Magnus Blåudd

MySQL NDB Cluster Team Lead

Magnus has worked with MySQL and NDB Cluster for more than 25 years. The distributed database NDB was initially developed by Ericsson where Magnus brought it from prototype to a full-fledged product ready for the most demanding use. During his time working on MySQL, he designed the testing system for NDB, redesigned and evolved the MySQL test tools, contributed to numerous parts of MySQL, and during the most recent ten years developed the ndbcluster plugin that connects the MySQL Server to NDB.

His favorite sport is mountain bike orienteering which he writes about at the site.


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Recent Blogs

MySQL NDB Cluster replication: Merge replication for active-active ...

Learn about the merge replication topology used for building scalable, bi-directional, multi-primary replication deployments using MySQL NDB Cluster. This topology makes it possible to reliably scale out circular replication forming three, four, or more clusters all containing the same data.

MySQL NDB Cluster replication: Circular replication for active-active ...

Learn about the two different strategies for setting up multi-primary bidirectional replication between MySQL NDB clusters. This functionality is commonly used for highly available (HA) clusters that requires continuous online operation and disaster protection.

MySQL NDB Cluster replication: Circular replication for active-active ...

Learn about the two different strategies for setting up multi-primary bidirectional replication between MySQL NDB clusters. This functionality is commonly used for highly available (HA) clusters that requires continuous online operation and disaster protection.

MySQL NDB Cluster replication: Dual-channel replication for redundancy

Learn how to setup MySQL NDB Cluster replication using redundancy to continuously replicate data and be fully online during upgrade and maintenance.

MySQL NDB Cluster replication: Single-channel replication

This is the second article in our blog series about MySQL NDB Cluster replication, it describes the basic concept and functional parts of a single-channel replication which is used for replicating data between clusters.

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