Nirmala Sundarappa

Principal Product Manager

My name is Nirmala Sundarappa. I am the Product Manager for Oracle Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) driver and Universal Connection Pool (UCP) used with Oracle Database. 

Recent Blogs

Quick Peek into New Features/Capabilities from Oracle JDBC 23ai

This blog will encompass all the new offerings and capabilities that were introduced in Oracle JDBC 23ai. This includes quarterly updates 23.7, 23.6, 23.5, 23.4, and 23.3 features. Use this blog as a quick reference guide to understand what the Oracle JDBC 23ai offers. You can dig deeper into each feature and refer to the Developer Guide or other blogs for the features that you are interested in specifically.

Four Facets of Database Connectivity for Java Applications

This blog provides many ways of forming or creating a connection string for Java applications with Oracle JDBC and Oracle Database. There are many ways to create a connection string such as Easy Connect syntax, Easy Connect Plug syntax, Long form connection URL etc., This blog provides details on each of these approaches along with use cases and examples.

SSL Connection to Oracle DB using JDBC, TLSv1.2, JKS or Oracle ...

Brief Introduction to SSL The Oracle database product supports SSL/TLS connections in its standard edition (since 12c). The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol provides network-level authentication, data encryption, and data integrity. When a network connection over SSL is initiated, the client and ...

Accessing Autonomous Database with IAM token using Java

This blog post describes how Java applications can connect to Oracle Autonomous Database using IAM (Identity and Access Management) token authentication and the Oracle JDBC drivers ( and or later).

Easy Configuration of UCP with Spring Boot

Oracle's Universal Connection Pool (UCP) can be easily configured with the Spring Boot v2.4.0 and later. The steps and all other resources related to UCP configuration with Spring Boot are mentioned in this blog.

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