The Cloud Native Labs team at Oracle has been on the road a lot, bringing stimulating conversations and discoveries in both directions – out to the community, and back to Oracle Cloud product development.
We’re pretty excited to be co-sponsoring several DevOpsDays coming up in the next few weeks in Seattle, Denver and Austin. The organizers are great to work with, and the developer community in each of these cities is pretty special.
In Seattle, Karthik Gaekwad will cover the interesting and often under-examined topic, “Mental Health Studies in DevOps.” In this session at 11:30 am PT on April 23, Karthik will talk about burn out and mental health from a devops point of view. He’ll cover the early warning signs to look for in yourself or colleagues, how other professions deal with this, and steps you can take to continue enjoying your development projects, and life in general.
Oracle Cloud Native Labs is proud to sponsor the April 23 DevOpsDays Seattle evening welcome reception. Be sure to say hi to Kaslin Fields, Jesse Butler, Mickey Boxell, and of course Karthik that evening if you plan to attend; they would love to hear about your challenges and successes in your current projects, and your thoughts on Karthik’s topic above.
Cloud Native Labs Developer Evangelists Jesse Butler, Karthik Gaekwad, Kaslin Fields and Mickey Boxell
Also in Seattle on April 25, Jesse will be one of two speakers at the Serverless Seattle Meetup, discussing Serverless Patterns. The meetup starts at 5:00 pm PT, and Jesse’s session is at 6:20.
This year’s DevOpsDays Denver on April 29-30 will be an exciting show with a provocative line up of speakers and topics. Oracle Cloud Native Labs is very pleased to be the coffee sponsor for Denver, to keep the attendees well-fueled for full immersion and maximum benefit from this amazing conference. Karthik and Mickey will be on hand to discuss all things DevOps with you, should you plan on being there.
Then we head straight down to DevOpsDays Austin the first week of May, where Karthik and James Wickett will present “Security in the FaaS Lane” at 11:05 am CT on May 3. Their subject includes how to understand and defend against Serverless attacks, what different cloud providers do to protect you in a Serverless world, and a general examination of how to approach Serverless security concerns. Then Jesse delivers two Ignite talks, “Imposter Syndrome Ain't Just a River in Egypt” and "Serverless DevOps: The (Next) Final Frontier". Jesse and Karthik will be delighted to take your questions and feedback related to their talks, or on pretty much anything you’d like to discuss with them.
In Austin, Cloud Native Labs is pleased to be the lanyard sponsor and silver sponsor for this DevOpsDays. We are very proud to support this vibrant DevOps community.
To learn of the world-wide events this team supports with talks and sponsorships, sharing what they are up to and gathering input from the audiences they present to, we invite you to sign up for the Cloud Native Labs monthly newsletter.
We hope to see you soon!