Desiree Abrokwa

Product Manager, Observability and Management

Desiree is a Product Manager in the Observability and Management organization at Oracle Corporation. She currently focuses on the monitoring space of Enterprise Manager. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from the University of Maryland, College Park.

Recent Blogs

Customer Success: How Quzel Consulting monitors the application tier ...

This blog highlights Quzel Consulting’s use of Oracle Enterprise Manager (EM) to monitor the application stack for a large Canadian Public Sector deployment. Karl Brown, President of Quzel Consulting, shares how using EM’s Generic, Aggregate, and Redundancy Systems helps Quzel Consulting to proactively reduce alert noise in their client’s system.

Enterprise Manager: How Comcast enhanced monitoring for MySQL InnoDB ...

Learn how Comcast uses Enterprise Manager to monitor and alert when InnoDB Cluster member nodes are offline or ejected.

Enterprise Managerを使用したMySQLデータベースの包括的な監視とコンプライアンス管理

MySQLデータベースの監視およびコンプライアンス管理ソリューションをお探しですか? それなら、Oracle Enterprise Manager(EM)が最適です。EM 13.5を使用すると、MySQLデータベースの可用性とパフォーマンスを監視し、Query Analyzerを使用して実行速度の遅いクエリを検出し、パフォーマンスとセキュリティのベスト・プラクティスへの準拠を検証できます。この記事では、MySQLデータベースのフリート全体でこれらの監視およびコンプライアンス管理タスクを合理化するEMの強力な機能について詳しく説明します。

Comprehensive Monitoring and Compliance Management for MySQL ...

Looking for a monitoring and compliance management solution for your MySQL databases? Then Oracle Enterprise Manager (EM) is your answer. With EM 13.5, you can monitor your MySQL databases for availability and performance, find slow running queries using Query Analyzer and validate compliance with performance and security best practices. This blog post delves into EM’s robust capabilities to streamline these monitoring and compliance management tasks across a fleet of MySQL databases.

Create custom Event Compression Policies in Enterprise Manager to ...

In Enterprise Manager Release Update 11 (RU11) you can now author and test custom Event Compression Policies to group related events into a smaller set of actionable incidents and therefore reduce event noise.

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