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RepoWatch: Streamlining Oracle Linux RPM Search

RepoWatch is a tool that streamlines the process of searching for and accessing RPM package details for Oracle Linux. It leverages the Oracle Linux yum server, a central server that hosts a wide variety of software packages that are configured and updated via release packages.

Beating resume barriers: Tips for military spouses

Mindy Jaffar, Oracle’s inclusion program manager for military talent shares her resume tips for military spouses.

Un mundo mejor: el papel de las empresas como aliadas de la comunidad ...

En el Mes del Orgullo, hace 25 años, Marcio Silveira inició su historia con Oracle, y así cambió todo en su vida personal y profesional. Aprende más.

Um mundo melhor: o papel das empresas como aliadas da comunidade ...

No Mês do Orgulho, 25 anos atrás, Marcio Silveira começou sua história com a Oracle – e foi assim que tudo mudou na sua vida pessoal e profissional. Saiba mais.

Modern HR leaders are driving innovation in finance

To foster a bank culture that nurtures engagement and productivity, leaders need to provide an integrated, seamless employee experience at every step, from onboarding to viewing pay slips to participating in company initiatives, however and wherever they work. This puts the burden on HR leaders to support better collaboration and virtual teaming. Working across the organisation and removing boundaries, HR leaders are advocates for tech-enabled agile practices and active listening.

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