Phil Newman

Product Manager

I'm a product manager at Oracle. I have worked for 10+ years in enterprise software and I specialize in doing whatever is necessary to get problems solved.

Recent Blogs

Announcing Per-Second Billing for Compute and Autonomous Database

Details on new billing plans for Oracle Cloud that includes per-second billing for compute instances and Autonomous Database usage.

Use Quotas for Better Control and More Effective Cost Management in ...

Announcing the release of two Oracle Cloud Infrastructure cost management and governance features that will give administrators more control over resource allocation and better tools to understand resource availability.

How to Get Control of Your Spending in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

It's critical for organizations to track spending, especially for services with consumption-based billing like Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Today, we're announcing the release of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Cost Analysis, Budgets, and Usage Reports. Over the last few weeks, we've rolled out this new...

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