Cay Horstmann

Cay S. Horstmann (@cayhorstmann) has written many books on C++, Java, and object-oriented development, and is a frequent speaker at computer industry conferences. For four years, Horstmann was VP and CTO of an internet startup that went from three people in a tiny office to a public company. He is now a computer science professor at San Jose State University.

Recent Blogs

Synchronization in Java, Part 3: Atomic operations and deadlocks

This third article in a series on thread synchronization describes volatile fields, final variables, atomic operations, deadlocks, the deprecated stop and suspend methods, and on-demand initializations.

Synchronization in Java, Part 2: The synchronized keyword

This second article in a series on thread synchronization addresses intrinsic locks, the synchronized keyword, synchronized blocks, and ad hoc locks.

Synchronization in Java, Part 1: Race conditions, locks, and ...

The first article in this series on thread synchronization covers the fundamentals of race conditions, lock objects, condition objects, and the await, signal, and signalAll methods.

12 handy debugging tips from Cay Horstmann’s Core Java

From using jconsole to monitoring uncaught exceptions, here are a dozen tips that may be worth trying before you launch your favorite IDE’s debugger.

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