The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Monitoring team is excited to announce enhancements to the ListAlarmStatus and RetrieveDimensionStates APIs. These API enhancements now allow you to filter alarms by resource ID and status. These additions simplify creating visualizations, which provide a comprehensive view of all your alarms and their status in the context of a single resource or your entire resource stack.
As your cloud infrastructure grows, the number of active alarms can become overwhelming. With these APIs, the site reliability engineers (SREs) and DevOps team can build dashboards, but they need more programming, and the alarms must be configured with specific dimensions. With these enhancements, we’ve made it easier to build enterprise- or resource-focused dashboards by directly calling the APIs.
We made the following changes to each API:
ListAlarmStatus API: Before this change, the ListAlarmStatus API provided a list of alarms with their status. With this latest enhancement, the API now supports the filtering of Alarms by status and resourceId. Using this API, you can build your own custom Enterprise dashboards to visualize the state of all the alarms across all the resources or for a single resource. These dashboards aid system admins by providing a complete overview of resource alarms with their status, ensuring attention and timely resolution of any potential issues.
RetrieveDimensionStates API: Previously the RetrieveDimensionStates API returned the status of each individual metric stream within the context of an alarm but it worked only when the Split Notification option was enabled for alarm notification type (isNotificationsPerMetricDimensionEnabled = ‘true’). With this enhancement, it returns the status of all the metric streams within an alarm with no dependency on the option. You can build visualizations to get granular view of each resource state for all alarm notification types, cutting down on the notification noise by directly getting all the breaching resources in one place.
The enhanced ListAlarmStatus and RetrieveDimensionStates APIs are available in all commercial regions. These APIs are fully backward compatible, which means that don’t have to change your existing implementations. For more details, refer to the technical documentation of ListAlarmStatus API and RetrieveDimensionStates.
We welcome you to sign up for the Oracle Cloud Free Trial or sign in to your account to experience Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Monitoring for monitoring your infrastructure. We’d love to hear from you. If you have any questions or feedback, contact us.
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