Dmitry Aleksandrov

Dmitry Aleksandrov (@bercut2000) is a software developer at Oracle, Java Champion, and Oracle Groundbreaker currently working on Project Helidon. He has more than 17 years experience mainly in Java Enterprise in banking/telecom, and is interested in dynamic languages on JVM and features such as massive computations on GPUs. A true believer in open source and community driven initiatives, he is a co-lead of the Bulgarian Java User Group and co-organizer of jPrime Conf. Dmitry is a blogger and also a frequent speaker at local events as well as conferences like JavaOne/CodeOne, Devoxx/Voxxed and Joker/JPoint.

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Recent Blogs

Using Helidon and MySQL Document Store to work with diverse databases

An easier way to access SQL relational tables and JSON collections

Programming the GPU in Java

Accessing the GPU from Java unleashes remarkable firepower. Here’s how the GPU works and how to access it from Java.

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