JT Thomas

Director of Product Management

JT is a a product manager at Oracle but is still a developer at heart. JT works on the Oracle PaaS platform with a focus on the high-producitivity Javascript development environment, Visual Builder Cloud Service.

Recent Blogs

How to Extend Your Enterprise Applications

Use Oracle Visual Builder to add new functionality to Oracle Fusion Applications.

May the 4th be with you: 4 reasons to use Visual Builder for your ...

1) Use the source, Luke We had a saying back in my early days of developer support at Borland. If a challenging issue came in a senior engineer would tell us "Use the source, Luke" and we would dutifully follow the logic with a breakpoint debugger until the bug/issue revealed itself. Of course, most...

Say Cheese! Take Photo action improvements in Visual Builder 19.1.3 ...

Take Photo is a very useful action, especially on Mobile, as it provides access to the device camera. Take Photo is used to capture images, like personal photographs, as well as other uses, like scanning QR or bar codes. Depending on your use, you may need to just access the image on device or you m...

3 Tips for Using Imported Javascript with Visual Builder

In a previous article, I discussed how to import and use Javascript libraries. This has been a popular article and as such has generated a bunch of questions. In this article I am going to provide 3 tips that should address those questions and make it super easy to regularly import and use Javascrip...

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