Java Magazine Staff

Java Magazine staff (, @Oraclejavamag) deliver authoritative information about Java, the JVM, and JVM languages to a community of more than one-quarter million developers.

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10 good reads from the Java Magazine archives

For years, some important articles have not been available on the magazine website. They are now.

How Dev versus Ops became DevOps

Patrick Debois, founder of DevOpsDays, explains how the DevOps movement started and where it’s headed.

A convenient list of essential Java 15 resources

Information from the Oracle Java Platform Group and from Java Magazine

JEP 343: Packaging Tool for Self-Contained Java Apps

Download a PDF of this article JEP 343, first written up in April 2018, proposes to develop a simple packaging tool for Java apps. Rather than just stopping at existing packaging norms (JAR, WAR, and EAR), this proposal seeks to define a tool that creates an executable containing the runtime environ...

JEP 335: Deprecate the Nashorn JavaScript Engine

Download a PDF of this article This proposal, made in May 2018, puts forth the idea of deprecating the engine added in Java 8 that provides application users a way to script inside Java apps. In this way, Nashorn (pronounced “nas-horn”) provides functionality similar to what Lua provides to C progra...

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