How-to: Run SQL data queries with pandas

March 1, 2021 | 22 minute read
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Use pandas to do joins, grouping, aggregations, and analytics on datasets in Python.

Python’s pandas library, with its fast and flexible data structures, has become the de facto standard for data-centric Python applications, offering a rich set of built-in facilities to analyze details of structured data. Built on top of other core Python libraries, such as NumPy, SQLAlchemy, and Matplotlib, pandas leverages these libraries behind the scenes for quick and easy data manipulations, allowing you to take advantage of their functionality with less coding. For example, the read_sql() and to_sql() pandas methods use SQLAlchemy under the hood, providing a unified way to send pandas data in and out of a SQL database.

This article illustrates how you can use pandas to combine datasets, as well as how to group, aggregate, and analyze data in them. For comparison purposes, you’ll also see how these same tasks can be addressed with SQL.

Let’s start with an example: an online outdoor fashion retailer where the business fulfills customer sales orders for one or more items. The sample dataset includes information related to sold items, customer orders, and employees who fulfil those orders. You’ll see how to combine, group by, and aggregate this sales data.

Creating database structures for article examples

To follow along with the examples in this article, you need to create several example tables in an Oracle database by executing the pandas_article.sql script that accompanies the article. Also make sure you have the pandas, SQLAlchemy, and cx_Oracle libraries installed in your Python environment. You can install them using the pip command:

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pip install pandas
pip install SQLAlchemy
pip install cx_Oracle

For details on how to install pandas, refer to the documentation. For SQLAlchemy installation details, refer to the SQLAlchemy documentation. For details on how to install cx_Oracle, refer to the cx_Oracle Installation page. You might also want to look at the cx_Oracle Initialization page.

Loading data from Oracle Database to pandas DataFrames

After executing the pandas_article.sql script, you should have the orders and details database tables populated with example data. The following script connects to the database and loads the data from the orders and details tables into two separate DataFrames (in pandas, DataFrame is a key data structure designed to work with tabular data):

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import pandas as pd
import cx_Oracle
import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy.exc import SQLAlchemyError
   engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine("oracle+cx_oracle://usr:pswd@localhost/?service_name=orclpdb1", arraysize=1000)
   orders_sql = """SELECT * FROM orders"""; 
   df_orders = pd.read_sql(orders_sql, engine)
   details_sql = """SELECT * FROM details""";
   df_details = pd.read_sql(details_sql, engine)
except SQLAlchemyError as e:

Note the use of the DataFrame.read_sql() function in the above script. This function removes the burden of explicitly fetching the retrieved data and then converting it into the pandas DataFrame format. The read_sql() function does these tasks for you behind the scenes.

In this example, you use sqlalchemy to create an engine to connect to an Oracle database. Using a SQLalchemy engine allows you to pass in the arraysize argument that will be used when cx_Oracle.Cursor objects are created.

The arraysize attribute of the cx_Oracle.Cursor object is used to tune the number of rows internally fetched and buffered when fetching rows from SELECT statements and REF CURSOR. By default, this attribute is set to 100, which is perfectly acceptable when you need to load a small amount of data from the database. However, when you’re dealing with large amounts of data, you should increase the value of arraysize to reduce the number of round trips between your script and the database and, therefore, improve performance. For further details on how you can use arraysize, refer to the Tuning cx_Oracle documentation page.

The script prints the df_orders and df_details DataFrames loaded from the database, producing the following output:

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PONO     ORDATE              EMPL
0  7723510  2020-12-15  John Holland
1  5626234  2020-12-15     Tim Lewis
2  7723533  2020-12-15  John Holland
3  7823675  2020-12-16    Maya Candy
4  5626376  2020-12-16     Tim Lewis
5  5626414  2020-12-17      Dan West
6  7823787  2020-12-17    Maya Candy
7  5626491  2020-12-17      Dan West

0   7723510       1   Swim Shorts       Hurley   17.95         1         0
1   7723510       2        Jacket       Oakley  142.33         1         0
2   5626234       1         Socks         Vans   16.15         4        15
3   7723533       1         Jeans   Quiksilver   84.90         2        25
4   7723533       2         Socks  Mons Royale   10.90         2         0
5   7723533       3         Socks       Stance   12.85         2        20
6   7823675       1       T-shirt    Patagonia   35.50         3         0
7   5626376       1         Hoody       Animal   44.05         1         0
8   5626376       2  Cargo Shorts       Animal   38.60         1        12
9   5626414       1         Shirt       Volcom   78.55         2         0
10  7823787       1  Boxer Shorts     Superdry   30.45         2        18
11  7823787       2        Shorts        Barts   35.90         1         0
12  5626491       1  Cargo Shorts    Billabong   48.74         1        22
13  5626491       2       Sweater      Dickies   65.95         1         0

Joining DataFrames

Often, the information you need is scattered over several datasets, requiring you to join these datasets before you can query for necessary data. That is why combining data is typically one of the first steps in a data analysis pipeline. Quite often you need to join two datasets by matching data in a column that they have in common. The DataFrame.merge() method is designed to address this task for two DataFrames. The method allows you to explicitly specify columns in the DataFrames, on which you want to join those DataFrames. You can also specify the type of join to produce the desired result set. By default, merge() creates an inner join on the column that the DataFrames being joined have in common. So, you can join the df_orders and df_details DataFrames created in the previous section with the following simple call of merge():

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df_orders_details = df_orders.merge(df_details)

If you print the df_orders_details DataFrame, it should look as follows:

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    PONO     ORDATE      EMPL               LINEID  ITEM          BRAND       PRICE         QUANTITY  DISCOUNT
0   7723510  2020-12-15  John Holland       1       Swim Shorts   Hurley      17.95         1         0
1   7723510  2020-12-15  John Holland       2       Jacket        Oakley      142.33        1         0
2   5626234  2020-12-15     Tim Lewis       1       Socks         Vans        16.15         4        15
3   7723533  2020-12-15  John Holland       1       Jeans         Quiksilver  84.90         2        25
4   7723533  2020-12-15  John Holland       2       Socks         Mons Royale 10.90         2         0
5   7723533  2020-12-15  John Holland       3       Socks         Stance      12.85         2        20
6   7823675  2020-12-16    Maya Candy       1       T-shirt       Patagonia   35.50         3         0
7   5626376  2020-12-16     Tim Lewis       1       Hoody         Animal      44.05         1         0
8   5626376  2020-12-16     Tim Lewis       2       Cargo Shorts  Animal      38.60         1        12
9   5626414  2020-12-17      Dan West       1       Shirt         Volcom      78.55         2         0
10  7823787  2020-12-17    Maya Candy       1       Boxer Shorts  Superdry    30.45         2        18
11  7823787  2020-12-17    Maya Candy       2       Shorts        Barts       35.90         1         0
12  5626491  2020-12-17      Dan West       1       Cargo Shorts  Billabong   48.74         1        22
13  5626491  2020-12-17      Dan West       2       Sweater       Dickies     65.95         1         0

After joining two datasets into a single one, you may still need to modify it before you can perform analysis. In the case of df_orders_details being discussed here, you might need to add some new columns, calculating their values based on the values in the existing columns. Thus, you might need to add a TOTAL column that contains the extended item price (price multiplied by quantity and minus discount), for example:

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df_orders_details['TOTAL'] = df_orders_details.PRICE * df_orders_details.QUANTITY * (1 - df_orders_details.DISCOUNT/100)

You might also need to include a column that contains a given discount, for example:

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df_orders_details['OFF'] = df_orders_details.PRICE * df_orders_details.QUANTITY * (df_orders_details.DISCOUNT/100)

Since all the float columns in the df_orders_details DataFrame contain monetary values, you can specify two decimal places to round each float column to

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df_orders_details = df_orders_details.round(2)

Some columns in the DataFrame may not be needed for the analysis you want to perform. So, you can keep only those columns that are needed. In the df_orders_details DataFrame, for example, if you want to group sales data (both totals and discounts) by order dates and employees, you can keep just these four columns:

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df_sales = df_orders_details[['ORDATE','EMPL', 'TOTAL', 'OFF']]

If you print the DataFrame, it will look like this:

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ORDATE              EMPL   TOTAL    OFF
0   2020-12-15  John Holland   17.95   0.00
1   2020-12-15  John Holland  142.33   0.00
2   2020-12-15     Tim Lewis   54.91   9.69
3   2020-12-15  John Holland  127.35  42.45
4   2020-12-15  John Holland   21.80   0.00
5   2020-12-15  John Holland   20.56   5.14
6   2020-12-16    Maya Candy  106.50   0.00
7   2020-12-16     Tim Lewis   44.05   0.00
8   2020-12-16     Tim Lewis   33.97   4.63
9   2020-12-17      Dan West  157.10   0.00
10  2020-12-17    Maya Candy   49.94  10.96
11  2020-12-17    Maya Candy   35.90   0.00
12  2020-12-17      Dan West   38.02  10.72
13  2020-12-17      Dan West   65.95   0.00

How might you arrive at the same data structure in your database schema in which you have the orders and details tables? One simple solution is to create a view over the join of these tables, including in the select list the same columns as you had in the df_sales DataFrame:

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  price*quantity*(1-discount/100) AS total,
  price*quantity*(discount/100) AS off
FROM orders INNER JOIN details
ON orders.pono = details.pono;

Grouping and aggregating data

Using the DataFrame.groupby() method you can split a DataFrame’s data into subsets (groups) that have matching values for one or more columns, and then apply an aggregate function to each group. In the following example, you group by the ORDATE and EMPL columns in the df_sales DataFrame and then apply the sum() aggregate function to the TOTAL and OFF columns within the formed groups:

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df_date_empl = df_sales.groupby(['ORDATE','EMPL']).sum()

The generated DataFrame should look as shown below:

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                          TOTAL    OFF
ORDATE     EMPL                       
2020-12-15 John Holland  329.99  47.59
           Tim Lewis      54.91   9.69
2020-12-16 Maya Candy    106.50   0.00
           Tim Lewis      78.02   4.63
2020-12-17 Dan West      261.07  10.72
           Maya Candy     85.84  10.96

One problem here is that the aggregate function you apply to the groupby object is applied to each numeric column of the DataFrame. But what if you need to apply multiple aggregate functions to multiple groupby columns? For example, if you want to apply sum() and mean() to the TOTAL column and max() to the OFF column, then this is where the agg() function of the groupby object comes in handy:

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df_aggs = df_sales.groupby(['ORDATE','EMPL']).agg({'TOTAL': ['sum', 'mean'], 'OFF': 'max'}).round(2)

The above example illustrates how you can select a certain column for aggregation and perform different aggregations per column. If you print df_aggs, it will look as follows:

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                          TOTAL            OFF
                            sum    mean    max
ORDATE     EMPL                               
2020-12-15 John Holland  329.99   66.00  42.45
           Tim Lewis      54.91   54.91   9.69
2020-12-16 Maya Candy    106.50  106.50   0.00
           Tim Lewis      78.02   39.01   4.63
2020-12-17 Dan West      261.07   87.02  10.72
           Maya Candy     85.84   42.92  10.96

You might want to flatten a hierarchical index in columns. This can be done as follows:

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df_aggs.columns ='_'.join).str.strip()

This will change the column names as shown below:

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TOTAL_sum  TOTAL_mean  OFF_max
ORDATE     EMPL                                        

To generate the same result set with a query to the article sample database, you could issue the following SELECT statement against the sales_v view that you should have created previously:

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    ROUND(SUM(total),2) TOTAL_sum,
    ROUND(AVG(total),2) TOTAL_mean,
    ROUND(MAX(off),2) OFF_max
    ordate, empl

Analytical processing within groups of data

In practice, you may not always need to view data in summarized format, aggregating a group of rows into a single resulting row as illustrated in the previous example. In contrast, you may need to do some analytical processing within a group of rows so the number of rows in the group remains the same. For example, if you want to compare the salary of each employee in a department with the average salary of the employees in this department, this processing does not imply any reduction in the number of rows in the dataset—the number of rows must match the number of employees, both before and after processing.

Let’s illustrate this analytical processing with a second, more complex example. Imagine you want to analyze stock price data for a list of tickers over a certain period of time. To start, you want to weed out the tickers whose prices dropped below 1% of the previous day’s price over the period. To accomplish this, you need to group data by ticker symbol, ordering the rows by date in each group. Then you can iterate over the rows in a group, comparing the stock price in the current row with the price in the previous row. If the price in a current row is less than the price in the previous row by more than 1%, then the entire group of rows must be excluded from the result set. This section describes how you could implement this filtering.

The example uses stock data obtained via the yfinance library, a Python wrapper for the Yahoo Finance API, which you can install with the pip command, as follows:

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pip install yfinance

In the following script, you get stock data for several popular stocks for a five-day period:

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import pandas as pd
import yfinance as yf
stocks = pd.DataFrame()
tickers = ['AAPL', 'TSLA', 'FB', 'ORCL','AMZN']
for ticker in tickers:
  tkr = yf.Ticker(ticker)
  hist = tkr.history(period='5d')
  stocks = stocks.append(hist[['Symbol', 'Close']].rename(columns={'Close': 'Price'}))

yfinance returns a requested dataset as a pandas DataFrame with the Date column as the index. Assuming you are targeting the closing prices only, you keep only the Symbol and Close columns, having renamed the latter to Price for comprehension. As a result, the data in the DataFrame might look like this:

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           Symbol        Price
2020-12-18   AAPL   126.660004
2020-12-21   AAPL   128.229996
2020-12-22   AAPL   131.880005
2020-12-23   AAPL   130.960007
2020-12-24   AAPL   131.970001
2020-12-18   TSLA   695.000000
2020-12-21   TSLA   649.859985
2020-12-22   TSLA   640.340027
2020-12-23   TSLA   645.979980
2020-12-24   TSLA   661.770020
2020-12-18     FB   276.399994
2020-12-21     FB   272.790009
2020-12-22     FB   267.089996
2020-12-23     FB   268.109985
2020-12-24     FB   267.399994
2020-12-18   ORCL    65.059998
2020-12-21   ORCL    64.480003
2020-12-22   ORCL    65.150002
2020-12-23   ORCL    65.300003
2020-12-24   ORCL    64.959999
2020-12-18   AMZN  3201.649902
2020-12-21   AMZN  3206.179932
2020-12-22   AMZN  3206.520020
2020-12-23   AMZN  3185.270020
2020-12-24   AMZN  3172.689941

From the above row set, you need to select the rows related to only those symbols whose prices did not drop below 1% of the previous day’s price. For this, you need a mechanism that will allow you to compare the Price value of a row with the Price value of the previous row within a symbol group. The following line of code implements this mechanism, grouping the row set by symbol and adding a new column that contains the previous day’s price values.

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stocks['Prev'] = stocks.groupby(['Symbol'])['Price'].shift(1)

The updated row set should look as follows:

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           Symbol        Price         Prev
2020-12-18   AAPL   126.660004          NaN
2020-12-21   AAPL   128.229996   126.660004
2020-12-22   AAPL   131.880005   128.229996
2020-12-23   AAPL   130.960007   131.880005
2020-12-24   AAPL   131.970001   130.960007
2020-12-18   TSLA   695.000000          NaN
2020-12-21   TSLA   649.859985   695.000000
2020-12-22   TSLA   640.340027   649.859985
2020-12-23   TSLA   645.979980   640.340027
2020-12-24   TSLA   661.770020   645.979980
2020-12-18     FB   276.399994          NaN
2020-12-21     FB   272.790009   276.399994
2020-12-22     FB   267.089996   272.790009
2020-12-23     FB   268.109985   267.089996
2020-12-24     FB   267.399994   268.109985
2020-12-18   ORCL    65.059998          NaN
2020-12-21   ORCL    64.480003    65.059998
2020-12-22   ORCL    65.150002    64.480003
2020-12-23   ORCL    65.300003    65.150002
2020-12-24   ORCL    64.959999    65.300003
2020-12-18   AMZN  3201.649902          NaN
2020-12-21   AMZN  3206.179932  3201.649902
2020-12-22   AMZN  3206.520020  3206.179932
2020-12-23   AMZN  3185.270020  3206.520020
2020-12-24   AMZN  3172.689941  3185.270020

The Prev results for the first day of the observation period are NaN because this example does not track what happened before the five-day range.

Now you can find those rows where the ratio of the price to the previous price is less than 99%, for example:

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stocks_to_exclude = stocks[stocks['Price']/stocks['Prev'] < .99]

The found rows are the following:

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           Symbol       Price        Prev
2020-12-21   TSLA  649.859985  695.000000
2020-12-22   TSLA  640.340027  649.859985
2020-12-21     FB  272.790009  276.399994
2020-12-22     FB  267.089996  272.790009

You can extract the symbols presented in the above rows as follows:

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exclude_list = list(set(stocks_to_exclude['Symbol'].tolist()))

Here you extract the values of the Symbol column in the stocks_to_exclude DataFrame, converting those values to a list. To exclude duplicates from this list, you convert it into a set and then back to a list (one of the most popular ways to remove duplicates from a list).

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['TSLA', 'FB']

Next you need to exclude those rows from the stocks DataFrame that includes the above names in the Symbol field. This can be implemented as the following one-liner:

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stocks_filtered = stocks[~stocks['Symbol'].isin(exclude_list)][['Symbol', 'Price']]

You pass in the exclude_list that you created previously to the stocks['Symbol'].isin() function to get a Series of booleans indicating if each value in the stocks['Symbol'] Series is in exclude_list. You put a tilde sign in front of stocks['Symbol'] to invert the boolean Series returned by isin(). You pass in this inverted boolean Series to the [] operator of the stocks DataFrame to return all the rows that do not contain in the Symbol column symbols found in the exclude_list. So, the resulting DataFrame should look as follows:

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           Symbol        Price
2020-12-18   AAPL   126.660004
2020-12-21   AAPL   128.229996
2020-12-22   AAPL   131.880005
2020-12-23   AAPL   130.960007
2020-12-24   AAPL   131.970001
2020-12-18   ORCL    65.059998
2020-12-21   ORCL    64.480003
2020-12-22   ORCL    65.150002
2020-12-23   ORCL    65.300003
2020-12-24   ORCL    64.959999
2020-12-18   AMZN  3201.649902
2020-12-21   AMZN  3206.179932
2020-12-22   AMZN  3206.520020
2020-12-23   AMZN  3185.270020
2020-12-24   AMZN  3172.689941

With the help of analytical SQL, you can get the same result set with a single query to the database. Before you can do this, however, you need to save the unfiltered row set to the article database, which should contain the stocks table for storing this data (refer back to the pandas_article.sql script that you should have run at the very beginning).

To conform to the structure of the stocks database table, you need to modify the stocks DataFrame that contains the unfiltered data of this example. This can be done with the following lines of code:

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stocks_to_db = stocks[['Symbol', 'Price']].reset_index().rename(columns={'Date': 'Dt'}).round(2)
stocks_to_db = stocks_to_db.astype({'Dt': str})

In the first line, you specify the columns to include in the result set: Symbol and Price. By resetting the index, you add Date to this column list. To conform to the name of this column in the stocks database table, you rename it to Dt. The round(2) function rounds the values in the Price column to two decimal places. In the second line, you cast the Dt column to the str type, because pandas sets it to datetime by default.

Finally, you need to convert the stocks_to_db DataFrame to a structure that is passable to a method that can do a bulk insert operation. In the following line of code, you convert the stocks_to_db DataFrame to a list of tuples:

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data = list(stocks_to_db.itertuples(index=False, name=None))

The following script uses the above list of tuples to upload the data it contains to the database. Storing the data you work with can be useful when you’re going to reuse it.

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import cx_Oracle
  conn = cx_Oracle.connect("usr", "pswd", "localhost/orcl")
  cursor = conn.cursor()
  #defining the query
  query_add_stocks = """INSERT INTO stocks (dt, symbol, price) 
                      VALUES (TO_DATE(:1, 'YYYY-MM-DD'), :2, :3)"""
  #inserting the stock rows
  cursor.executemany(query_add_stocks, data)
except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError as exc:
  err = exc.args
  print("Oracle-Error-Code:", err.code)
  print("Oracle-Error-Message:", err.message)

In this script, you connect to the database and obtain a cursor object to interact with it. You use the cursor.executemany() method that inserts all the rows from the data list of tuples into the database in a single round trip.

After the successful execution of the above script, you can issue queries against the stocks table. To get the row set you had in the stocks_filtered DataFrame, you can issue the following query:

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SELECT s.* FROM stocks s 
  (SELECT price/LAG(price) OVER (PARTITION BY symbol ORDER BY dt) AS dif, symbol FROM stocks) WHERE dif <0.99) a 
ON a.symbol = s.symbol WHERE a.symbol IS NULL;


By providing a rich set of methods, data containers, and types, pandas is one of those packages that make Python a great language for data processing and analysis. As you saw in this article, pandas, just like SQL, lets you perform even complex data queries with the help of intuitive and easy-to-use facilities, combining and reshaping original datasets as needed.

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Illustration: Wes Rowell

Yuli Vasiliev

Yuli Vasiliev is a programmer, freelance author, and consultant currently specializing in open source development; Oracle database technologies; and, more recently, natural-language processing (NLP).

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