Jason Jacquez

Director, Product Marketing

Recent Blogs

클라우드 기반의 금융기관 혁신

은행 및 기타 금융 서비스 기관은 지속적인 글로벌 변화 외에도 고객 경험 개선, 변화하는 산업 간 경계, 새로운 디지털 경쟁, 지속적인 규제 변화와 함께 비용 절감이라는 영구적 압박과 같이 다양한 문제에 직면하고 있습니다

Como as instituições financeiras estão inovando com a nuvem

As organizações de serviços financeiros aumentaram o foco em descobrir como acelerar a transformação digital para inovar e melhor atender seus clientes e capacitar funcionários.

Cómo las instituciones financieras están innovando a través de la nube

Las organizaciones de servicios financieros han aumentado su enfoque en cómo acelerar la transformación digital para innovar y mejorar el servicio a sus clientes y empoderar a los empleados.

How financial institutions are innovating with cloud

Banks and other financial service institutions, but for financial institutions several workloads frequently need to remain on-premises and close to the end user which usually requires a hybrid cloud environment.

How to use analytics to boost your bottom line

Analytics is empowering businesses to drive change for better outcomes while also supporting growth. The greater number of people who answer questions from their data - the better the results for the organizations to drive the future. It’s become even more critical for all organization's decisions to be ground with solid data.

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