Raoul-Gabriel Urma

Raoul-Gabriel Urma (@raoulUK) is the CEO and cofounder of Cambridge Spark, a leading learning community for data scientists and developers in the UK. He is also chairman and cofounder of Cambridge Coding Academy, a community of young coders and students. Urma is coauthor of the best-selling programming book Java 8 in Action (Manning Publications, 2015). He holds a PhD in computer science from the University of Cambridge.

Recent Blogs

Java 14 Arrives with a Host of New Features

Java 14 contains more new features than the previous two releases—most of them aimed at easing coding.

Understanding the JDK’s New Superfast Garbage Collectors

ZGC, Shenandoah, and improvements to G1 get developers closer than ever to pauseless Java.

Inside Java 13’s switch Expressions and Reimplemented Socket API

Incremental changes bring future benefits in this release.

New switch Expressions in Java 12

A new preview feature makes switch statements friendlier and less error-prone.

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