Marcel Boermann-Pfeifer

Principal Solution Engineer

Doing Java, Integration, Frameworks and Java Integration Frameworks since so many years and moved from Transaction Monitors to Application Servers to Containers and Clouds - all in the name of Oracle.

Recent Blogs

GenAI onPrem: three free test and runtime environments from Oracle

Would you like to test how a generative AI can support you and set it up as easily as possible in your data center or even at home in your hobby room? Can your CPU handle the tasks at hand or do you need a gaming graphics card somewhere in a corner of your data center? Oracle offers you three environments for testing but also for development and runtime of GenAI based applications. Free of charge and container-based for Python, Java and PL/SQL.

GenAI onPrem: drei kostenlose Test- und Runtime Umgebungen von Oracle

Möchten Sie testen, wie eine generative AI Sie unterstützen kann, und das möglichst einfach in Ihrem Rechenzentrum oder gar zuhause im Hobbykeller aufsetzen ? Oracle bietet Ihnen gleich drei Umgebungen an für den Test aber auch für Entwicklung und Runtime von GenAI basierten Anwendungen. Kostenlos und container basiert für Python, Java und PL/SQL.

Provisioning analytic environments easily - like Oracle Graph

Provide a test environment at the touch of a button to let analysts and developers explore the necessary SQL queries, AI prompts and visualizations. With your own data and with a GIT connection to store and reuse versions of the knowledge gained. And the whole thing on-premises and cloud-portable? Kubernetes, containers and helm charts make it possible. Here using the example of the Oracle Graph Server with UI, linked Jupyter notebooks and sqlplus command line and test data.

Running Oracle REST data services (ORDS) on Kubernetes

Oracle REST data services, or ORDS for short, has developed into a Swiss army knife when it comes to REST support for Oracle databases and should not be missing from any database installation. ORDS has a lot to offer - originally it was used almost exclusively as a listener or browser access for the low-code development environment “APEX”, Application Express.

Oracle Connection Manager 23ai - what needs to be considered (not ...

Is your database located behind a firewall with only one open port? Is direct network routing between clients and your databases not desired or possible (e.g. IPv4 vs IPv6)? Or would you as a database operator like to be able to define rules as to which networks are allowed to access which database? These are common scenarios for the use of Oracle Connection Manager (CMAN) as part of every Oracle Database Enterprise Edition license.

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