORDER BY referenced_type,
A best practice that I, and others, strongly recommend is to avoid repeating SQL statements by “hiding” those statements inside a procedure or a function. Let’s look at an example and then at how the USER_DEPENDENCIES view can help us identify violations of this best practice.
It is very common in PL/SQL code to find many queries that retrieve a single row for a primary key. Here’s a PL/SQL example with a query that uses the standard Oracle Database EMPLOYEES table:
PROCEDURE process_employee (
employee_id_in IN INTEGER)
l_name VARCHAR2 (100);
SELECT last_name
INTO l_name
FROM employees
WHERE employee_id = employee_id_in;
Instead of writing this query each time, I suggest writing a function once that contains this query and returns the desired value. Then you can call the function as needed. Assuming that I have created a package named EMPLOYEES_API with a function named LAST_NAME, the above procedure can be changed to
PROCEDURE process_employee (
employee_id_in IN INTEGER)
l_name VARCHAR2 (100);
l_name :=
last_name (employee_id_in);
Now if I ever need to change the query for any reason (such as to take advantage of Oracle Database 11g’s function result cache feature), I’ll be able to make the change in one place, rather than having to find all occurrences of the query in my application code.
So suppose my development team has added this best practice to its coding standards: The only PL/SQL program units that should contain SQL statements are packages that end with the suffix _API.
I can then write a query against USER_DEPENDENCIES that identifies all program units that violate this rule:
SELECT name,
FROM user_dependencies
AND referenced_type = 'TABLE'
, referenced_owner
, referenced_name
USER_ARGUMENTS is a very useful view for PL/SQL programmers. It contains information about the arguments (also known as parameters) of each of the stored programs in your schema. It offers, simultaneously, a wealth of nicely parsed information and a complex structure. Key columns are
Here are some examples of queries against USER_ARGUMENTS.
SELECT object_name
, package_name
, argument_name
FROM user_arguments
WHERE data_type = ‘LONG’
Find all functions that have an OUT or an IN OUT argument. A recommendation you will hear from many programming experts is that functions should contain only IN arguments. A function with an OUT or an IN OUT argument cannot be called inside a SQL statement, and it cannot be used in a function-based index. If you need to return multiple pieces of information, use a procedure or return a record. Listing 1 demonstrates a query that will identify all functions defined in packages that violate this best practice, and Table 2 provide details about what the query does.
Code listing 1: Find functions that have an OUT or an IN_OUT argument
1 SELECT ua.object_name,
2 ua.package_name,
3 ua.argument_name,
4 ua.in_out
6 FROM user_arguments
7 WHERE position = 0) funcs,
8 user_arguments ua
9 WHERE ua.in_out IN ('OUT', 'IN OUT')
10 AND ua.position > 0
11 AND ua.data_level = 0
12 AND funcs.object_name = ua.object_name
13 AND funcs.package_name = ua.package_name
14 AND ( funcs.overload = ua.overload
15 OR (funcs.overload IS NULL
16 AND ua.overload IS NULL))
Lines | Description |
5–7 | I use an inline view in the FROM clause to identify all those rows in USER_ARGUMENTS that are RETURN clauses (and therefore identify functions). |
9–11 | I look for OUT or IN OUT arguments that are not in RETURN clauses and are not “nested” information, such as fields of a record argument. |
12–16 | I use this rather lengthy join condition between the inline view (abbreviated as “funcs”) and USER_ARGUMENTS. The object names and package names must match, and the overload value must be the same or both must be NULL. The overload column is not NULL if the package has two or more subprograms with the same name. |
Table 2: Description of query behavior
You can execute queries against USER_SOURCE to check for the presence or absence of certain strings and thus perform some fairly simplistic quality assurance checks of your code.
But Oracle offers a much more powerful means of analyzing your source code in Oracle Database 11g: with PL/Scope.
PL/Scope is a tool invoked by the PL/SQL compiler to collect information about all the identifiers (variables, procedures, functions, types, and so on) in your PL/SQL program unit and make it available through the USER_IDENTIFIERS view. This tool makes it relatively easy to get answers to questions that would otherwise require you to parse a PL/SQL program unit and then analyze the parse tree.
Here’s one example: My manager has asked me to remove from our programs any variables, constants, exceptions, and the like that are declared but never used. Finding all candidates for removal by simply searching code would be both time-consuming and error-prone.
With PL/Scope, it’s easy. USER_IDENTIFIERS contains a row for each declaration of an identifier. It may also contain other rows for usages of that identifier: a reference to it or a line of code that changes its value.
So a MINUS operation between these two sets of rows will leave us with all those identifiers that are declared but never referenced or used. Here’s the query for exceptions:
WITH subprograms_with_exception
, object_name
, object_type
, name
FROM all_identifiers has_exc
WHERE has_exc.owner = USER
AND has_exc.usage = 'DECLARATION'
AND has_exc.TYPE = 'EXCEPTION'),
, object_name
, object_type
, name
FROM all_identifiers with_rh
WHERE with_rh.owner = USER
AND with_rh.usage = 'REFERENCE'
FROM subprograms_with_exception
FROM subprograms_with_raise_handle
PL/Scope is a powerful, flexible utility that can have a big impact on your ability to analyze code and identify ways to improve it. I wrote at more length about PL/Scope in “Zoom in on your code.”
This article merely scratches the surface of the application information that can be mined from the data dictionary views in Oracle Database. PL/SQL editors such as Oracle SQL Developer provide user interfaces to many of these views, making it easier to browse their contents.
Steven Feuerstein was Oracle Corporation's Developer Advocate for PL/SQL between 2014 and 2021. He is an expert on the Oracle PL/SQL language, having written ten books on PL/SQL, including Oracle PL/SQL Programming and Oracle PL/SQL Best Practices (all published by O'Reilly Media), and currently serving as Senior Advisor for insum Solutions. Steven has been developing software since 1980, spent five years with Oracle back in the "old days" (1987-1992), and was PL/SQL Evangelist for Quest Software (and then Dell) from January 2001 to February 2014 - at which point he returned joyfully to Oracle Corporation. He was one of the original Oracle ACE Directors and writes regularly for Oracle Magazine, which named him the PL/SQL Developer of the Year in both 2002 and 2006. He is also the first recipient of ODTUG's Lifetime Achievement Award (2009).
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