Greg Jensen

Strategic Advisor, NA Tech - ISV Business Development

Greg Jensen is a Strategic Advisor for the Strategic Solutions Group with over 25 years of experience in IT/Technology & Security (last 23 years on Security) in product marketing, product management and business development for cloud security services (IaaS/PaaS/SaaS) and solutions.

Recent Blogs

Incorporating a Defend Forward Strategy

Organizations today are often faced with the realities of living with a “reactive security” program that can sometimes appear to be waiting for the threat to materialize before defensive measures are taken. This has driven public and private sector cyber-leaders to unite behind a broad reaching initiative called the Cyber Defenders Council.

기업을 지키는 데 도움이 되는 클라우드 보안 트렌드

우리는 새로운 IT 현대화 프로그램이 팬데믹 시대를 넘어 확장되면서 유연 근무를 채택한 인력들을 계속해서 지원하고 디지털 전환 속도를 높이는 것을 확인하고 있습니다

Las tendencias de seguridad en la nube para proteger a tu empresa

Sigue leyendo para conocer los puntos clave o descarga el e-book, Tendencias de seguridad en la nube para proteger a tu empresa, aquí.

Tendências de segurança na nuvem para proteger sua empresa

Continue lendo para obter as principais conclusões ou faça o download do ebook "Tendências de segurança na nuvem para proteger sua empresa".

Top cloud security trends to safeguard your enterprise

Many IT and security leaders today are faced with complex IT infrastructures and growing cybersecurity threats. In our latest ebook, we look at five trends in cloud security that can help reduce complexity and strengthen cyber resilience.

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