Bruce Eckel

Bruce Eckel (@BruceEckel) has published 10 books, numerous blog posts, over 150 articles, and he has given hundreds of presentations throughout the world. He was a founding member of the ANSI/ISO C++ committee and was for many years the chair of both the C++ and Java tracks at the Software Development Conference. He periodically holds developer retreats, such as the Summer Tech Forum and Winter Tech Forum, and provides public and private training and consulting in programming languages and software system design. His latest books are Atomic Kotlin and On Java 8.

Recent Blogs

Build smarter Java types with records and enums

Take a functional approach to Java type design using Java’s new record keyword to guarantee that each constructed object is a legal value.

Bruce Eckel on Java modules, text blocks, and more

Bruce wraps up his series by examining Project Jigsaw, triple double quotes, try-with-resources, and NullPointerException.

Bruce Eckel on Java pattern matching guards and dominance

Pattern matching guards let you refine the matching condition beyond simply matching on the type.

Bruce Eckel on pattern matching in Java

You can currently use pattern variables for instanceof and for switch. See how they work.

Bruce Eckel on switch expressions, arrow syntax, and case null

The switch statement is constantly evolving. Here are three of the most significant recent improvements: the arrow syntax, the case null option, and switch expressions.

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