Aaron Ricadela

Aaron Ricadela is a senior director at Oracle. He was previously a business journalist at Bloomberg News, BusinessWeek, and InformationWeek. You can follow him on Twitter @ricadela1.

Recent Blogs

Oracle Cloud adds NVIDIA chips, software to speed enterprise AI uptake

As part of an expanded partnership, Oracle is adding tens of thousands of NVIDIA’s AI-processing graphics chips to its cloud and giving customers access to NVIDIA software tools.

While the timid lag, bold businesses counter volatility with cloud ...

Oracle CEO Safra Catz told customers and industry partners at Oracle CloudWorld that moving to cloud versions of business software applications and infrastructure can lead to cost savings.

금융권의 클라우드 지출 급등으로 멀티클라우드 전략에 힘 싣는 규제 기관들

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La nueva versión de la base de datos en la nube MySQL HeatWave de ...

La última versión de Oracle MySQL te propone un planteamiento mejor: crear tus modelos de aprendizaje automático en tu base de datos para no tener que desplazar datos.

O mais recente banco de dados em nuvem MySQL HeatWave da Oracle ...

A versão mais recente do Oracle MySQL oferece uma abordagem melhor: crie modelos de machine learning no banco de dados para que você possa deixar os dados onde estão.

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