Are you concerned about data safety and security? Whether it’s your customers’ or employees’ data, Oracle Database customers can help reduce the risk of a data breach and simplify compliance by using Oracle Data Safe. Oracle Data Safe has the necessary capabilities to:
With Oracle Data Safe, you can quickly evaluate your database security posture to understand data sensitivity, evaluate data risks, mask sensitive data, implement and monitor security controls, assess user security, and monitor user activity—all in a single, unified console. Oracle Data Safe offers real-time alerts and reports to inform you about potential threats to your data.
Don’t take any chances with sensitive information. Oracle Data Safe delivers essential security services for Oracle cloud databases, Exadata Database, and Autonomous Databases running on OCI, along with Oracle databases on-premises, Oracle Exadata Cloud@Customer, and Oracle databases on other cloud providers.
Data Safe supports options for securely connecting to Oracle Databases in third-party clouds.
Check out the following recently published Reference Architectures that provide information on how to quickly get started with Oracle Data Safe in three Oracle Database deployment scenarios:
If you would like to try Oracle Data Safe, visit our tutorial on Oracle LiveLabs. You can also try Data Safe with your own databases with the Oracle Cloud Free Tier 30-day free trial.
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