Matthias Merdes

Matthias Merdes is a runaway physicist based in Heidelberg, Germany. He is a senior software architect with the payment provider and has been a member of the core JUnit 5 team for five years. Merdes has worked with server-side Java for over 20 years and focuses on the test-centered development of web and streaming systems. When he is programming, he enjoys source code simplicity and readability most.

Recent Blogs

BYOTE, Part 2: Test your own custom test engine for JUnit 5

How do you test a test engine? It’s easier than you might think.

BYOTE, Part 1: Build your own custom test engine for JUnit 5

The standard JUnit tests are fine, but sometimes you want to try something specific. Here’s how.

Beyond the simple: An in-depth look at JUnit 5’s nested tests, ...

With the new JUnit Jupiter test engine, the popular framework is much more flexible than ever before and can be customized at will to fit your testing needs.

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