Scott Stroz

MySQL Developer Advocate

Scott is a developer with over 20 years of experience in several languages. In those years, the only constant in his development stack has been MySQL. He has a passion for sharing what he has learned on his coding journey so others may learn from his mistakes.

Recent Blogs

Recap of the MySQL Community Advent Calendar 2024 Posts

Advent Calendar Recap 2024

A Message From the Community Team

For the final day of our Advent Calendar of Content, we bring you a message from the Community Team.

MySQL Blog Revisited - OCI TypeScript SDK

For the 22nd day of our Advent Calendar of Content, we bring you a summary of all the MySQL Blog posts that demonstrate using the OCI TypeScript SDK

MySQL Shorts Revisited - DBA Goodies

For the 21st day of our Advent Calendar of Content, we bring you a summary of all the MySQL Shorts that are focussed on topics that would interest DBAs.

Inside MySQL: Sakila Speaks - Season 2 Begins

The second season of the podcast Inside MySQL: Sakila Speaks has begun. In the first episode, Fred and Scott discuss how they got started with MySQL and some of their favorite features.

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